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How many of you was on Ritalin or dexamphetamine or any ADD drug before or during your HPPD was triggered?


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The topic about RItalin as been posted twice on other website and articles such as in this article http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/elements/2013/05/a-trip-that-lasts-forever.html it states 'According to some scientists, most psychoactive drugs, including psychiatric medications, can alter the brain’s neural structure'




http://amrglobal.powweb.com/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder in the comments section on August 13th, 2009 asking Dr Arbraham whether he thinks Ritalin is the 'Gateway Drug' to HPPD 

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At one point when I was naively downplaying the role drugs might've had in my ever-worsening state of mental illness, I self-diagnosed with inattentive-ADHD (great idea, I know) and tried out some Ritalin a friend gave to me for a couple of months - 5mg, twice a day. My HPPD did get significantly worse around that time or shortly after but I'm pretty hazy as to what other stuff I was using so I'm not sure if the Ritalin played much of a role. It definitely didn't help me all that much though, and I wish I'd stayed away from it :s

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At one point when I was naively downplaying the role drugs might've had in my ever-worsening state of mental illness, I self-diagnosed with inattentive-ADHD (great idea, I know) and tried out some Ritalin a friend gave to me for a couple of months - 5mg, twice a day. My HPPD did get significantly worse around that time or shortly after but I'm pretty hazy as to what other stuff I was using so I'm not sure if the Ritalin played much of a role. It definitely didn't help me all that much though, and I wish I'd stayed away from it :s

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Yeah, I have been snorting Ritalin a few months ago. It did make my symptoms worse and I was starting to get to the stage where I was almost fully recovered but Ritalin worse my visions again.

BTW I'm more talking about have you tried Ritalin or another ADD drug before you got HPPD from another substance. I'm not doctor but I think these types of meds play apart in triggering HPPD

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