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Tests for COMT polymorphism and cortisol - may be useful?


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Hi, first of all I would thank the admin of this forum and all the people are contributing with their suggests and experience to give support and hope to everyone is living this condition.

I'm 35 yo, and I've had 24/7 visual snow since I can remember. I have never smoked cigarettes or have taken any kind of drugs so I don't really know if I can think to have hppd for definition. So far visual snow and other symptoms (tinnitus, depression) have affected my quality of life very much I'm still fighting to find a cure for it. I'm taking keppra 250 mg/three times a day with little results since 1 week.

I have read many of the hypothesis somebody has discusses here. As many of you, I hope the ongoing research are going to explore in depth the cause of hppd and above all find a cure for it.

I would like to ask you if you think may be useful to study the COMT polymorphism and measure plasmatic cortisolemic value to start to find some way of evidence.

Thanks very much.

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You know whats funny I have a cyst on pituitary gland that I've had all my life, and they said there was no way it was causing these symptoms. My cortisol was normal when they tested but who knows maybe it excreted and then stabilized at some point. Regardless, I feel all of our conditions, visual snow, hppd, dp dr are similar and maybe the cure would cure all, that's why I think we should all unite, for a movement and a market for those bastard pharm companies to put research into

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You know whats funny I have a cyst on pituitary gland that I've had all my life, and they said there was no way it was causing these symptoms. My cortisol was normal when they tested but who knows maybe it excreted and then stabilized at some point. Regardless, I feel all of our conditions, visual snow, hppd, dp dr are similar and maybe the cure would cure all, that's why I think we should all unite, for a movement and a market for those bastard pharm companies to put research into

I'm thinking the same about a cure, we should gather the guys over at the visual snow forum and make them do what they can!

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Yeah I've had everything checked and it's all borderline but not enough for them to say, "oh this is why you feel like shit not drugs!" coriisol was 8 points low, adrenals were high, testosterone was low, I think prolactin was normal though. The guys I'm seeing at this hospital got their shit together though, even the neuro optomoligist knew what hppd was! So they are still trying to determine all the factors but it'd be too much of coincidence that I was around pot and that this happened again that night. On another note, those guy on that other site those with visual snow, have similar neuro probs as we do. Ie dp dr anxiety cog probs and the like. It gets me thinking that we might have got this anyway but drugs just sped it up, or that ours and their disorder are the same only with different factors.

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