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Up til recently when I woke I would see thick b/w sparkly snow.in specks and groupings of.4... Like 4 circles in a ground amd then a break 4 more. After a rocky night sleep ( mad cevs ) I woke up to a cev,amd ir was sorta a cracked fractally pattern, when I opened my eyes and blinked I could see the white outine of all the cracks. Almost like I could see veins in my eyes...but white and allover my vision. Pretty nasty.


i have this too when i first wake up and blink while looking on a bright surface.

and yes this are your veins its called the purkinje's tree.

i also got it while an eye exam and the doc looks into my eye with his slit lamp.


Strange eh. I wonder why hppd makes us see it sometimes. Fuckin wierd like. Ah well its not harmfull. As is the way with hppd it makes u thinj its gone then it scares you. Yesterday I had minimal snow. Trails didnt bother me. Maybe 5 after images ll day. No cevs. But then when almost asleep dmt like cevs, anxiety and then wake up to the tree vessells


we are hyper sensitive to everything what happens to our vision.

you never know for sure whats normal, whats normal but increased or whats HPPD on its own.

the purkinje's tree is mostly normal for everybody while eye exams and alot people without HPPD get it when tired and lookin on a white wall for example.

my girlfriend told me a few weeks ago when she wakes up in a room with a texture wallpaper she sees it moving. dont now if this normal or if its related to her drug use in the past. but i think when we are tired alot of people can relate to a few HPPD symptoms.

here is a pic of the prunkije's tree:



I've always seen that when I press against my closed eyelids for a while. but after hppd really weird stuff happens when I do that...first of all, the snow gets crazy and colorful, and then a donut shaped afterimage is formed (this takes a while to go away) and then this weird pattern is everywhere. after pressing against my eyes a little more the "trees" start to show up, and then fractals that look like this: start forming all over them. It's weird and even when I open my eyes it takes a couple seconds for everything to fade.



pressing your eylid creates phosphenes in everyone i did that as a child very often.

maybe it creates more crazy stuff a normal brain filters out.

dont do this its not very healthy for your eyeball


Yeah I get that. Google dmt visuals or patterns. I get that after like 10 mins

10 min of pressing against your eyeballs!? jeez dude you must've got some pretty blurred vision after that lol

pressing your eylid creates phosphenes in everyone i did that as a child very often.

maybe it creates more crazy stuff a normal brain filters out.

dont do this its not very healthy for your eyeball

yeah it definitely makes more visuals now than it did pre-hppd, at least for me. But yeah I won't do this again...I'm not even sure why I do it so much in the first place.


10 min of pressing against your eyeballs!? jeez dude you must've got some pretty blurred vision after that lol

Noooo man, that happens without pressing my eyes. I dont manipulate or play with my vision. i shut my eyes and its just white static, mainly black..then it gets coloury then patterny, within 5-10 minutes its like a full on DMT trip


oh wow that sucks :( in my first couple weeks of HPPD I was like that too and hated the constantly changing and moving patterns. It passed on to just a geometric mesh over time and now it pretty much just resembles static. It'll get better, it did for me.


i think as long as symptoms fluctates your brain trys to adapt maybe its a good sign.

stagnation could be worse because your brain doesnt try to fix anymore.

thats only my opinion and i have no evidence

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