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Brain Damage

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Really been freaking myself out lately. I keep thinking I might develop brain problems down the road. DXM and JWH use specifically make me think this. Bleh, I almost wish I never touched drugs, even If I did learn a lot about myself. Anybody ever feel this way?

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Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I guess if I had brain damage it would have been a bit more obvious. I just need to stay off the internet. If I had stayed off the internet I would not have learned about half the shit I've done. Damn, I just liked getting really high. . . <_<

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Damn, that's no good. I thank the lord I have pretty much zero anxiety. I got really good at mentally combating it, and using breathing exercises. So now it hardly ever happens. But I feel for you man, thanks for reassurance.

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The worst part of my hppd is anxiety and fear of worsening but on the day to day its under control, I just have bad days. Ur very lucky not to have it. Anyway as harry mentioned hppd could be brain alteration but its not damage I dont think. Besides who cares, whats done is done and ur obviously coping well

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I've always been very resilient to the challenges of life. I have been through a lot, and its sort of conditioned me to the point where I can put up with pretty much anything. The way I see it, If i'm not dead, i'm doing alright. I guess I should consider my case very mild, it's mostly visual, and like you said there are good days and bad days. Yeah, you are totally right. It's not like worrying is going to change the things I did. I really appreciate both of your replies! Really keeps me going.

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