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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. Yeah man, it's gettin better, i just never really hear them mentioned, especially the fatigue, since it really makes my life difficult to deal with sometimes...ive finally sobered up, ive also had alot of symptoms clear up since it started...the basic ones remain though. And yeah man, yesterday after workin out my head felt so clear...

    And i agree, sometimes people talk to me and i answer in my head and hear it but many times the words dont even come out haha makes me feel retarded...i just shrug it off now.

  2. Extreme cognitive difficulty...stuttering, mixing up words, forgetting things you should know (which song is what, who is who, names etc)...pains on my body...like my muscles are weak, i work out and it takes a week for it to not hurts, except it hurts alot more intensely than it ever did...muscles twitches....

    Something that really bothers me is fatigue, like my brain never enters into deep sleep, i have really vivid dreams paradoxically and im always tired, no energy whatsoever.

  3. I can really relate on the "what would my old self do?" I feel like i play that game constantly. Let me tell you that it is IMPERATIVE that you stop all drug use IMMEDIATELY. Even coffee. I just got out of rehab for benzo abuse (not addiction) and guess what? coffee for a week gave me some energy but made my afterimages get worse. Nicotine affects me cognitively. My symptoms started of as visual snow and head zaps and now, due to continued drug use, i experience full on DPDR hell. It's slowly been getting better, i actually dont feel as hellishly fatigued as i used to.

    Im an aspiring writer too, and guess what? im not gonna let this shit beat me. I read A farewell to arms, cover to cover, yesterday. It would have seemed impossible 6 months ago. Just work on exercising, eating healthy, and practicing acceptance. The Tao te Ching by Lao tzu has been instrumental. LA i think would definitely be good, stay away from the drugs though. Being at home i just think about my symptoms all day but when i work or exercise i forget and feel great for a while. Shoot me a message if you wanna chat, i need it too.

    And yeah, i was just at big sur. When to yosemite too. Couldnt help but wonder how much more i wouldve enjoyed it pre hppd. Try reading big sur by kerouac. I havent gotten around to it, but it's his memoir of goin to big sur to try to get over delirium tremens and quit alcohol.

  4. Honestly, Ive been drinking heavily quite constantly, to the point where im startin to fear an addiction, even smoked bud a few times, and have snorted a couple of roxys. I started klon last friday and my afterimages have actually died down and I do feel a little better. Im goin off with some friends for the weekend and then startin a job monday, thinkin ima stay on the regimen. Get really fucked up this weekend and begin Operation Get Better. Mentally im in a good place.

  5. Got a prescription, the doctor (experienced tripper, graduated from princeton, ex alcoholic drug addict, dealing with fiends all day) says that below 1 mg doesnt really cause bad withdrawal. I have come to feel like a .5 would really help me, but if it does cause withdrawal i dont see it as being worth it, especially since i would have to take it for a few months. What are you guys' experiences on .5mgs?

  6. Nah i never had a bad trip, this just happened randomly one night. When i think about my trips I just get bummed out that Ill never get to experience that again. Plus, it almost seems like that happened to someone else. Like, did I really try LSD? Did I really feel that much alive, especially in comparison to how I feel now? Even thinking about my 6 month long PCP ordeal doesn't make me anxious, it just makes me glad that it got a little better.

  7. I'm a firm believer in their healing power as well. But i used them responsibly, for spiritual purposes, no more than 11 times and I ended up here. It's all about individual constitution. But thanks for your efforts man, right on.

  8. Im not sayin never smoke again. Just if you do, your brains probably not gonna "heal" back to 100%. Taking a break will let shit reset itself. I was never anxious on weed, but it kept bringing about more and more symptoms. It is what it is. Now a blunt is like snorting a line of ketamine for me. When i got HPPD it felt good.

    If had mild DP since may 2011, heavy DPDR since around november 2011.

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  9. Im sorry man. Your kid's autism had nothing to do with HPPD. NOTHING. You pass on your pre HPPD genes, sure if he does acid hed probably get it, but autism is chromosomal. Im sorry you feel this way man. I feel you on your belief in god too, im right there with you. But do it for your kid man. Be strong for him. Maybe get a prescription for an opiate and take it from time to time, being careful about addiction. Maybe antihistamines or muscle relaxants? Go to the doctor and fucking cry in front of him if you have to and make him fucking help you. Give him the whole, you got into this to help people and now you dont give a fuck when i come in here, on my last straw. Im ready to do something drastic and youre about to send me out there back out again? I dont know man. Make him help you. Hope you feel better dude, we're here for you.

  10. Hey guys, i have some glutathione accelerator lying around that my uncle gave to my dad for his cancer treatment but that he never used. It contains L GLutamine, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid, cordyceps, n-acetyl d-glucosamine, quertecin, milk thistle, and silimarin. Does it look like it could help, or make anything worse? I basically want it for the nac, im just wonderin whether it could affect my symptoms.

  11. Idk man. I wouldnt risk it. Just read some of the stories. Once more could be enough to break the camel's back. My symptoms appeared 6 months after my last trip, one night, out of the fucking blue. Started of pretty mild, kept smokin and drinking and now my shits really fucked up. Your choice dude. Chances are youd be fine but chances are youd be left with at least some symptoms for life. Your choice whether you wanna see trails and static forever or not. Not to mention DPDR, panic attacks, depression etc.

    The snow might not be too bad, but itll at least hinder your night vision quite badly eventually. I know a kid who is pretty fine in every sense (emotionally,, intellectually), except he doesnt really drive at night because of all the shit that goes on with his vision.

  12. Listen man, the one thing that isnt gonna happen is that youll go insane. If it were a possibility it wouldve happened a long time ago. Maybe it was the physical exertion that made your symptoms get a little worse, it happens. In my experience the worst thing you can do is worry. That TRULY makes my shit get worse. Ive had this for 2 years, it's never once gotten randomly worse.

  13. Id quit hard drugs for good man, chances are you could end up like most of us here, and let me tell you, itll suck the life out of you for a few years. Id quit weed for a while til it goes away, chances are youll be able to smoke again in the remote future, but dont gamble with the rest of your life just to dance around like some ponce to some shitty dubstep for a few hours, it's not worth it. CHances are itll go away if you eat healthy, exercise and try to put it behind you.

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