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Posts posted by brendan

  1. i get sort of vertigo - more a constant sensation of movement, like you might get when you come out of a lift sometimes. This is associated with head-pressure. It feels like i have two heads, one inside another which is floating around under pressure. I also got vertigo like a fear of heights feeling but when on the ground - that was cured by n-acetyl cysteine. Also i had bad brain fog in the front of my head - like it was stuffed with cotton wool; again, sorted with nac. Now i just have head pressure at the back and sides going into my throat, especially if i need to handle a lot of information. Nothing seems to touch this tho. Maybe a muscle relaxant could work.

  2. so ive tried keppra, and worked up to 1000mg per day. No negative effects. Found it to be fairly anti-depressant. Good mood all the time. Helps with head pressure from too much activity but not the constant bacground tightness at back of head/throat. These effects seemed to come on quite quickly and didnt need the build up that i was told was required. So i dont know if there is an aspect of this drug that comes on fast while the anti-epileptic effect needs building up. I shall now use this drug as and when i get head pressure or am under stress rather than a constant companion for life. Minimal effect on visuals, tho that is not my main symptom. I would like to try guanfacine next.

  3. shogun, you are being ripped off (unless that price is in yen). Shop around. Mine is 100g for about £8. NAC has not affected my visuals at all, just cured my anxiety and sense of ungroundedness (sort of agrophobic vertigo), and made me clear headed. It may be a specific sort of anxiety it helps with and perhaps youll still need benzos etc for the rest, but for me it has been all ive needed to cure anxiety. I have said previously to have a big dose now and again then a maintenance dose of about 600mg or a single 1ml scoop of powder per day. I am going to go back on that. I have started taking a 1ml scoop (about 800mg) 3 times a day with meals, plus more with alcohol. This level also brings a relief to my leg fatigue and gives a general feeling of physical strength.

  4. gingko is different - a herb rather than an amino acid. I didnt see any noticeable benefit from it but it doesnt surprise me that some people here find it helpful. Have a look on the internet at sports powder shop sites for nac, i;m sure you'll find lots. Or ebay. That's where i got my bag of gingko from.

  5. i think some people can have a bad stomach from it. If you are taking it in pill form make sure you take it right down cos if it gets stuck youll get bad heart burn. It is unlikely to be allergy, but could be herxheimer. Like what visual says, reduce your dose to one that has no side effects then build up slowly. Also, take it with food, not on empty stomach.

  6. there is the issue of epigenetics. No one knows whether hppd (or much else - it is a young science) causes heritable epigenetic changes and what the consequences might be, but worth keeping an eye out for any patterns of problems emerging in the next generation.

  7. I wouldn't buy the powder, it tastes like crap.

    ah its not so bad. Fresh powder smells acetic, while older stuff smells eggy. But the when taste dissolved in water is a bit acidic with and an aroma a bit like matches. Not too bad if fresh.

    1998 - maybe 600mg is too much for you to start on if it makes you feel shite. Perhaps get a powder and start with half a 1ml scoop. Or just power thru the nasty stage - it will pass.

  8. Joe - its been a while since you last posted. From your posts it seems like you got a dramatic improvement in the first week or so and then reached a constant level or at least only small improvements since. How is it now? Have you stopped using it since, and did your symptoms return when you stopped, or were the improvements permanent? And did it have any effect on head pressure (if you have/had it)?

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