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Everything posted by kasco

  1. I’m in the same boat. I’m a little over 3 years into it and some days I feel like it’s almost over and others I feel like it’s hopeless. It happens in such small increments that it’s hard to notice, but I’ve noticed that sobriety makes the increments a little larger. Drinking is the least harmful in my opinion, but it’s still something I barely do as being hungover with HPPD is hell. I believe you’ll find peace and be rid of the symptoms soon, just take it a day at a time.
  2. I’ve been through the wringer with meds, but I’ve found a cocktail that decreases the intensity of daily hallucinations (I have a constant state of them) and decreases the number of really bad episodes. Cymbalta (once a day), Ziprasidone (twice a day), Prazosin (twice a day), Lamictal (once a day) , and Hydroxyzine Pamoate (as needed) have helped me a lot. A lot of antipsychs made my hallucinations worse, especially Abilify and Risperidone. There has not been a complete stop to my episodes, but the combo of these meds and sobriety has made it a lot easier. I still have a problem with disassociation and derealization, but that can be helped by benzodiazepines on the right person (I have a history of abuse and can’t be prescribed scheduled drugs). I hope this was helpful to someone!
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