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Posts posted by SS1

  1. dephosporylation and phosphorylation (adding or removing a phosphate acts as an on/off switch; for some proteins its "on" others "off" and vice versa.... It's like a cascade of events, usually another protein known as a kinase would add the phosphate group, one the phosphate is added, the complex would work to stimulate something else (could be transcriptional changes, apoptosis, etc....) somewhere else along the cascade/pathway)

    From what I gather, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4381966/, it appears that if this protein is phosphorylated, it is inhibited. Dephosphorylated, it is activated. Although, I'm still trying to figure out which is good and which is bad, the dephosporylation or the phosphorylation. In any case, its just a theory, there are so many theories for so many conditions/diseases. I would be curious to here about exogenous substances that could affect its modulation, from that article it seems to play a role in epilepsy, neuropathic pain, and spasticity, conditions.

    Has anyone tried to explain it to you? - I'd be interested in hearing more about it.

  2. My initial symptoms I thought would just go away (you always read about how sometimes antidepressants/antianxiety meds can sometimes have side effects that subside so I figured that's what these symptoms were). First week I noticed only when writing that my hands were a little shaky.  Eventually I developed visual snow in half my vision, saw colors vividly (as if on hallucinogens; never done any but I imagine that's what they see), and felt a sense of being afraid to be around people.

    Immediately stopped that crap and a week later I developed visual snow in all of my vision and have blue etopic phenomenon. Weeks later at night I developed palinopsia (light trailing) and halos (both at night only). Oh and I recently developed tinnitus in one ear only that comes and goes. 

  3. I've been reading up on a lot of different supplements, most don't seem to have solid evidence to ensure me they wont worsen my visual snow or palinopsia. I came across this article on CBD for visual snow related to migraines. Long story short, it mentions hyper excitability of neurons and how CBD (without THC) has been studied to help (If you've done as much reading as me you've probably come across something about hyper metabolism/excitability as a possible cause to HPPD symptoms).

    Anyways, any one ever try CBD or HEMP? did it help or worsen your symptoms?   

  4. On 4/13/2019 at 12:14 AM, drone33 said:

    The title pretty much says everything. I tried to use a dopamine reuptake inhibitor because I noticed my HPPD is mostly dopaminergic. It was a mistake to try Wellbutrin when I gave this idea to my doctor. My cognition got way worse, as well as my anxiety and OCD. As of now, the symptoms haven't improved much, and the visuals remain the same as when I started the Wellbutrin. Visual snow at full force, when I use to mainly not even notice it before.

    Don't use this shit, ever. Most people don't get much out of it and there's only been one success story: for depression. Not for HPPD. It's pure garbage.

    Hoping to get better these following days, but I'm pretty sure I caused some permanent damage. I can't really tell or predict what will happen.

    Wellbutrin gave me HPPD. 

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