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Everything posted by SaraSara

  1. I'm really happy to hear that ur symptoms have improved. Hopefully they will go away completely and never come back . Ur improvements give me some hope:)
  2. I really hope that visual snow is reversible without the need for stem cell therapy but it is indeed something that we all need to bear in mind . Scientists are considering stem cell therapy in epilepsy patients since their interneurons are dead/dysfunctional. maybe its the same in hppd or visual snow . That would explain why keppra seems to reduce the visual disturbances in some hppd/vs patients. https://www.epilepsyresearch.org.uk/transplanting-human-nerve-cells-to-treat-epilepsy/ @K.B.Fante Btw do u know when neurogroup will start the hppd research ? The visual snow research at Kings College is taking ages due to lack of funding:( . Dr Goadsby and his team did a PET scan in 2014 and they're planning on doing Fmri scans in April, hopefully this will give us more insight into this horrible condition .
  3. This article shows that stem cell therapy can fix the visual cortex but it's still in its infancy. http://mobile.the-scientist.com/article/47349/added-neurons-are-functionally-integrated-into-mouse-brain-circuits But I read something weird on Wikipedia about vs ( on the hppd Wikipedia part ) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinogen_persisting_perception_disorder 'As for root cause of visual snow, some theories suggest that it is the result of thermal noise in the visual cortex or in the 'Optic Pathway' (encompassing photoreceptor cells on the retina, the optic nerve, and the optic chiasm." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1274605/. This was the reference on Wikipedia for this theory. If it's related to retina neurons it will be even more difficult to fix coz that area is so small. I really hope this theory about vs is wrong .
  4. could it be that those who get fully cured of vs or hppd are dealing with some sort of chemical imbalance and those who are stuck with vs and/or hppd are suffering from neurodegeneration? I'm no expert what so ever but after reading these posts and articles I'm starting to think that maybe various things can cause/trigger vs/hppd just like in Tinnitus. Some ppl get it after hearing loss some ppl get it after a stressful event . I personally got vs and palinopsia after ssri withdrawal . I've never used any illicit drug but xtc , lsd and SSRI's are all serotonin related that's why vs due to SSRI withdrawal might be caused in the same way as hppd rather that idiopathic vs .
  5. I read ur other post where u said that hppd is caused by neurodegeneration . If that's the case nothing can heal or cure us except for stem cell therapy? Or do u mean mentally healing ? Have u been cured of any hppd visual disturbances ? Is or was one of ur symptoms vs ?
  6. I really hope that we're dealing with a chemical imbalance which is reversible. Ur lucky ur vs and trailings are gone . To me the most disturbing symptoms are vs and trailings . Trailings are a bit more bearable than vs coz I only see it in the dark from time to time and it's not 24/7 . My negative after images are more than the trailings but they don't freak me out .I just find them annoying. Ur already pretty much cured of vs and trailings so I think and hope the after images will go away as well .
  7. After reading so many articles I too believed that hppd/vs which is drug related ( including ssri's and benzo's) is caused by neuronal death . But I've also read that some ppl have fully recovered( after taking keppra or even without any meds) According to dr Abraham 50% fully recover . But does he mean the visuals completely disappear or that 50% of hppd patients recover mentally despite having disturbing visual symptoms? http://thosewithvisualsnow.yuku.com/reply/25645 this is an old thread but apparently this guy 100% cured his vs . Honestly I'm just looking for something to get rid of vs . I can live with some negative after images and slight trailings .
  8. How long did that guy remain symptom free ? And what were his symptoms? Vs ? Plz update us once u've seen Dr Goadsby. I think we would all like to know what this brain hypermetabolism means and how they're planning on treating it. Are few of the neurons dead/permanently damaged which is causing the other neurons to be hyperactive? Or are all the neurons still present but simply over active ?
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