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Everything posted by Guyindubai

  1. Something that makes no sense what so ever is... all google researches google etc shows that testosterone decreases the anxiety never increases it.. therefore Im considering my meds might have stopped working.. but im gna check with my doctor tomorrow about the T, he should know more.
  2. I am on it because i suffered from low or non existant lebido, and manly problems from long use off SSRI-- but im going to see my urologist tomorrow to get off it.
  3. My Visuals surfaced again, feeling weird like I'm dizzy somewhat a lot of headches and my hands shake, feeling something weird in the gut this anxious scared feeling, having sudden spike in anixity.... Can't tell if the test is doing this...
  4. Ya well it's been making me moody angry sad nervous and anxious at time...
  5. Anyone here on testosterone injections or testosterone therapy? IF so does testosterone worsen your HPPD or make it better? I am currently on testosterone therapy, been on it for 1 year, and recently started to feel very strong panic, anixity, anger, depression, not sure if the testosterone is causing it, or my medicine which is Klonopin 2mg and Keppra 500mg stopped working..
  6. What are you feeling exactly.. please explain
  7. MR.50.. can you provide me with the link to the study on the keppra made?? And also you need to wait until your brain and body get used to the medcine, it will take you about 2 weeks until you can start increasing the dose, or changing the way you take it.. i think..
  8. Maybe its time we spend some money,, research.. do whatever is needed to get our disorder spread and maybe get something help once and for all?
  9. Have you seen your doctor and discusses this with him? I suggest you do that first, and see how he can help you stop if. there is always a way
  10. If you want to stop it you must do it very slowly and take 10% out of your medcine for 1 week then do the same.. Don't stop your medcine at once. So you need to drop the dose slowly and over a long period of time
  11. Umit, I actually did try an antipsychotic as the first Medcine once I saw my doctor and it made my HPPD worse I wasn't able to continue it.. I'm currently on keppra 500mg, but I'm not sure if it's doing anything for me
  12. can you show me a study where it has worked v
  13. Isn't it an antipsychotic which makes HPPD worse in most cases?
  14. Hello all.. So I was just thinking, what medcine has been proven to work so far.. We know klonopin and other benzo are working, but if you can give out w list of medications that worked for you? What are they?
  15. Regarding the Keppra she prescribed it to you based on what you told her? and did you tell your you got hppd, and does she know what hppd is?
  16. Thats good to know.. What did your doctor tell you when you explained to him your HPPD, and what did he prescribe to you other then keppra? and what dose are you currently on? do share the details!
  17. I am also sorry for your Wife's cousin.. and sorry that her family will suffer and she is suffering.. I hope times get better for her family.
  18. I just got back from the gym, and I think thats my pre-work out getting my a little to angry, but im not letting the anger get to me.. i am happy with my life, and hopefully will continue to be. Life is cruel indeed.. but I wont and didnt let the anger get to me.. i just wanted to know how are stuck? This is not as serious as cancer.. Yes so much money goes into cancer, but it cant be cured.. has money went into HPPD? no.. and I dont think it will.. maybe my message was why arent we getting the awenress we need? because i honestly true think that if we reach enough people.. we can one day get the enough medical care, and possibly develop a control/cure for our disorder. .
  19. You dont need to end your life.. HPPD is hard. and tough, and makes you want to quit life, but you must stay strong and have faith, you will get better, you will have better days.. your still young and have a life ahead of you.. you will be happy again, just be patient. By all means move out from your parents house, but you need to look into things that will help you, have you tried taking any medications? please feel free to PM I willing to give you as much advise and talk to you as much as you need. but you need to stay strong and hang in there. My HPPD started at the age of 18.. i wanted to kill myself back then, but 7 year later i have managed to recover from everything and live a normal life-- and i think you can and will be able to live a happy life. Dont give up, stay strong.
  20. I simply refuse to believe that after 50 years of patients going to doctors and spreading the word about HPPD, that there is no cure found for HPPD, either really doctors dont care about this disorder. or they cant find a cure. Because in this current world we live in, the technology is so far advance.. they have such advanced medical technology yet we can cure a disorder or a disease that has been there for 50 + years? We live in the 21st century where everything has reached almost its maximum potient.. please someone explain to me how we still haven't gotten our cure? how we still havent been answer to how to at-least control this disorder if not cure it, how 50% of the doctors dont even know what hppd is. I am just angry at the world and at doctors, and honestly speaking if I was a millionaire with the money to fund a research to find a cure for the disorder that I suffer from, and i wouldn't wish this disorder on my worst enemy.. how on earth haven't we reached somewhere in 50 years.. i refuse to believe this. after 50 long years not a single doctor has found a way to control this disorder?? I can go on for days...... but i will leave at this is pure bullshit and im angry at the world.
  21. I have it prescribed since 5 years, back then i came across a doctor who was flexible and was willing to listen, i explained to him my situation, told him what other people like me had taken and how it worked out for them, and he let me try it, and it worked for, and since then whenever i switch to a doctor, i tell him how i am on the current medication, and he doesnt refuse to prescribe it to me since im already taking it... Also here in the country i live in you dont need a prescription to buy Keppra, for some reason its not a controlled drug-- i only need prescription for SSRI + Klonopin and those kind of meds
  22. Thank you for all those links, but I wont be abel to proivde him anything from them as im sure he wont have time to go through all of those long studies- i was thinking of providing him with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinogen_persisting_perception_disorder and explaining to him my sympots and how i got my hppd.. Or do you have a paper that explains what HPPD is as straight forwards as Wikiipidea? Thanks
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