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Posts posted by SlavicPsychonaut

  1. Haha, no I'd never indulge in meth, but my addictive personality got the better of me and led me to binge on Adderall whilst studying for finals last semester, and I've essentially baselined in regards to my symptomology; at least I'm vehemently committed to never abusing a mind-altering substance again. It instilled the beauty of sobriety into me again, but I'm a fucking cognitive wreck. Might as well as smoked some ice with the amount I ingested, considering ampthethamine just lacks a methyl molecule, and is virtually structurally identical to methamphetamine. :P

  2. I definitely had a more pessimistic view of the world after initially acquiring HPPD, but it quickly dissipated after I was prescribed Klonopin and it put the majority of my symptoms into remission. Then, I foolishly became addicted to cannabis again and perceived the world pessimisticly and with a substantial amount of contempt; after my Adderall binge, everything was put into perspective again, in conjunction with severe cognitive impairment. At least I've been clean and sober for almost a month, but my HPPD is far more severe thanks to my drug-induced disinhibition and a sense of invincibility to non-hallucinogenic substances regardless of the dosage. I've literally baselined and feel identical to how I felt three years ago; it's a mortifying case of déjà vu. If I didn't have a phenomenal, supporting, beautiful, divine family I probably would've committed suicide by now for being so imbecilic. I am genuinely at a loss on how I'll recover from this secondary HPPD nightmare, but it's a better alternative than leading myself into self-destruction and inevitable death, as I have been doing this past year. Perhaps, this was divine intervention, or perhaps I'm just now irrefutably psychotic.

    Hope is what helps me persevere, amongst other elements in my life I cherish too much to permanently leave behind.

  3. Thanks for your well meaning post.

    With all due respect, "if you have real bad anxiety, drink a soda" is the sort of thing someone who doesn't know bad anxiety would say.

    I'm looking for experiences with anxiety medication and HPPD. :-)

    Edit: As for Ashwagandha; I don't feel like going into these herbal supplements in this thread, but suffice to say, ashwagandha is a GABA agonist. One might as well use a well-researched benzodiazepine if looking for GABA agonism (or positive allosteric modulation, but I digress...).

    Don't discredit the viability of herbal supplements so vehemently. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is saturated in fish and can assist with memory recall and increased cognitive function, Vinpocetine is an analogous derivative of vincamine, naturally extracted from the periwinkle flower and increases oxygen levels in the cerebral cortex for enhanced mental clarity and acuity, Huperzine A addresses acetylcholine deficiencies which is a crucial neurotransmitter for working memory and focus, and it possesses antioxidant compounds. The dilemma with herbal supplements as opposed to pharmacological medication is they aren't subjected to clinical trials, thus leading to lack of empirical data; the FDA has a propensity for not giving a shit about herbal supplements and their implications which exacerbates inclusive data pertaining to these supplements. Coincidentally, the three herbal supplements I listed have gone through rigorous, placebo-controlled clinical trials, and have proved to inhibit cognitive decline.

    Individuals on this forum have reported a myriad of benefits from herbal supplements, nootropics and other non-pharm compounds; pharmaceuticals are palliative in treating HPPD at best. Now to address a medication that can attenuate your anxiety issues, I'd research Lamictal; it has a beautiful pharmacological profile and is being employed off-label to treat HPPD; I'll be asking my psych for a prescription soon, as my tolerance to Klonopin is asinine and I genuinely want to alter my medication regimen. With HPPD, I'm a fanatical advocate of neuroplasticity, nutrition and copious amounts of exercise for neural regeneration and cumulative neuronal density increase within the brain. I wish you nothing but luck in finding a suitable med to eradicate your anxiety.

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  4. Did you seriously just say this !?? Embrace my new perception !!! I am fuking disembodied and disconnected as fuk, my brain doesn't work and is very slow, I cannot pick up on social and emotional cues how the fuk can I embrace that!??

    Your blatant pessimism and rumination on your symptoms is hindering your recovery, and I'm not being a dick, because I did the same thing for an entire year, and it was exhausting physically and mentally. HPPD is manageable, and I'm a firm advocate that you can live a fulfilling life with it. I wholeheartedly agree that it makes daily life extremely difficult, and you're not the only one that suffers from the co-morbidities of HPPD, I struggle everyday with derealization, not to mention substance abuse issues which have rendered my short term memory quite impaired and a recent binge on Adderall has literally manifested a new state of dissociation for myself, and I've essentially baselined. In addition, I'll be admitting myself for a second time into a chemical dependence facility, and I loathe myself for having to obtain treatment again, but it's going to be beneficial!

    I still manage to excel in college with this atrocious illness, it really is predicated on optimistic thinking. Individuals who've suffered TBIs, strokes, have been physically maimed and even schizophrenics can lead fulfilling lives, why can't you? The brain is an organ capable of infinite possibilities and has an affinity for forming new neural pathways and compensating for cognitive dysfunction; it requires ample time and proper nutrition to heal!

    I'm just trying to encourage you to persevere through this shit, like everybody on this forum does, and remain optimistic. Life has too many benevolent experiences to offer to let HPPD completely ruin it for you, Jess.

  5. Outright claims of ''proof'' really need to be followed by some ''proof'' in cases like these. Saying that something is proven to be true is really quite different from saying that you suppose it might be true, or that it may turn out to be true for some people.

    I can't locate any medical literature bolstering its legitimacy as a Sinemet alternative, I'm quite enthusiastic and grandiose at times. Albeit, it is employed in Ayurvedic medicine, and has been since ancient periods to treat PD. All I can really provide is anecdotal accounts. Medical research has dictated that a 30g dose can be as effective as carbidopa/levodopa in treating symptoms of Parkinson's, and conversely it can be applied to HPPD sufferers. Again, this is speculation, but empirical evidence does exist. I was just offering a prospective alternative to Sinemet with a pinch of optimism. :D



  6. You're welcome! I'm going to ask my neurologist for a script of Tolcapone on Thursday and see if it has any efficacy. It's been empirically documented to alleviate HPPD symptoms in 1/3 of HPPD patients with Sinemet as an adjunct. It's postulated that COMT inhibition can negate discrepancies in sensory gating and be of therapeutic value. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Here's an article that's a bit more elaborative on how it can be beneficial for us: http://amrglobal.powweb.com/a-new-treatment-for-hppd

    • Upvote 1
  7. Holy shit, I didn't know it had trace amounts of tryptamines! Personally, I haven't experienced any psychedelic effects from taking the recommended dose, but that could be antithetical to the L-DOPA it delivers for sufferers who have a higher sensitivity to supplements and meds and could exacerbate HPPD symptoms for sure; good call, Jay. I'd imagine you'd have to take an excessive dose to trip, but everybody's biochemistry is different.

  8. Haha, I can relate. My initial addiction was food, then video games, then World of Warcraft, then cannabis. I fell in love with it immediately and blazed my first ounce in a week, progressively working up to half an ounce a day. I just recently quit after a two year binge where I was consuming half a pound to a pound a month and smoking copious amounts of potent THC concentrate; it was the only thing that obliterated my derealization, but it was starting to consume my life, and I literally could not function without being saturated with THC.

  9. NAC is a phenomenal supplement, I've noticed immediate cognitive improvements. I haven't been consistent enough with lutein and zeaxanthin to be cognizant of any increase in visual acuity, but that's awesome that you benefit from it. My sensitivity to light has been fucked ever since I imbecilically dosed 60 mgs of Adderall in a day to study for finals and take exams, but I'm subsequently battling an addictive personality, haha.

  10. I've been popping Klonopin virtually daily for three years as well; it's the only alkaloid that restored my cognition and obliterated my visual distortions, albeit my tolerance is preposterous and I don't want to even fathom taking 3-4 mgs a day.  Considering you've only been abstinent for six months, it's inevitably going to take time for your GABA receptors to upregulate to feel some psychological sense of normalcy.  Honestly, I fucking loathe Klonopin because of its notoriety as an addictive substance, and I feel hostile, agitated and withdrawn whilst it's effective in my system, so I can definitely emphasize with you.  I commend your successful cessation of Klonopin use; something I intend to do once I find a more conducive medication that doesn't convert me into an aggressive, pretentious dick!  Tolcapone looks promising, you should research it.

  11. Hey guys and gals,

    For my fellow HPPDers who benefit from Sinemet and other dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine precursors, there's an alternative supplement at your disposal! Velvet bean extract, trademarked as DopaBean is proven to be just as efficacious, if not more than Sinemet in ameliorating HPPD symptomatology; it possesses 15% L-DOPA and 5% catecholamines, ( I'm presuming norepinephrine and epinephrine). If anybody on this forum is currently taking this supplement, I'd love to hear your feedback on any positive effects its had on you. I started dosing a few weeks ago, and inherently have more energy throughout the day and it also stimulates my motivation, albeit it doesn't alleviate my DR.  I just thought I'd divulge this awesome supplement I stumbled upon for anybody looking for a natural source of L-DOPA as neurologists can be apprehensive to prescribe a PD medication in this epoch. Have a great night, everyone.

  12. I smoke inconceivable amounts of cannabis approximating to easily almost a pound a month, and I haven't noticed the slightest amplification of HPPD visual distortions, (in fact, I can empirically and anecdotally attest to THC dramatically reducing visuals and negating my dissociative feelings). I can completely emphasize with Mike, as the psychedelic component of THC induces a psychological tolerance for the DP/DR correlated with HPPD onset that makes it more than tolerable for myself. On good ethos, I could never recommend cannabis to anybody wishing to holistically recover from HPPD, as the psychedelic component aggravates visual distortions in the majority of people who've indulged post-HPPD.

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