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Everything posted by pennyarcade

  1. Quick update still continuing treatment. I'm experiencing severe mood changes one day ill feel uber confident and then I have difficulty leaving the house. My vision is erratic as well the Vivid vision I described deteriorated for a week or so but its been back a couple of days and its the best it has been for as long as I remember. I don't know what else to write its more of the same really... it seems to go like this... I start to feel better and then I feel worse but after a few cycles I start to reach a new lvl of feeling better and then I get ill again and so on and so on. I will say today feels really special like i'm at a turning point but I have had these feelings before, I don't think im out of the woods yet. How is the keppra going Ludwig?
  2. Dude no one here with HPPD is lucky, you are really going to have to address your mindset to get through this. I don't know the extent of your HPPD but thank fuck your not blind eh? And thank fuck you have the freedom to pursue drugs if you choose to. The drugs aren't going anywhere man just give them a break and see how you feel.
  3. Have you tried inositol? I had good results for about a month but then it started to make my visuals worse others have been able to tolerate it though. I found it useful for anxiety and depression.
  4. Yeah the diet sucks I could murder a doughnut and some beer, but ive invested to much in this, hopefully by christmas I will have this in check I dont want another candida christmas.... imagine christmas without sugar Good luck with the keppra by the way fingers crossed for you mate.
  5. I'm doing really great man my vision is vivid nearly all the time now I still have static but sometimes it gets dulled down as if i had taken a benzo. Everything seems more real and solid and my mood has been mostly good. I'm still experiencing some aches and pains and some occasional bouts of anxiety/depression/brain fog/dr it all seems to hit all at the same time but im handling it alot better because now when it happens I know it will pass within hours rather than weeks or months... im really excited to see if things will improve further.
  6. Yeah man I was having an odd manic day when I posted that, totally not helpful. How are you anyway man I havent spoken to you in ages is the Keppra still working out for you?
  7. Thanks guys... Ludwig if you pm your addy I can send you some stuff to get started im ok for money atm plus i got stuff lying around im not using. I wonder if I can get this moved to the new alternative medicine section...
  8. Sorry I havent updated, (if any one is following) ive been (am) seriously ill and didn't feel like visiting the site No real good news unfortunatly, ive had times where I feel im nearly there... really clear visuals and then something else crops up and things get really bad again. My sinus drainage is insane the past couple of days I can feel it coming from the top of my head, it get stuck at the back of my throat and I spend ages trying to clear it and when I do more comes down, I haven't slept in 2 days properly because of this shit. Its proper thick and sticky it coats my teeth and its horrid. When I do sleep im having crazy dreams and when I awake imy visuals are really intense like im still half dreaming. I'm 100% positive that the head pressure ive been feeling over the years is all this crap which is draining from my head. The reason its been so bad the past couple of days is because I started oil pulling with coconut oill (google). It increases your saliva flow which helps clear your sinuses it also help clear toxins and oral infections. I have no idea where I am at the moment im just sticking with it progress is painfully slow and my life is completely on hold
  9. Sorry I havent updated, (if any one is following) ive been (am) seriously ill and didn't feel like visiting the site No real good news unfortunatly, ive had times where I feel im nearly there... really clear visuals and then something else crops up and things get really bad again. My sinus drainage is insane the past couple of days I can feel it coming from the top of my head, it get stuck at the back of my throat and I spend ages trying to clear it and when I do more comes down, I haven't slept in 2 days properly because of this shit. Its proper thick and sticky it coats my teeth and its horrid. When I do sleep im having crazy dreams and when I awake imy visuals are really intense like im still half dreaming. I'm 100% positive that the head pressure ive been feeling over the years is all this crap which is draining from my head. The reason its been so bad the past couple of days is because I started oil pulling with coconut oill (google). It increases your saliva flow which helps clear your sinuses it also help clear toxins and oral infections. I have no idea where I am at the moment im just sticking with it progress is painfully slow and my life is completely on hold
  10. Yeah man deal with it as it comes, hows it going any how?
  11. Thanks man, I didn't think anyone was gonna like it lol. No more recorded stuff just that scrappy demo we did cheap a few years back, I have loads of songs written so ill hopefully get round to adding some more in the near future.
  12. Yes but if you've been stung by a jelly fish I don't see you have a choice but to take them. I believe some people have only reacted badly to certain kinds of antibiotics, I would avoid them unless I have no choice. I believe its the same with steroids. I recommend anyone who takes antibiotics to supplement with probiotics as they kill all your gut flora indiscriminately and hinder your natural ability to repopulate them in the future.
  13. Im confused you never took PCP but you thought it was a PCP flashback or you smoked weed in the past that you thought was laced with PCP?... I don't know why a dealer would lace weed with PCP what would be there motivation? . It's possible it was just the strain of that weed that had a certain natural psychoactive compound all the strains have different highs and effects. Hitting from a bong is not a good especially if you don't know the strength they have weed now with THC 25% my friends were smoking a strain called LSD they said it was trippy as like coming up on mushrooms. If your gonna smoke i recommend testing the waters first. As far as flashbacks I felt like I was on acid constantly for years and then I started getting breaks and it would come back again and I would get LSD like hallucinations I saw a firework explode in my room once it was pretty but severely disturbing. Im glad it hasn't had a major effect on your HPPD be careful man.
  14. I'm still going with this im finding it very difficult at the moment I had quite a bumpy week. I've been feeling uber depressed thinking negatively alot. I keep telling myself its my mind playing tricks and im trying to pay no attention to the things that pop into my head. I've been going hardcore on the anti-candida im experiencing alot of acidity, stomach and throat pain. I'm now taking 5 sachets of threelac a day and an oxygen supplement on top of my current regime. I keep getting periods normally in the evenings where my depression and anxiety completely goes its acompanied by the vivid vision I described before its the best feeling but its proving difficult to hang onto. My tinnitus has calmed a bit but it still going noticeably in my left ear. My left ear is also really gunky like my ear is draining a load of crap pretty disgusting but I can feel my sinuses clearing up which is ace.
  15. Thanks for the advice, iv'e started forcing myself to try and chill out more, by watching movies and stuff, this last week I haven't felt like doing anything apart from huddling up in a ball, distractions definitely take the edge of a little.
  16. I'm feeling better now... apologies if I posted any retarded crap today. Thanks again
  17. This is what im affraid off.. thanks guys I will try and just stay in my room or house and just ride it out
  18. sorry I should explain better im worried that diazepam will make me more disinhibited Thanks
  19. Yeah ive been taking that on and off, but i need somethig faster because I feel like im g oing crazy like im having an episode or something this isn't a regular occurance. I started the day happy but my mood has been going up and up and now im doing stupid shit my house mate just got in and says im acting weird I cant sitt still
  20. As the title implies, will diazepam help or make it worse?
  21. But then again a stuntman may crash but he doesn't have a genetic susceptibility to crashing... unless he's blind or something
  22. Thanks for that, you are the first person who has made sense of this to me... I fear I may have been to hasty to judge in the past. I guess its like a stuntman (for examples sake).. he has an accident and breaks all his bones he may be in a wheelchair for years but makes a miraculous recovery and get straight back on his bike... I guess you can't change what you love. I fear I have a similar affinity with marijuana. I only did hallucinogens once so I don't have such a relationship with them, I didn't intend to take it and I did it all wrong... For staters it was an LSD microdot and secondly i think a busy Music Festival was completely the wrong setting for a first time even the crazy looking veterans where talking about how strong the microdots were that year... I maybe enjoyed the experience for all of 2 hours and then I just wanted it to stop and here we are 10 years later LOL.
  23. Cheers mate its alot better this morning, im getting a strange sensation in my left ear like a valve is being turned on and off slightly, i keep hearing little snippets of extra frequency kinda like when you can hear outside but when you open the window its less bassy and clearer IDK this is all really weird.
  24. I was on clonazpam for over 2 years I would say, I took between 1-3 mg a day, my doc reluctantly switched me over to diazepam (I dont get why kpins is ok but not valium). I went from 1mg of clonazepam to 20mg diazepam then tappered down around 2mg a week, after I stopped the worse period lasted about 2 weeks and then I started to feel some relief I was very ill anyway at the time but things def got better after 2 weeks. Neurontin is a bit of a strange one as I have had both sedation and stimulant effect. The stimulant effect seemed to come into play at low doses (300mg) and only after being on it for a while but when I first started taking it I experienced a benzo like calm I think I was on 600mg 3x day I used to fall asleep while eating much to the amusement of my housemate I found it to sedating and I think i stopped taking it if I recall (to many drugs ) but when I was coming of benzos I read that addicts were succesfully weaned off benzos with neurontin and I had some lying around. .
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