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Everything posted by chrismo

  1. When it comes to HPPD I can guarantee you that anyone on here knows more than my doctor. I don't have Aperger's or ADD. Pretty sure this episode was triggered by Mirtazipine which I have discontinued- visuals and DP were intensified. What makes you say I should avoid it?
  2. I tried to get some Clonazepam/Keppra from my doctor today. I failed. Instead, I have been giving Zopiclone to help me sleep. This may have come up before but has anyone had any negative experiences when taking this? I've read conflicting accounts of its effects on HPPD. My visuals have been getting worse recently and the dose I have been given is quite high so I'm unsure whether to take it.
  3. I'll be honest, most of that went way over my head. But a few comments based on my own (extremely limited) understanding. The regions of the brain that are apparently overactive in HPPD sufferers are the occipital and temporal lobes. This seems to be similar to tinnitus (something many HPPDers experience) which shows activity in the temporal lobes caused by a loss of inhibition to auditory cortex neurons in which they 'misfire' and cause the person to hear sounds that aren't real. Is a similar misfiring causing HPPD visuals? The latest sound treatment for tinnitus is able ""reset" auditory nerve cells in the brain to stop them misfiring" and "brainwave alterations were also reversed by the therapy." It is believed that GABA drugs, which can increase inhibitory signaling, should be able to have the same effect. So in both cases could it just be the case of finding the right one?
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