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Posts posted by andrewcb

  1. Well he gave me trazodone 50mg. Quick search on here is some say try it others say it made everything a lot worse

    I think a dose for using it as a antidepressant is like 300mg, I use to take 25 mg to help me sleep but was prescribed 100. Took 100 the first time thinking it wouldnt do anything and I guess I reacted to it good, I slept for a good 14 hours lol

  2. I've been talking with my buddy and he is going to give me a quarter to half for free so I can eat a gram a day and see how it benefits me.

    I haven't heard of anyone doing this so I want to give it a try. If my buddy comes through and does give it to me I will report back. But until then what is anyone else thought on this?



  3. I just ordered me 40g of this stuff, I will be using it with my Picamilon. I know this thing is like 50/50 it seems, either you like it or you don't. There are a lot of people who say it is addictive, some of these people make it out to seem like the worst addiction one can have which I just believe this is coming from people who have never had any other addiction. Does anyone here us this on a daily basis? I will be using it at a low dose, probably 500 to 750mg daily.


    I would like to know from people who have tried this how do they like it? I used 30mg valium daily for 2 years and it has now been a tad over 2 months since I have been off of them, how does this compare to benzos?


    Thank you,


    • Upvote 2
  4. I have used Ambien, Trazodone and Temazepam. Temazepam 30mg was my favorite and I used it for roughly 2 and a half years. Thing about sleeping pills is when you want to stop them if you ever want to stop, you totally forget how to sleep. Temazepam can be addictive too but I have never found them addictive. There is OTC stuff you can use too if you haven't tried any.

  5. Andrew, 


    This is my first time posting. I felt compelled to finally "open my mouth" here when I saw your post. I want to say from my own experience. . DON'T DO IT! Here's why:


    I went to Peru last Spring in a desperate attempt to overcome the most severe and unrelenting bout of depression and anxiety. I tried everything before I went there (sans ECT). I have suffered from it all my adolescent and adult life, but achieved remission for a few years (for the most part) after quitting all pharmaceuticals and "taking control of my life". Getting back to nature and changing my lifestyle helped a lot. Buddhist philosophy helped too. 


    Anyway shit happened (a whole lotta loss at once) and I fell deeper than ever. I tried to get help, and to help myself, but it just kept getting worse until I became suicidal. Everything that helped me achieve my one true "remission" only a few years before was only making things worse. I never imagined it could get as bad as this one. Unfortunately, I am still in it deeper than ever.


    I was scared as shit, but in a very supportive environment in Peru. Unfortunately it was one where they (obviously) believed whole-heartedly in "plant medicine" (they refused to identify ayahuasca or Iboga or anything that grows naturally as a hallucinogen: it was strictly "medicine"). Really they were not so different than the psychiatrists who whole-heartedly believe in their "methods" or spiritualists who "know" that only god or meditation can cure you. It fucked my mind up beyond belief and brought back my HPPD tenfold. 


    After having mostly overcome HPPD that came on a month after a bad trip on acid when I was 16 (I am 35 now), in my desperate state I was convinced that this was the answer to all my problems. I really never completely understood that HPPD was something other people suffered from until it was too late. I expected it to be the most difficult thing I ever did, but thought that this was what I needed to "face" in order to transcend my hell. What a sick joke life can play on some unfortunate souls when they are being "courageous".


    Anyway, I can't say for sure that you will be negatively affected as I was, but I felt I needed to warn you before you went to that extreme. Please, reconsider this. Those videos of all the people that were "cured" (I'm not necessarily saying they were not) by ayahuasca or peyote or San Pedro (Wachuma) or whatever can really tempt a desperate person to do something damaging when he/she really knew better from experience. BTW, this time the HPPD isn't diminishing with time as it did when I went through it as an adolescent and young adult. I think maybe because a younger brain is more "plastic" I was able to (mostly) recover from my first battle with HPPD. Oh and also this time I got crippling and unrelenting (24/7) tinnitus after one of my "therapeutic trips" (I did 4) last Spring, just to add more insult to injury. I really hope this discourages you from going that route. I truly wish you all the best.



    Awesome first post! Thanks for your experience, I never heard of anyone having HPPD from DMT so this is really helpful, I am glad I didn't go over my head and make things worse. I most likely won't do it now that you have said that. I am still curious about trying it on a smaller scale lets say drink a tad bit everyday for a month or two, not enough to make you trip or anything, just enough to give you a little bit of the chemical in you. But still messing with your mind is dangerous and scary regardless and I think most of us now know this but my curiosity always gets the best of me lol. I won't do a full blown trip now since you have said that and I ty a ton for you sharing. I wonder still though how it would effect someone who did small amounts for months daily. I don't know much about DMT but I am sure if you take it daily on day 2-4 you basically wouldn't feel anything, like LSD, and I wonder what kind of psychological effects this would have. Lol, probably not good! But still curious, though I don't think I would ever do this, I might try like a week of a real small dose daily. Still debating because my symptoms have gone down but I have hit a plateau.


    Thank you,


    • Upvote 1
  6. I don't know, it is one person, it says "possible" and they are overreacting big time by saying he did it on a daily basis. You can hardly trip 2 days in a row, 3 days is

    just about out of the question and a daily thing is just not possible. I mean you can't put all your chips in on one person saying this one kid who did LSD everyday 

    heard whispers once in a while. I just don't see it, I could understand someone with HPPD thinking talking to themselves in their head could be schizophrenia but really it is just you thinking, people with HPPD tend to over think stuff, we are all guilty lol. But actually hearing voices, to me idk. I mean LSD can trigger schizophrenia. Maybe it is possible it can trigger schizophrenia and HPPD. If I got that right, I am sure LSD can't cause schizophrenia but if you have it in you it can trigger it, I could be wrong though. So I don't see why you can't trigger schizophrenia and HPPD at the same time. But my thought still is HPPD is generally visual and if you hear voices it is schizophrenia.


    Thank you


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  7. You don't lose your sense of reality with schizophrenia, I think people over think what schizophrenia is and make it the worse thing ever when in fact you can watch t.v. shows with kids who have it and they seem normal for the most part. I am just saying this because I haven't heard anyone say they heard voices because of HPPD. I have heard this with people with schizophrenia. Anxiety and visuals are a part of schizophrenia too. By no means am I a doctor but schizophrenia is really the only disorder I really know of where people can hear voices, usually the voices are speaking to you, also you can see stuff and at the same time miss the obvious. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia. I don't know where people get this whole idea that schizophrenia must mean the person must be looney and out of touch with this world, those are the extreme cases. In most cases it is more of a nusense and most people find it very liveable. This is just my 2 cents.


    Thank you


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  8. Gabapentin is alright, I take 2.4g daily and have been on it for over 2 months.  It is good for the first week but after that I don't notice anything. I know it is helping a little bit but it is so subtle I don't notice. As for sleep it does nothing for that either. This is for me, other people react differently. The first time you take it is awesome if you abuse it lol I took 3.6g the first time along with some other stuff and it was great but after that nothing lol. On the post above about Lyrica, I haven't tried Lyrica, I REALLY REALLY want to. The price blows like he says it can run you up to almost 400 bucks for a months prescription without insurance which is ridiculous and a generic won't be available until 2018. But from 99% of people who wrote about Lyrica compared to Gabapentin, Lyrica is bar none better. You are suppose to feel Lyrica everyday. It is much stronger, better results yada yada yada. I also want to try Gabapentin Enacarbil. It is just a better form of Gabapentin basically, I haven't read anyone taking it on here, I don't know what the cost is and I don't know how this compares to regular Gabapentin. If someone can answer this please do so.

    Thank you

  9. It should go away, when I relapse I get sleep paralysis at least once a week for a few weeks and usually the first week is real bad. I got sleep paralysis 4 times in a night earlier this week and one time I woke up I didn't know where I was and tried calling my brother out, who doesn't even live with me lol, but I couldn't even speak, it was just a real raspy whisper. But this goes away after a few weeks after a relapse for me. Really all you can do is ride it out and use it as a lesson not to do it next time. I've done relapsed to many times to count but they are getting worse each time and I have gotten a lot better, so hopefully my last relapse is my last relapse lol I really don't want to go through the aftereffects, it's not worth it for a day or 2 of fun.

    • Upvote 1
  10. I have them all. 8 months living with this shit. Thanks for the information. I also listen voices but i got used to it.

    If you are hearing voices I would consider having a different condition. Schizophrenia to be exact. I do clinch my jaw and grind my teeth, I get migraines and it is either from my jaw clinching or my migraines could be causing me to clinch? But regardless I know my face is really tense I have to every night remind myself to relax my face and jaw muscles to sleep; it also doesn't help since I have been grinding.clinching my teeth so much for years now it feels like my teeth have shifted so my tongue automatically messes with my teeth and I clinch without knowing like if I am trying to shift my teeth back without knowing lol. I get about half of these symptoms and a few more not on here but I have never gotten visual snow. I have stuff close to visual stuff like a pixelated view on foggy days when my anxiety gets real bad, I guess my light sensitivity mixed with my view of the world looking so real it doesn't look real and anxiety it gives me a pixelated view usually on foggy days with the right kind of lighting or after a relapse, usually cocaine.

    • Upvote 1
  11. You need to drink the grapefruit juice a hour before hand, inhibits the enzyme a lot more then, clomid is another good one. http://www.athleticx.net/products/trisorbagen, This is what I want to try and will be one of my next orders, works good with benzos, opioids and everything the cyp-450 enzyme or w.e. plays a role in. Check it out, cheaper then buying grapefruit juice all the time and should work better, but I could be wrong IDK how much DHB is in it. Also you should try Kava. If you want to stick to more natural remedies PM me and I will tell you some herbs that are interesting that you can look up and decide if you want to try them if you want.

  12. Has anyone tried Lithium? My buddies dad had a ton of them and I took a small does, 300 mg, and it didn't do anything for my visuals but when I was driving my buddy starting laughing and said "you look like your on something" and I told him I know I can't stop grinning right now lol, I had a smile on my face for a while idk why. Then I got home and I felt decent mentally wise. I might grab all the lithium from him since he don't take it and just do in a small dose of 300 mg 2x to 3x daily. It is just scary the side-effects of this stuff would cover 2 pages if you printed it out lol.


    Any input would be awesome

    Thank you


    • Upvote 1
  13. Idk about the depletion of dopamine receptors, I don't believe that they would because they don't release much at all from nicotine. I've heard that it can increase anxiety, obviously because its a stimulant. I know for a fact though that it helps me get through the day, there's nothing better then waking up and having you first cig of the day. Idk if this is true but I've heard that if you've smoked and then use an e cig that overtime it creates a film of e liquid on you lungs. And that this film of e liquid helps to dissolve and "loosen" the tobacco tar on your lungs, therefore cleaning your lungs.

    It is a stimulant but not a CNS stimulant, it just stimulates the reward center of your brain. I picked the wrong choice of words, not deplete but dense up your receptors i guess it would be? Idk about the E-cig doing anything for your longs, it is just nicotine, vegetable glycerin and propyl glycol with flavoring. To me the stuff is sticky. Man I accidently got a ton of 36 mg nicotine in my mouth yesterday, my carto was full of liquid some how and drained out when I leaned back to hit it, made me feel super sick and real nasty, all my symptoms got worse just about. So that made me decide to quit and see how I feel down the road. Has been since 8 last night and that puts be less then 7 hours to complete a day. I don't feel to bad a little shaky and I think about it a few times per hour but the craving go away fairly fast, feeling confident about it this time lol. I want to see how this works for me on my symptoms since it is like you said a stimulant in a way and does cause some anxiety somethings.

  14. Hookah doesn`t affect my visuals at all. Cigarettes helped me deal with HPPD in the beginning but now I feel like they are doing more harm than good. Sometimes I feel really good in the morning: mind is clear, feel calm, visuals are at a minimum, don`t feel any head pressure. But as soon as I smoke a cigarette it disrupts that peace. This change was recent. I`d say Hookah and e cigs are the safer route.

    This was happening to me too. I decided to quit, today will be my first day but I haven't smoked since 8pm yesterday :o. Idk if this will help me out or not but I was smoking to much nicotine and it made me feel speedy sometimes, I think that is what was causing some problems.

  15. "According to the Vienna neurologists I have talked to (where Cerebrolysin is used the most) they said that intramuscular injection of Cerebrolysin is useless for any other purpose than telling if someone is allergic.

    He said that he's never seen a single case where it was administered IM, because IV is so much more effective. He pretty much said intramuscular is almost a waste. Keep this in mind.

    This is why it's only recommended for 20 to 30 days, because trust me you will not be able to find veins to stick it in to, you'll have insane trouble sleeping and will look like a pin cushion.

    I've had 9 Cerebrolysin 10ml injections so far, intravenuous administration. Astounding stuff. It improved my eyesight and perceptual 'framerate' significantly."


    I found this off a site, don't know how much truth it holds but could be why you aren't getting the results you want.


    "I'm really interested in some data about this. I remember there was another neurologist somewhere in the states who claimed from experience IV is a lot more effective than IM concerning Cerebrolysin specifically. Ah, here it is:

    "My Husband has read many studies and comparisons but his experience here in the office is what he relies on most. Based on those experiences it is very clear that IV infusions (5ml Cerebrolysin in 250 ml Hartman sol, 40-50 drops per min) are much more effective than IM injections. A large portion of our patients are North Americans who live in Mexico part time. They recieve the IV infusions while they are in Mexico and Give themselves IM injections when they are in the states."

    It might just be the endorphine high from IV administration that makes the patients prefer it. 

    From the reports about IM administration, it does not seem as prominent as the IV effects I've been experiences. But this is all impossible to compare and I'm aware of that. 

    I'm sure IM cerebrolysin is at least moderately effective since it explains intramuscular use on the packaging, and that route is preferred for children. Personally I always go for overkill, so doctors giving me IVs is where it's at. I would never take more than 10ml a day because I don't think I'd be able to sleep in 3000 years.

    Either way, IV cerebrolysin gives you an opiate high not dissimilar to morphine so that's the way I'll take it. At least in my case." 


    Here was one of the following post. I think everyone can agree IM is not as effective as IV but IM should still give some results. I don't know how far you want to take this but IV sounds pretty awesome lol

  16. I have mentioned this before but haven't really given much thought to it other then "who knows." So I am watching Drugs INC on the tube right now and they are doing hallucinogens and Ayahuasca was what they talked about first. Well they talked about it how I read about it, miracle cure for depression, anxiety all kind of psychological problems. What I am wondering is has anyone gotten HPPD from DMT or has anyone done DMT since they have gotten HPPD. Also if anyone has done DMT can you share your experience. I think it probably works like LSD, you usually feel good and free from stuff for a few weeks to a few months then you are back to where you were before you did LSD but I may be wrong, I have read people saying Ayahuasca cured them from all psychological problems for good. I am considering trying it, hell who knows, might do something good.


    P.S. This guy on T.V. is claiming to accidently have taken 1000 hits of LSD(he is a cop and did a bust) and he claims he almost died(I am sure 1000 hits of LSD would kill you regardless) but a nurse IVed him Valium and he says that saved his life. He said if he waited 15 minutes longer he would have died, his heart would have stopped. So IDK how Valium saved him there. He also said he was barely hanging onto reality by a thread, 1 hit can do that to you if you got some good stuff 1000 hits you should be totally gone lol Also he said the trip was 24 hours. I call bs on all that 1000 hits if it didn't kill you, you would be tripping for a week lol. Well just threw this out there because I thought it was pretty funny


    They were talking about this other plant called Iboga, sounds crazy don't think I would touch it but they claim it helps addiction, opiate addiction in particular. Also some claim it helps with PTSD.


    I know it is dumb to ingest hallucinogens when you have HPPD, but these aren't your typical hallucinogens, they aren't for recreational use like LSD, people claim they are medicine and have helped many people. I may try Ayahuasca in the near future, would like to get others opinions.


    Thank you


    • Upvote 2
  17. Did my 10th set of injections yesterday, so that was week 2. Nothing to report yet alas.. bit disappointing, but I'll keep at it for the remaining 2 weeks I've left.

    I was doing a bit of reading, and found that Cerebrolysin is primarily synaptogenic, whereas NSI-189 is primarily neurogenic.

    So I was thinking that maybe NSI-189 may be more helpful for those with a damaged hippocampus.

    Maybe a better course of action would be a couple of months NSI-189, and then a cycle of Cerebrolysin to help the new cells form synapses.

    Also, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone is in the works, which appears to be quite the potent neurogenic anti-depressant nootropic compound as well, so that's on my list.

    Perhaps after NSI-189 I'll do a few months of that.

    For anyone considering trying Cerebrolysin; I'd suggest try NSI-189 or 7,8-DHF first. I only did Cere because NSI-189 wasn't yet available, and I can't sit around knowing I'm trying nothing new whilst waiting for it.

    Your NSI comes in next month correct? This is what I can't wait to hear about!

  18. Hey fellas, well my light sensitivity did improve while on lutein and zeaxanthin. I am taking a 25mg/5mg dosage. I discontinued for a week and my eyes started to get sensitive to light again so I started up again today. That was all just part of the trial. My eyes just got less sensitive to light that was it, eye floaters were still there, everything still looked fake as hell but my eyes weren't burning from this god forsaken light. I took it for about 2 weeks. This time I am doing a full on trial and see what kind of results I get after months of using. Hope this helps someone out.


    Thank you


  19. Hey all,

        I have been a smoker for 12 years, have switched to a e-cig a year ago. Well I have been reading about nicotine and I mean nicotine itself not a cigarette, and I have been reading for the most part nothing but good things about it. For me I don't experience these things I just feel like I got my fix so to speak. Nicotine releases dopamine, increases serotonin levelsc increases norepinephrine levels, increases acetylcholine levels, increases beta-endorphin levels and much much more. What this means is it is good for memory, learning, depression, anxiety etc.etc. Now me, I don't experience this like I said I just feel like I get my fix. So what I am wondering will long term use of nicotine deplete these receptors and be bad for them? Also since it acts as a stimulant, but not a CNS stimulant, could this be bad for you if you are a long time user? And on the flip side could nicotine be useful and possibly good for you on a short term use? I have been thinking about quitting smoking which is hands down, for me, the hardest addiction to kick and I have kicked many of the so called hardest addictions, will I benefit from quitting smoking? Remember I smoke a e-cig now, so basically I am getting just nicotine with just a few more chemicals but nothing compared to a cigarette. My thinking is nicotine could be useful if used only once or twice a week but long term use depletes your brain of these natural chemicals and is basically putting you in overdrive 24/7. Can someone who is more knownledgable in this area give me a hand here. I am looking for scientific answers not personal opinions.


    Thank you,


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  20. Hey, I relapsed a few weeks ago, I did coke 3 times and drank about everyday for a week. I felt like hammered shit for a week, it has been almost 2 weeks since I have done anything and I am about 80% back to where I was at. But the first week was real hard, it really showed me I can't be doing that stuff, even if you have been clean for a year it isn't worth it because 1 time can set you back pretty far. I've been smoking this stuff called Kanna which seems to be helping me out somewhat, something worth looking into if you want a high feeling, it takes about a week or 2 before you really get good effects, don't over do it either, you literally need 50mg-100mg and that is it. Don't let this get you down from my experience it is just a set back that will heal fairly quick. Good luck

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