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Posts posted by VisualDude

  1. Wondering if anyone has experiences relating to neurosteroids ? 

    Neurosteroids are just hormones and hormone metabolites that influence brain function.  To illustrate: estradiol levels affect memory, testosterone enhances goal orientation and focus, the DHT metabolite 3α-Androstanediol is know to have "rewarding, anxiolytic, pro-sexual, and anticonvulsant effects" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3α-Androstanediol

    The topic CAN be an IS complicated.  Here is an excellent text regarding neurosteroids and seizures: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3728472/  .  Of course its relevance here is that HPPD is a constant pre-seizure state and HPPD at times responds to GABA alterations and neurosteroids actually modulate and can activate GABA receptors but don't loose effectiveness such as taking a benzodiazapine does.

    I PROPOSE THAT THIS IS A KEY AREA OF RESEARCH THAT HAS NOT BE EXPLORED FOR HPPD.  Certainly hormone manipulations, particularly DHT and DHT derivatives substantially help my visual issues and other issues.  DHT is not only a "positive allostatic GABA modulator", it also has strong influence with D2 receptor function (a personal nemesis).  This subfunction relates to reading social cues and I suspect may related to DP/DR.

    Now rather than make this complicated or get hung up regarding the technicalities of the subject, it comes down to does anyone notice effects from medication or changes in:

    1. Estrogen
    2. Testosterone
    3. DHT
    4. Progesterone
    5. DHEA
    6. Cortisol
    7. Oxitocin
    8. Finisteride
    9. Anastrozole

    The list is not exhaustive but these are major players.  Here is a bigger list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_neurosteroids

    Thank you for your paticipation

    • Like 2
  2. Re Piracetam:


    If you do a search, you'll see various posts here about it.  It does nothing for me.


    Re Psychiatrist:


    Docs started hinting it was all in the mind and 'hypochondriac' so went to psychologist and eventually it came down to: "You have a serious neurological problem.  Stop wasting your time in this town and go to Boston".  Well, didn't know who to go to in Boston and did not have insurance that covered out-of-town (in USA, much health insurance only covers a local region ... if you need outside help either get rich or rot).


    What this did accomplish is establishing a medical record that it isn't 'just-in-the-mind'.  Don't know what Poland is like but this helps establish bases.  And it is also useful to learn techniques to better manage anxiety and depression


    Re Hypoxia:


    Interesting account.  Mom had a long, many hour delivery.  Born with water on lungs and difficulty breathing.  For 4 months would stop breathing, turn blue, and have to be revived.  Always a skinny, fidgety, shy, anxious child.  Like you, have long thought hypoxia a factor.  According to Robert Sapolsky in Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, if you want to make an anxious/neurotic rat, briefly deprive it of oxygen just after birth - it changes their brain.


    Had learning problems but not with math or science.  Language is a problem and work very much to try to communicate accurate.  To this day, even though hearing tests have always shown better than average hearing, usually cannot hear or understand lyrics to songs.  Curiously, some thiamine deficient children show language problems and some movement problems.  Always a klutz.  A little ADD.  Would often stare in space in own thought and got the nickname 'Spacey'.  Teachers would be mad but then usually passed tests - 'B' student unless vocabulary or history.  Social interaction problems ... lets see, an anxious, needy, spacey, ADD, klutz with language problems - what could possible be wrong?  Add an abusive older brother to the mix just to spice life up a little.


    Ironically, some of the dopamine meds I take have not only helped visual stuff, but also some lifelong problems ... actually have needed Sinemet since childhood.  Also another beneficial med but it damages heart valves and would be dead by now if started taking it as child.


    The only visual thing as a child was mild CEVs.  It was fun to put light pressure on eyes and watch the shapes form and change.  Doc once told me that severely retarded children do that ... so apparently am severely retarded.  These slight CEVs gradually went away in the 20s.  If I take a lot of anticholergeics/Keppra can get some faint CEVs.


    Grew up isolated and learned to make own world.  To this day, prefer to reinvent a wheel rather than use one already made.  Thrive on learning/understanding principles.  But details are random on remembering.  And words are a nightmare to learn.  Perhaps the best therapy would be to be dropped off in a country of different language and forced to learn.


    Re HPPD:


    Unlike most here, have never tried recreational drugs.  One advantage of being isolated ... and being spacey - don't need drugs to go off into la-la-land.  Problems started 9 years ago and official diagnosis is Toxic Encephalopathy which is broad and considered worse than HPPD.  It also does not have any standard treatment protocols.  Ironically, I probably don't belong on this site ... but since there are overlapping symptoms and treatment responses, am here.


    Re Muscle tension:


    This showed in late teens, got worse in 20s, much worse in 30s, horrible in 40s.  Chiroprators helped a lot.  Prolotherapy for damaged tendons helped.  But finally dopamine meds really helped.  Most recently, thiamine cocarboxylase further helps.  Anticholerginics help but each day the dose needs to be increased until memory is trashed and can't function well.


    Are you neck muscle problems since the accident or have you had difficulties before that?



    Since there are these similarities in our cases, perhaps:

    • Somehow get thiamine cocarboxylase - does Amazon ship there?  Think onelovez is in Poland but he hasn't confirmed what he got or how
    • See about Sinemet 25/100
    • Discuss these with doctor.  If they are rear-ends, search for useful ones
    • Go ahead and work with a shrink.  Some can be useful.  Look for one who does volunteer work on the side - that may indicate someone who cares and is not a useless cold fish.  Some of these are more willing to prescribe Sinemet and other 'unusual' things than most docs.
    • Med responses, good or bad, can help with diagnoses and, most important, begin to provide direction for what to try next.
  3. Streamer and trails would seem to be that same basic brain areas at work.  Basically for visual perception, half come from the most recent 'frame' and then the rest of perception involves comparing the current frame with the previous one(s).



    And of course the many links incorporated


    I've never read of dopamine's involvement in the systems but clearly it is.



    The natural stuff doesn't hurt to try.  Tyrosine feeds ldopa which feeds dopamine, etc...  It also feeds tyramine and the thyroid.  I took so many herbs and supplements without results that it is difficult to even try to list them ... but perhaps they ended up building a supportive base that the meds could work with.  Certainly if there is any sort of 'malnutrition' going on, it will impair meds and/or getting well.

  4. The negative about Wellbutrin is that while it is a very good antidepressant, it often increases anxiety.  HPPDers usually have anxiety.


    The positives are (besides the hope it might help) that because it is an antidepressant, doctors are more willing to prescribe it rather than something like Sinemet.  If you do try, get either the regular or SR version - not the XL.  The most common is 150mg SR pill.  You can brake that into quarters then just try 1/4 in the morning and see.


    I took 1/2 at 9am and noticed improvement in 2-3 hours.  By afternoon was sure.  Color was brighter, depth perception improved, frame rate improved, and muscle spasms reduced.  The next day, afternoon following the 2nd dose of 75mg, went to a massage guy that had been working with that year ... he said he could tell it was my body because the muscles were more relaxed.


    So it was dramatic since expectations were low.  My experience with dopamine meds that help is that at first it helps a lot for many things, then it backs down to about 50%.  With wellbutrin there was the pain thing and feeling too stimulated, so stopped.  With Sinemet, don't have that (although if took 3 pills at once, would probably have the same problem).  With anxiety, it immediately gets better then in a few days to about 1/2.  When stop taking it ... anxiety/agitation slowly works up in the days/weeks that follow.


    Each symptom has its own response.  And the ideal dose is a bell curve for each.  Your anxiety will likely increase, but its possible that it will temporarily decrease.  Meds are weird that way.



    It you have improvements, then you know that you are a dopamine responder and it is a matter of finding out the best balance.


    It would be interesting to see if you (or anyone else) gets frame-rate improvement.  This problem is not mentioned much.  Maybe its rare or maybe the 'rate' is fast enough for most that they don't realize that that is what is happening ... just a sluggish 'disconnection' from what they look at.

  5. I've tried a benzo (Lorazepam), anticonvulsant (Lamotrigine) and an SSRI (Lexapro). As far as I could tell only the benzo made my frame rate better but not by too much.


    So your saying Wellbutrin permanently improved your frame rate after only having taken it for a week but at the same time caused eye pain that lasted for years as well? 


    I'm pretty resistant to meds just because it seems like every time I've taken them the side effects have been terrible. But if you think there's something out there that can really help my frame rate I might consider it just because it's still really bad after a year. 


    Wellbutrin did not cause any damage.  But the eye pain increased while taking it, especially by day 5 increasing to 150mg /day.  Though there is no pain now, am sure if took 150mg for a few days I would feel it.


    The eye pain started along with fuzzy cataract-like vision in May 2007.  Its largely non-existant now (>year) but had it for years ... and pushing NE and even DA meds too hard will make it worse during that.  Suspect that ADD/ADHD meds might be more trouble than PD meds since often they tend to increase NE more, although had no trouble with Selegiline which, though mild, is amphetamine class (sort of)


    The only meds that caused long term harm were: Effexor - seizures and 2-3+ years cognitive damage, and Abilify - a single 2mg dose (pediatric) increased restlessness (akathisia) for over 6 months.  Naturally am not fond of SNRIs or antipsychotics!


    Curious thing with akathisia, always had mild RLS.  Then when trying Selegiline, slept so peaceful wife got scare I died.  Many months later Abilify ended that ... and even taking Selegiline again has never restored that peacefulness.  Again, there are meds types I hate, but some members say they benefit from them.

  6. I have a pretty bad frame rate problem too. In fact, I'd say that's my biggest problem at the moment and perhaps the stem of all other related symptoms. Any medications you'd suggest for this Visual? Specifically, any meds that are natural, perhaps vitamins or something of this sort?


    The Wellbutrin SR 150mg mentioned above was actually very helpful ... even just 75mg in the morning.  The problem was that higher doses caused increasing side effects in spite of helping visuals significantly.  Agitation was one problem.  Other was weird eye pain.  This eye pain was one of the first symptoms I had along with blurriness.  It persisted for years.  Since higher amounts of Wellbutrin increased it ... it was concerning and I refused to push it.


    Just being on it a week, then off, improved frame rate 50% permanently - even without any meds.  This was significant since the frame rate problem had not really made any improvement in one years time (Oct 2007 to Oct 2008).


    Eventually got to Sinemet, of which things gradually improved so that now its the sensation of having drunk too much.  This last bit is connected somehow to DR because the moments that DR improves, the last of framerate improves.  Time will tell.  TC on full meds that I was taking seem to complete this but I reduced meds to better evaluate TC and give it time ... etc, etc ...


    Have you tried dopamine increasing meds in the past?

  7. It is kind of amazing that reducing the field of view will speed vision up.


    Before dopamine meds, the frame rate was between 1/2 and 1 sec.  That doesn't sound like too slow but it is.  Very strange sensation of everything there instantly except meaning.  And if a person was walking, there would be a blur between frames.


    The first dopamine med was Wellbutrin SR.  Was angry when getting it because thought it was too weak but it was the only thing docs would prescribe.  But within about 4 hours of 75mg dose, stuff started improving.  About day 6 added another 75mg dose.  Vision got much faster but anxiety/agitation got bad.  So stopped taking it and as the med got out of the body (~5 days) most symptoms returned as they were but not as severe.  And the framerate stayed improved about 50%.


    Eventually, it has got so that I cannot tell that it is a frame rate problem (and would not have had the length not been so delayed earlier).  Now it is more the sluggishness that one has when drinking a lot.


    Perhaps dopamine meds will help you ... not many report the frame-rate problem.  Also, docs told me that trails and tracers are a dopamine problem.


    Some find Gabapentin sedative.  It can vary a lot.


    Seems the TC is helping but not dramatic.  Kind of the most common report.  Perhaps it helps 'dopaminers' the most ... time will tell.

  8. Drinking has always been been an escape for me. I've also always felt worse the next day. In a sick way I seem to get comfort being able to tell myself I feel crappy cause I'm hung over.

    While its a stretch to say TC is a cure, if a 'cure' was found, would people just double up on drugs and cancel the 'cure'?

    What a great question!

    I do know that the older I get. The desire to be part of life instead of checking out and missing life has grown. Drinking is what I consider "checking out".

    My dog was hit and killed a couple weeks ago. Sort of started a drinking binge. I will be cutting back again.


    My little hound went down over two years ago ... still broken hearted about it.  First few months would have intense emotional flashbacks about her dying.  Perhaps a little insight for PTSDers - out of nowhere for no apparent reason.  Now it just causes very very sad feelings





    Maybe some of you remember me. I left this forum after mostly recovering thanks to Naltrexone. I was happy even if Naltrexone was causing me some strong side effects. Sadly, around September I relapsed with drugs and alcohol and became more messed up than ever. Been sober since then for more than 6 months now, and my HPPD is improving steadily.


    I tried Naltrexone again but the side effects were very strong and my HPPD is not that bad now. I need to be able to give a presentation or behave normally in the University.. and Naltrexone impedes that with the insomnia, psychosis, and general weirdness.


    So here I'm now. My visuals are weak and I'm not depressed or anxious. I'm suffering from brain fog, fatigue, and DP/DR. Those last symptoms are also improving but I want to forget all of this and be able to get good grades in my final exams. So I bought the good old effective supplements like magnesium, but as I saw this thread I have also bought a B-Complex, with thiamine cocarboxylase. This one:



    Thiamin (vitamin B1) (as thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine cocarboxylase chloride) 50 mg 3,333%


    I don't know the ratio, but as the quantities seem pretty strong I think there will be enough cocarboxylase. I plan on taking only one pill (half a serving). When I receive the shipment I will post here if it works for me. Hope so as I need the energy. In any case everything is going good, so I'm not that hard pressed for results.


    Good luck everyone.


    Interesting about Neltrexone.  Number of post of the forum.  Hear some say low dose worked for about a year.  


    How much were you taking?


    Thanks for participating in this trial ... hopefully you will be the one who benefits.  The product seems plenty strong, as long as there is some cocarboxylase, it should do.  


    Have you been taking B vitamins already?



    I would bet anything that that is exactly what would happen, at least for those with addiction problems. It took me 4 months sober to be able to got to a bar without experiencing strong cravings.. There is no rationality nor cost/benefit analysis when the prefrontal cortex is overridden and the adequate cues are present.


    Lots of reasons people try drugs ... peer pressure, curiosity. etc...  Once its stuck in the mind, it becomes entertainment and/or a numbing agent which can wash away ones concerns.  Perhaps the trick is to find a new form of entertainment that is harmless.  Enjoyed Jay's perspective http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/3556-life-hasnt-been-the-same/page-3#entry32290

  9. I've been drinking heavily for the last two weeks. A lot of the benefits have gone away. It may be I would feel a lot worse without it


    Alcohol does reduce thiamine

    Some HPPDers do fine with a little drinking

    Some HPPDers have problems after

    Some HPPDers have problems during

    Some HPPDers have problems during and after

    Some HPPDers say during they are nearly symptoms free but afterward its worse

    Then there are visuals vs anxiety responding different


    The famous Dr Abraham says:

    • Common triggers for HPPD symptoms include fatigue, marijuana, and alcohol. “Marijuana is probably the worst,” says Abraham. “For this population, it’s absolutely contraindicated. This is the kind of thing a doctor needs to tell them.” - http://dana.org/News/Details.aspx?id=43275

    Best avoid heavy drinking.  Many drink a lot to self-medicate.  In the end, heavy drinking is harmful for anyone.


    Do you find that it helps anxiety at the time?



    While its a stretch to say TC is a cure, if a 'cure' was found, would people just double up on drugs and cancel the 'cure'?  

  10. That's bizarre. Had you ever had a seizure before starting effexor? I never experienced that with it but it sounds very similar to what I felt the first time it ate shrooms. 


    Never had a seizure before.  Since, sometimes there has been flash or light.  Then there have been a few times that I'd be driving and then have no idea where I was or what anything meant (such as 'speed limit 65') ... not only 'what does that mean' but the very concept of 'meaning' was gone, just the knowledge that nothing had meaning and that needs to change.  Didn't crash, and got the sense that could still drive (and better at 65mph  :P ).


    This only lasted a 10-15 seconds and sounds like perhaps a mild version of absence seizure.  There has also been the quick blackouts, such as sitting at the computer and everything turned off and then on - but happened so fast that didn't even fall out of chair.


    Although had an EEG early on, because of these events it is thought there is a seizure disorder.  It has been a long time since any kind of event but am always sure to be rested before going out.   Maybe get a padded cell floor? 



    Could that be due to the possible seizures that it was causing? Strangely, I had never been able to think clearer than when I was taking effexor and adderall, though that might have been do to it helping my anxiety. 


    Naturally, when people ask about Effexor, tend to discourage taking it ... but everyone is different.


    That is what I've thought ... that somehow these cheap-motel-events 'stressed' some cognitive pathways and caused some real injury.  At least much has resolved.


    Haven't tried any ADD/ADHD meds and have thought they might be useful.  But they tend to also increase serotonin and that might not be so good for me.  Parkinson's meds are similar but don't do much with serotonin.  Wellbutrin was helpful at low doses but higher causes anxiety (though was more helpful for visuals).  It would seem that too much norepinephrine can also be a problem.


    In the end, have only been able to think and to 'repair' through meds classed as stimulant.  Like Goldilocks, got to get it just right.  Seems there is often a tight rope act going one, although since TC am much more resilient/tolerant of things ... time will tell.


    Interesting that it changed your personality negatively.  Do you remember how if affected you feelings/desires that lead you that way?



    Side note: Is there any way to turn on notifications on this forum? I didn't realize that you aren't notified if someone comments on a thread after you post.


    Jay 'upgraded' me to Admin so I could help with this stuff.  But haven't figured it out yet (so am not very useful).  We are supposed to have an upgrade (maybe it happened).  Will give it a look but am concerned about pressing the wrong button.


  11. Both these supplements are considerably higher amounts than the Bio-GGG-B that you tried, or the Bio-3B-G that I like.  But the amounts are very typical of B-complexes and people do not usually have any problems ... let alone the severe difficulty you are suffering.


    We now know it isn't cocarboxylase causing the problem since neither of these 2 new products you have contain any


    At this point, you would need to buy individual B vitamins instead of complexes.  Then try them one at a time ... which is tiring to say the least.


    A quick look a Google shows that Lamotrigine can cause deficiency in B6 and vitamin D.  And it seems that all antiseizures meds can lower vitamin D, including Keppra and Gabapentin.  Since vitamin D isn't in any of the complexes you purchased, then that is not why you are reacting so much.  It would seem that B6 is the first one to test.


    Do you find that the GGG still gives you difficulties?  It's dose is much less than these others.


    Since it seems to give you more energy sometimes and kept you up at night, what happens if you take it in the morning instead?



    Another thought about vitamin C: Some people are very sensitive to corn, and most vitamin C is extracted from corn.  For these people, getting a 'C' derived from another source, such as beet or cassava can be important.


    At any rate, try avoiding corn a little while since it is COX2 inflammatory and some HPPDers can have flareups from too much corn

  12. For what it's worth, I took effexor for a few months pre-HPPD and it obliterated my anxiety but didn't do much for my depression. YMMV


    When starting Effexor, there would be brief moments of feeling euphoric.  More frequently there would be moments where whole body was vibrating.  The first couple times thought it was an earthquake but then realized the vibration frequency was too high, so looked and saw it was whole body vibrating.  At the time, thought the euphoria was a positive serotonin effect ... perhaps it was pre-seizure since many epileptics report feeling euphoria just before having a seizure.  By day 8, doctor said to stop and never touch the stuff again.  Was taking the brand name tapering dose pack.  Guess Effexor turned me into a vibrating bed in a cheap motel ...


    It did nothing at all regarding visuals.  Besides the above it caused a serious cognitive problem that took 2-3 years to recover.  Could no longer do columns of simple math.  Not only were some of the answers incorrect, would develop a headache and become so fatigued that had to go to bed for the rest of the day.  Although have mostly recovered, the experience was so profoundly negative it kind of gives me the willies to even look at the math problems.  Naturally, when people ask about Effexor, tend to discourage taking it ... but everyone is different.


    This is an example of the simple math problems of which I refer - this has 25 problems to solve ... it only took 50 to make me ill.




    I'm taking a ridiculously low dose of zoloft... about 25 mg every other day.  Sounds weird but I can't handle too much and none at all is also very bad for me...


    Also klonopin (0.5 or so a day) and vitamins (magnesium and D3 are my most important ones)


    I had the same problem with the lexapro... got down to a balancing a minute dose.  I don't think I really need the antidepressants but without a tiny amount in my bloodstream my brain goes haywire (was taking them pre HPPD).


    Could take 1/4 of a Zoloft pill without anxiety (6.25mg), but it did nothing helpful at that dose


    Tried Lexapro without significant negative effect (except had to double Sinemet) but it had no positive effect


    TCA helped emotions a little for 1 or 2 days, then became ineffective


    For me, as a rule, increasing serotonin tends to blur vision a little, reduce contrast and night vision.  Even melatonin will tend to do this, which is kind of weird


    I've noticed that since starting TC, am much less [hyper]sensitive to things.  Am wondering if those who have some results with SRIs and SNRIs at very specific dosing are those who have mixed responses (good + bad) to TC - See http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/5027-thiamine-cocarboxylase/page-6#entry32540

  13. Been wondering if the level of 'sensitivity' to meds/supplements that many HPPDers report is the biggest thing that thiamine cocarboxylase would help.  Or if that sensitivity is an indicator of the need for it.


    For example,

    • Since taking TC, am much less sensitive to things that used to bother me.  Before taking TC, benadryl would bother some visuals.  Now it has no effect on them.  The need for dopamine meds has reduced so am taking less - taking more does not improve things.
    • Two members have reported some negative symptoms from thiamine (which, as a broken record, should do nothing for anybody).  These members are very sensitive to things - even vitamin C and B12.  One at least is taking other meds that most HPPDers report problems with (again, there is no fixed rule as to what works for one person compared to another).


    It will take more participants and feedback to ascertain if there is a hypersensitivity connection to their need for thiamine.  Certainly thiamine deficient people are hypersensitive.


    Generally speaking, HPPDers don't do well with antipsychotics or SSRIs.  It would be interesting to see of those taking these and trying TC are the ones reporting the most mixed results.  If a person is thiamine deficient, their brain has had to adapt to lower energy metabolism and not being able to make the correct amounts of several neurotransmitters.  Once deficiency is being corrected, the brain will start to correctly make neurotransmitters ... this will lead to a different balance that meds are now fighting with, instead of resolving, ... and then members would have to reduce those meds to compensate for the brain repairing itself.  These individuals would likely react to the very first dose of TC.


    Time, participation and feedback will be needed to answer these questions.

  14. Can wearing prescription glasses make symptoms worse? I started wearing them for short sightedness and astigmatism around 3 months ago, since then my vision (after being v mild for around 10 years) has gone absolutely insane.

    Does anyone have any thoughts/input? Do you wear glasses? If so does it affect your symptoms at all?


    One common symptom of HPPD is Pareidolia, particularly faces https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia


    I've never had that but noticed that when not wearing glasses (so everything is a bit fuzzy), will actually see them - so in fact do have it in the right setting.  Its quite possible that with small changes in eye prescription (or whatever) there will be enough changes in retinal info for the brain to show different symptoms.


    Recently while wearing sunglasses outside, eyeglasses fell out of pocket and got lost.  So for a couple days could not see clearly far or near.  It began creating a panic like feeling.


    Do you find your symptoms ease or change when you don't wear your new glasses?  It may be hard to tell now its been a few months.





  15. Zoloft worked briefly for me... I take a tiny dose currently and am looking to switch.  I did the genetic site testing and I'm waiting for the results. 


    Lexapro worked really well for me for about 15 years, until the patent ran out and they switched to a generic and my brain went haywire.  Switching back to the original formulation did nothing.


    I've been on Effexor pre-HPPD when I was a kid.  I can't remember what it was like other than if worked fast and it helped a little.

    I would be reluctant to try it even if it comes up as a "green light" for me on my genetic testing- it's notoriously hard to come off of, with some people never being able to do so if they've been on it for a long time.


    I hear you though, I'd be willing to try anything that improves my cognition, even if my visuals were a little worsened (which I think they are on the Zoloft)


    Good luck.  Keep me posted please! - you don't see a whole lot of people who take SSRI's on here.  I personally need them to function, apparently.  :P


    Have heard that about generics of all sorts.  There are differences (so much for truth-in-labeling)


    What meds are you currently taking?

  16. There is also the factor that many have gotten problems from drugs but have not heard of HPPD.  


    A while back was communicating with a long time member of DPSelfHelp.  She said that 20 years ago, DP was always related from some past negative psychological experience ... now about half on the forum have DP/DR that started from drugs.  But there is so much fear that some get angry if one even mentions HPPD.  Perhaps they fear the stigma or fear the possibility that they did this to themselves.


    Neurology in particular has overlapping fields of information ... even multiple names for the same brain parts because they were originally studied by different people for different reasons.


    The fact is that far more people have visual perception anomalies than is reported.  Those who were born with them or developed mild symptoms while growing up often think that they are normal (everyone experiences them).  So from the sense of 'common' some symptoms such as VS are 'normal'.  In the end, they are not ideal, but much of life is not ideal anyway.


    But life, including HPPD, can always be made better if not ideal



  17. It largely is.  Of course snow is snow.  But many report HPPD type stuff.


    The key difference is just the technicality that the definition of HPPD is supposed to be from hallucinogens.  It all comes down to symptoms of the brain processing info with some difficulties.


    Am thinking of posting about thiamine cocarboxylase on some of these non-HPPD forums and see if anyone there responds as they have here ... that would show a link.

  18. Fascinating.  Sertraline (Zoloft) gives me severe anxiety and Effexor seizures.  Don't know of many members who find Zoloft to be a magic bullet.  And some have actually got HPPD from it.


    But everyone is different.  Since you do well with sertraline you might do well on effexor.  There are a few members here on it.


    All SSRIs and SNRIs cause anhedonia.  Same with anti-psychotics.  One has to decide what to live with - you can't have your cake and eat it too.  


    But until you try a med, you won't know.


    What were your symptoms of HPPD that sertraline fixed?  Is anhedonia the only problem you now have?

  19. Hey Visual, thx for your respond.


    Im using this supplement: https://www.bioticsresearch.com/sites/default/files/FAQ%2011-41%20Bio-Immunozyme%20Forte%20BRC.pdf

    Im only taking 1 pill


    So I smoked 3 days in a row marihuana (haze with some kief) with a very high amount of THC and less CBD. Amd it doesnt made me tripping, it made me very stoned and, like I smoked a high CBD strain. 


    I think i can never get high anymore. :D


    Thanks ... forgot you already told us the product  :blink:


    Are you taking just one a day?  Have you tried 2 or 3?



    have you tried benfotiamine, which is meant to raise thiamine pyrophosphate levels, and is a bit cheaper, and has some other benefits?


    Some of the medical reports are about thiamine analogs such as benfotiamine.  It is logical they would help.  I haven't tried any of them.  For consistency, am suggesting people first try thiamine cocarboxylase and report response.  Then it would be cool for some to try these analogs and report how they respond.  It does seem that no one here response noticeably to thiamine mononitrate or thiamine hcl.

  20. It has made me really "stressed", felt some burning inside my chest ad my head. Felt like just before some recreational drug was about to kick in (the unpleasant feeling). I think im worse since that day slightly, but take a note - I drank tea (coffeine I guess) lately that worsened my hppd "permanently", still feel the effects of it 3 weeks later... I took an 8mg pill ...


    I think injections of Vit B12 also caused worsening in the past (even though I was Vit B12 deficient before the injections..)


    I am planning to do metal chelation with Andy Cutler's Protocol (fb group, highly recommended). Many people there report Multiple Chemical Sensitivity to same things as me (magnesium, vitamin C, fish oil and some others), same as people there report tinnitus, brain fogs and so on..

    After the chelation, I hope that my Chemical Sensitivity will be improved and I will be trying few supplements again.


    Would you post which product you tried?  There is another member in Poland looking for cocarboxylase.


    Since it should do nothing for a person unless there is a deficiency, I would persist if you can.  You are very sensitive though.  On other member, Kellen, reported better energy but worse visuals ... he is also very sensitive, even has problems with vitamin C.  Also the product he took has Trimethylglycine which may be disruptive.


    How much did you take and how long?


    Google thiamine deficiency multiple chemical sensitivity.  You'll find stuff such as this: "Approximately 20% of chemically sensitive individuals are deficient in this vitamin. Supplementation often results in improvement in chemically sensitive individuals.  Pollutant injury to thiamine (B1) occurs from excess intake exposure to formaldehyde, alcohols, glycols, or by over use of the aldehyde detoxifying mechanism. Thiamine act as an intermediate carrier of aldehyde groups, without, it aldehydes can accumulate in the body." - http://www.diet-and-health.net/Diseases/ChemicalAllergies.html\


    Prefer medical research articles but as it is, MCS is not well recognized in the medical community.  Ironically, I do have that as an official medical diagnosis.  Many think that such a person is just 'nuts' - maybe I am just nuts  :P



    It is very common for HPPDers to be ultra sensitive and even have peradoxical reactions.  Here is a thread reporting changed response to meds http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/2408-vyvanse-a-stimulant-made-hppd-much-worse-scared/  - note post #4 --- One member took Ritalin got worse, took risperidone and got better, then took Ritalin without a problem.  Yet by far, most HPPDers cannot tolerate risperidone ... and some have got HPPD from Ritalin.  So the brain is dynamic.


    This demonstrates that there is a underlying weakness.  HPPD is defuse ... not a focal brain injury such as is typical with TBI.  Whether thiamine is the or just a thing, time will tell.  Of reports do far, only Jay says it did nothing at all.

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