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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. ok me too.. ive had bad concussion and some neck issues
  2. watching the 6th sense "movie" hehe

  3. Hey Merkan! It sounds good.. What type of videos were you looking at shareing? Would you be intrested in members / sufferers who are intrested to share there storys and journey with hppd on the HPPD U tube channel? Why not.. i would do it, id be transperent and share my story.. maybe it would get the intrest of compassionate people who want to help. maybe we could link the videos to: www.gofundme.com and raise money for some treatment / reaserch etc etc What are your thaughts ? Thanks
  4. Thanks man.. sure, i think its a good thing i suppose, i also want to "get good" at video to promote my other business. Yes, its the right thing to get it out there and possibly "help" others.. i suppose its theraputic to share in this way. It builds "emotional muscle" Thanks! i would really like to meet many of you people in person thanks bud. for sure.. i am positive, i dont like to see myself as having a "handi cap" tho .. take care too! thanks man. I appreciate it! Yeah i have been benzo free since the start of the year and it hs been a real transition. Things have really changed/ Thanks so much friend, take care too.. Thanks man! yes , agreed .. its good to see another "face of HPPD" you can see im a normal person, mostly lol .True it really does seem very unfair for many of us hppders to be enduring this! It would be great for you to do your own video, i do hope to see it soon. I may re-do mine also in more depth and detail..
  5. ok it sounds exellent.. i sent the links through to a specalist, will have to look into it more... thanks
  6. hey thanks jess.. !!! i think its a good idea also.. I kept this one short and to the point.. tho feel like there is much much more i could say and share about my experience/s, likley it would shock people
  7. this is me a real person and real hppd
  8. I have just done my first U Tube HPPD video / sharing part of "My Story" I’m sure I will get better with practice and there are so many more facets of my experience I would like to share to raise awareness and possibly "help" others. http://youtu.be/R5hO8ewxzLc I likely toned some parts of the severity of my HPPD down. Also I do take "responsibility" for my own situation. Likely you can see I do feel "uncomftorble" speaking about it. Id usually smile a lot more.. Anyhow. Check it out and see what you think.... P.S. My U Tube account is under a "Pen Name" HPPD is more than a challenge.. its chronic, cruel, horrible and brutal. i should have said this, maybe next time......
  9. Unfortunatley no... im in Aus (Australia)
  10. id like to meet a fellow HPPer ive only ever met 2 in my entire life ... and im not sure even how authentic they were.. :/
  11. thankyou everyone for shareing your thaughts and experiences
  12. Hey there... I stumbled upon this e book. It seems to contain some quite fascinating topics. Relevant and similar to some of our discussions on hppdonline.com. Topics relate to hallucinations, neuro plasticity, limits of human perception, pharmacology, shamanism etc. It also mentions and speak about "HPPD" and has cool pictures.. “Labotimizer” I think you will like this one. Please take a quick look. It may be worthy of quick read. Thanks.. See this link below http://psychedelic-information-theory.com/pdf/PIT-Print-Web.pdf From what i can see it speaks about HPPD on page "34"
  13. ok.. there exellent resources.. i just took a look, thats great! Good find
  14. ok wow .. that looks facinating!.. really "hope" we find some treatment or cure soon.. imagine how liberating that would be.... f*&k me..
  15. In Dr Abrihams Video, see below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5Ghxo1jdQM#t=15 I hear him mention "Psychophysics" see link below... http://www.optometry.unimelb.edu.au/research/psychophysics.html Do you think this would be an area worth investigation?
  16. Ok Labotimizer.. It sounds awesome, Im keeping my eyes peeled.. Looking forward to it! Thanks...
  17. Hey Labotimizer.. And Jay Absolutely. Sure.. I will do my best to share and explain my experience. I smoked DMT at an alternative festival in northern Australia. There were a group of people giving a workshop / talk on psycadelics and they were speaking about DMT. I had never heard of it at this time. After the talk i was curious and asked them about it. They said it was nothing like LSD. They had some DMT there and then asked me if i would like to experience it.. i was curious and proceeded. The next thing I knew 3 girls set up a rug for me to sit on,,, on the ground and some Guy brought me a glass pipe. I proceeded to smoke... This is what happened during the trip: Before i had even finished half an inhalation (toke) the glass pipe turned into 7 pipes directly in front of my eyes. Then a huge Gum tree moved through my body, like a car driving through a pane of glass. At this point i collapsed backwards onto the ground. From here i was transported to a realm half way between the earth and the sun.. what i can enliken to an "astral heaven" filled with the brightest lights and images made of light resembling "mandalas". There i was met by 1000s of Goddesses.. With the most feminine forms. There bodies were made of light.. of all different colours moving from the crown of their heads all the way to the base constantly moveing. They all surrounded me in a circle and then picked me up in the centre with all their hands joining.. and raised me up above their heads and held me up there. While this was taking place, a telepathic communication took place between myself and them. After some time, I slowly started to descend back to the earth, back to where I smoked the pipe... and came back into my body. haha wow.. no wonder another name for DMT is "the business man’s lunch" I was out for about 15 minutes. I think because I did not even know what DMT was or anything about it.. it took me some time to integrate the experience. was quite blowen away. The guy who administered it to me said he felt "fear" in my heart. No wonder due to past experiences / hppd and drug induced trauma etc. I think afterwards, from what I can remember... it did heighten HPPD visuals for some time. When when i came back into my body the hallucinations were quite strong still.. and I think reflecting on this and the experience may have amped / heightened my hppd for a day or two or three. Then likely it returned back to the normal base level. I agree that DMT is less likely to cause hppd like you say. Absolutely.. I think it’s way more natural, found in nature and in is also in our brains. Better than LSD in my opinion. I’m really not sure of the mechanics of how it would affect an individual in a different way to lsd and mdmd etc etc... It’s quite amazing that, after having this experience, I researched DMT fully. I found Dr Rick Strassman online and shared what I have been experiencing for years (hppd) Dr Rick Strassman told me about HPPD and this is when I first realized that what i had been dealing with all those years was HPPD.
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