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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. yeah lets do it we would kick ass over visual snow anyday lol
  2. ok awesome Jay!!! Comon lets goooo !!! i have some unbelievlbe stoys to share, stuff that would asonish people n make them cry... im really looking forward to shareing... in detail.. I will disguse myself tp protect my identity I will re- do my video very soon.. who will host this channel ?
  3. that would be awesome Jay !!! thanks ok Jess.. maybe you could just inform other members and encouare thise who want to particicipate.. can always keep identitiys concealed... have a good day !
  4. alright.. this is really cool we could even do a header befor each video.. explaing briefly about hppd or whatever.. maybe some music we should just get in the game.. produce something anything make a start.. oh the camera loves me lol... haha im doing video anyhow for my other business / promotions.. Remember guys,, everything is hard before it becomes easy. with a little pracitce it will become natrual, and Steven Spillberg will want you hehe Just imagine.. we may really create some change "out there" people may emphasize... there are billions of people on the plannet.. we could do it with the intent to use some of the videos for www.gofundme.com later oh yeah lets do this....
  5. ok im very sorry to hear of that.. I do hope it improves for you soon! Thanks very much for replying to my post...
  6. thanks great ! Thanks for shareing, sounds like meditation is strengthening the "witness" awesome.. i meditate also
  7. hey there, Im a hppd sufferer.. and im doing my best to determine whether i have dp or dr.. sometimes i feel as tho my sense of self is distorted.. is this one of the symptoms ? any feed back would be great! Many thanks...
  8. Hi There Jagamister.. i agree with you 100% David Kozin is so awesome and still fighting for us.. and where would we be without him... and others who have sacrificed so much time, energy hard work and courage etc etc etc as a means to this end. This is great.. http://hppdonline.co...d/?fromsearch=1 Yes - Our Goal should Be 100,000 to begin with! Maybe we can set up the donations to go to David Kozin... thay maybe able to help with his other expenses also.. what needs to happen to "Get in the game" and to just set this up professionally, so we can present ourselves in the best light and get the outcomes we would like..
  9. oh what happend to the web site ? https://www.facebook.com/perceptiondisorders
  10. Hey Jess, ok that’s really great! I’m also keen to step up and share also on video also... I think David Kozin would be excellent to ask about that... there may well be people doing research. If I remember correctly.. there are people doing clinical research trials "im trying to find the web site.. apparently the woman who is conducting it is looking for people to share there story’s for her new up and coming book.. There are also these sites i found : http://hppdfoundation.org/ http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NS-12-002.html i im looking for the www.perceptualdisorders.com site ? Also.. possibly Dr Henry Abriham may know of current study’s / research that is taking place... ok yeah that’s such a good idea! ok Jess.. I think we have to do our best to inform and motivate people to take action to do this. People can remain 100% anonymous, We can achieve this by wearing wigs lol and sun glasses lol etc etc I understand it’s important to people that people may want there identity’s kept concealed. Me also.. we could always just upload them to the HPPD U Tube Channel... I’m sure we could produce some cool shit.. and there are so many ways to promote our cause through GoFundMe. I set up another account for another "charity" so know its easy to promote on that platform. So lets take a stand and just do this. It doesn’t matter so much what it looks like, although we just want to get the result, i.e. money / funding for treatment research/studys. Life will reward us for being Bold. Who knows.. im sure it will raise public awarness more and more, it may even get the attention of the media..
  11. I made a post about "Go Fund Me" and Suggested raising money for HPPD about a week ago: http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/4048-starting-a-youtube-channel-for-hppdonline/ This is the first time i have seen this one on visual snow tho.. As a community we could always (and should) model something similar to this.. People who are intrested can always make small videos.. then we can put them all together... and create some cold hard cash.. for reaserch etc etc Our target should be at least 100,000 dollars to begin with. I will take action now and start the page -
  12. holy fark skunk is the wost lol
  13. Sure.. as far as im aware QEEG is availabe in australia and have sent detais of a Neuro Psychaitrist in Brisbane to your inbox Jess. Hope that helps..
  14. thanks you too Canabrain.. i just sent that link thru to my docter... All the best for thursday!
  15. Thanks! ok exellent idea.. wow 1/3.. thats awesome and a high ratio.. It sounds good, please do let me know how it goes! That article looks exellent.. I will send it thru to my neuroligist to make him aware.. I would like to try it also. All the best for thursday!
  16. thanks very much for that Cannabrain and Jay exellent and helpful tips and adice.. No wonder i find writing and other tasks that require focus so challenging often times... etc etc etc i will make a consistant effort to be more of an extrovert and make more friends also (just located to a new city) I may look into Tolcapone also.. Thanks again !
  17. basicly since then my social life is zero... and i even deactivated my face book account,,,
  18. im curious, i was using clonazapam for nearly 3 years. I did a complete withdrawral nearly 6 months ago.. Since that time, i feel as though i relate to the world diffrentley and i have changed alot. It is a transition. Can aneyone relate ?
  19. ok well thats a great outcome then maybe it was the catylist for those future events.. for sure, i need to keep that in mind...
  20. this is what the amaoznian shamans think LOL they think there is a link..
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