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Posts posted by Sammywalker2009

  1. I can get the train and London does look like the better option for professionals with some more of an idea about this condition I mean there's a few docs there who are aware of visual snow If I do go down the London route it will have to be after Xmas as I'm due to have my operation within the next couple of weeks and will be recovering from that for a while public transport wouldn't be an option for a while it sucks hence why I was curious about seeing a doc closer in hope they might just prescribe me what I want and save me the irritation of going to London lol

  2. ok so I have emailed my local hospitals to save going to london for the time being then if i get nowhere locally I'll go to london and see if i can see a doctor at kings or somewhere privately as I have recently found out I have private health cover. But basically I have told to get referred to a neurologist who specialises in headaches or an opthamologist with some neurology experience I am wondering who would be the best one to go with and who might be more likely to know of visual snow and prescribe me drugs to treat it. any help advice much appreciated as always guys

  3. I had the same trouble when I saw my gp they wouldn't prescribe me klonopin or keppra and told me they never heard of the condition and that these drugs wernt licensed to treat it which is rubbish as I later found out they can do off label prescriptions visual snow/persistent migraine aura is more of an accepted condition I emailed lots of institutions who are aware of this condition who advised me to see neuros at kings collage London this is probably the place where you are most likely to flind a doctor with some idea of this condition but there's a few places in London which specialise in migraine some of the meds they try are primarily anti-epilepsy drugs so you might have luck with getting them to prescribe keppra klonopin if you show them the study on it I'm waiting to hear back from my local hospital to see if they have anyone with any experience of visual snow otherwise I'll be going to London

  4. Something that makes me feel better is when I see inspirational people with horrendous illnesses and diseases who make the most of their lives and have such passion for life it makes me remember things can always be worse and gives me a better outlook if they can live a happy life then so can I

    Also I'd suggest thinking really positively if you can if you think you can heal there's a bigger chance you will it's been scientifically proven people who have something to get better for get better quick so look to the future also

    I've also found reading to be really helpful

    As Jay said exercise be healthy good diet drink plenty of fluids supplement some people find help in yoga and meditation Sex helps lol

    The busier you are the more things like dr/dp have passed for me and visuals are less noticed

    Good luck people been here a while and wanted to give some advice with little things that help me to any newcomers

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  5. Hey man I read over on the visual snow forum of a few people who tried seroquel most people advised against it for a few their symptoms got worse some people it didn't effect and I think a couple of long term people it helped their symptoms but from what I read majority of peoples symptoms got worse within a few days of the drug so they stopped straight away there symptoms returned back to how they were I don't think antiphsycotics in general are very good for treating hppd as hppd isn't anything to do with psychosis plus I've heard they give real shitty sides probs best to come off them dude and try something else especially if they're making you feel crappy hopefully keppra or something might work better for you if you can get it prescribed peace !

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