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Everything posted by Memnoth

  1. I have given this some more thought, and maybe trying to stimulate the 5HT2C receptor is the wrong way to go, do not do this, this will worsen your symptoms. Increasing dopamine in your brain slightly decreases the serotonin output in your brain synapses as a method to rebalance your blood pressure. This decreases 5HT2C-receptor stimulation thus experiencing a decrease in HPPD symptoms. This is why levadopa alleviates the symptoms while acting on the dopamine receptors. The only downside to this is that when dopamine returns to it normal quantity, after desensitizing its receptors, your symptoms will become worse. By personal postulate; this means you have to take levadopa for the rest of your life if you're going to use it. Maybe a way to decrease visual snow would be to kill the 5HT-receptors causing this, which could mean taking MDMA or other empathogens, pure MDMA only though; that is, not Ecstasy (Ecstasy is a cocktail drug, usually containing amphetamines or other compounds as well), since too much serotonin and dopamine in your synapses at the same time makes the serotonergic enzymes that break down serotonin, accidentally break down dopamine as well, this produces hydrogenperoxide, and that is something you do not want in your brain, it is highly corrosive due to its oxidative effects. But do not try this, this is a mere hypothesis. Please correct any factual statements as these are mere postulates.
  2. Also, there have been some studies that I can remember reading, that concludes that supplements of melatonin of 5 milligrams or higher before sleep can reduce visual snow to some degree. I'm not really sure how, but as serotonin is a precursor to melatonin it may reduce visual snow by rebalancing the monoaminoacids somehow. Just something I'm thinking about.
  3. I highly valuate your opinion, and thank you for expressing yourself. Though I have to say, I have had an autistic obsessive compulsion to study this, and this is basically my intellectual conclusions. I have had visual snow for six years now, and I have very much taken every drug genre that exists and it hasn't changed my visual snow at all, henceforth my expression of this very topic. I have taken 4-HO-MET at least 10 times during my condition, and it has not been getting worse. Personal experience only. The 5HT-receptor or 5HT2C-receptor specifically is responsible for visual snow, inducing a perception disorder connected with a genetic predisposition of HPPD. Technically if you overstimulate the 5HT2C-receptor it becomes non-responsive, usually with presynaptic ion atoms, which reduces visual snow. Inducing a hallucinogen that overstimulates the 5HT-receptors will reduce visual snow only if you apply an anti-epileptic benzodiazepine at the same time, since it reprogrammes the neurosynaptic patterns in your brain to behave in a different pattern. If you have a hard time to understand the facts, I can simply put it as you will emotionally enforce the benzodiazepine effect to apply because the enforcement of the hallucinogenic drug stimulation will adapt to your experience, which will be less visual snow because of the benzodiazepine. Again, please correct any factual statements that are wrong.
  4. As this is my first post, I feel by compulsiveness to express my hypothesizes on this matter. Compulsive by nature as I am autistic, and currently affected by ethanol and by a tryptamine hallucinogen called 4-HO-MET while writing this. As the title of the topic suggests, I suffer from severe visual snow, and I feel obliged to inform others of my hypothetical treatments to this condition. Number one: By empirical data at hand, I experienced less visual snow after watching television for at least 4 hours a day with bad SCART-cable connection. Which means I basically watched television with static distortions. This suggests 5HT-tolerance to visual perceptions, which would explain a decrease in visual snow. Maybe this has a therapeutic value to treat visual snow, by simply witnessing something of a resemblance to the symptom. Number two: This is strictly by medicinal means, but I experienced less visual snow after tripping on 4-HO-MET while ingesting diazepam at the same time. If you have done your homework, by all humorous means, this means 5HT2C-tolerance is gained by engaging the surrounding areas, controversial to what 4-HO-MET or its analog Psilocin does, by simply applying a benzodiazepine with anti-epileptic properties at the same time. I hope my experiences brings some perspective to you, and do please correct me if I'm wrong in some factual statements I have expressed.
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