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Posts posted by shaolinbomber

  1. On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:26 PM, K.B.Fante said:

    For what it's worth, I contacted the authors of the recent North Carolina study about whether they think HPPD could be a result of a permanent sealing of the lid on the seratonin receptor and one of them said he thinks its highly unlikely. In fact, he specifically said he thinks there's no way it's even possible. Instead, he suggested the visual cortex could have become "sensitized" given our visual disturbances and the fact this area of the brain has a high number of 5-HT2A receptors

    He sorta sounded like he was just spitballing, but I guess it's something. Still doesn't tell us much. 

    Most likely what has happened in the brain with people who experience HPPD. From the sensitivity to visual distortions meaning the brain is having a difficult time filtering out useless visual stimuli to the over thinking and anxiety ridden disorders people develop also to the DP/DR phenomenon all suggest that 5ht2a receptors were upregulated either during the drug experience or afterwards as a defense response by the brain to compensate for the chaotic conditions that hallucinogenic drugs produce.


    On another note, I may take this to my doctor and, after having kinda given up looking for new medications to help me for 5 or so years, I may yet again take up and gauntlet and start trying stuff again as recently my HPPD has been getting the better of me and have been bringing me down,

  2. On July 28, 2017 at 8:45 AM, fruitgun said:

    I considered trying Kratom but I am not sure because someone on this site told how Kratom made his symptoms skyrocket long-term. Maybe it was laced with something else, dunno.

    I take Kratom a few times a week. It helps me and is not as extreme as true opiates although it has some activity at specific opioid receptors. 

  3. Interesting interview, especially the part about pupil dilation being, on average, bigger in hppd patients. I've always believed that opiates/oids, while being highly addictive, can help hppd symptoms and dp/dr because not only do they drastically shrink pupil size but they also cause a flood of dopamine in the brain and anytime I've done them in the past I feel the dp/dr slip away as well as watching my visuals lessen quite a bit with it.

  4. I have been out of commission for nearly two months. It has not impacted the co-authoring of a paper on HPPD for the British Psychological Association's Flagship journal, "Psychologist" in a special edition on Hallucinogens.


    I had a very complex break in multiple locations on one of my legs. The damage done inside the leg was severe and to prevent amputation of my lower leg, the trauma surgeons rushed me for an emergency fasciotomy (removal of the fascia). In my case, it was a 25cm x 12cm section of my right shin/calf cut to expose the muscle and remove the pressure in my 4 leg compartments. I woke up to that wound with a wound vac connected to it. I am still wearing the wound vac.


    Then sent off to have an intra medullary nailing of my tibia. Intramedullary (IM) rods are used to align and stabilize fractures. IM rods are inserted into the bone marrow canal in the center of my tibia (large shin bone).


    An x-ray of the rod and nails in my leg is below along with the "spounge" covering my wound connected to a negative pressure vacuum 24/7.


    I then developed an infection at one of the sites of the break. 2 additional surgeries, through-out the day IV antibiotics & multiple antibiotics to treat resistant strain.


    Three times a week I have my wound inspected and vacuum dressing changed. I have an appointment tomorrow (Oct 2nd) with the Infection Disease group at the hospital to evaluate the state of the infection. Either I am cleared for the next step to have a skin graft, put on continued waiting (this type of Staph can take year to battle), or re-admitted for IV drugs/monitoring/etc (I doubt this is the case, I seem pretty well).


    I have been injected with Fentanyl, Morphine, Midazolam, Dilauded, Nerve BLocks, 8-12 Percocets a day... still can not walk, but starting to move my ankle a little.


    Best wishes,











    Damn that sucks and I feel sorry for you but IV morphine, fentanyl, dilaudid and percocets all in the same day? man im jealous. Im sure it's hard for you to enjoy that euphoria due to the extreme pain though. Did you notice a decrease in dissociative symptoms when they shot you up with the pain killers?

  5. From the information I'm gathering now the Heat-shock proteins are supposed to be a protective response to acute body temperature rise or what the brain perceives to be upcoming damaging conditions.. The last research article I posted clearly stated that LSD and other excitotoxic chemicals, when introduced into humans, causes the reaction to take place and produces these little RNA "shields" to make sure important parts of our neurons aren't burnt out and killed off. I'm not sure if a semi-permanent to permanent alteration by these RNA proteins could cause a change in genetic coding of proteins from within the cell to adapt to the chaotic environment that LSD and similar drugs produce within the brain.


    This article here:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK6614/ explains all about the nature of this reaction in the brain and which genes produce it.


    It would be interesting to know whether or not David or Dr. A have taken a look at this as a possbility for the cause of the disorder. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated as I'd like to discuss this further with someone else.

    • Upvote 1
  6. http://www.pnas.org/content/82/4/1281.full.pdf


    The article explains how IV LSD administered to rabbits produces a "heat shock protein" which is produced in the nerve cells in the retina and slowly travels down to the superior colliculus. The Superior Colliculus pathway here travels throughout the visual cortex...all the way to the bottom of it. This protein that is synthesized due to acute increases in body temperature during LSD and other similar hallucinogenic drugs can alter parts of the cells in which it binds with. These nerve pathways connect all the way to the back of the brain and inside, from what I understand, part of the most sensitive areas of the visual cortex.... The lowest levels. If I'm not mistaken by memory then this would mean that this would put these heat-shock porteins in contact with the innermost inihibitory interneurons that have been theorized to control the inhibitory actions of our visual processing in the brain. The interneurons containing the highest amount of 5-ht receptors.


    These researchers say that this protein synthesized can take anywhere as long as 10 days to reach its destination or as little as 24 hours and could remain for up to 30 days possibly continuing to  "alter" whatever its binding to.


    The authors of the article also go on to mention that this production of cells can be triggered by other environmental stressors such as  



    Perturbations other than hyperthermia can induce synthesis

    of a major heat shock protein in organs of the intact mammal.

    A toxic agent such as sodium arsenite, which does not

    elevate body temperature of rabbits at the dosages employed,

    induces synthesis of a 74-kDa protein in various organs

    within 1 hr after intravenous injection (39). Other factors

    such as amino acid analogs, heavy metal ions, sulfhydryl

    reagents, and chelating agents have been reported to

    induce heat shock proteins in tissue culture systems (1, 2,

    40-44). A trauma-induced protein of 71 kDa, which shows

    tissue-specific charge variants, has been reported to be induced

    in incubated organ slices and in tissues of hyperthermic

    rat (10, 14, 44-46). It appears that a common set of proteins

    is induced by diverse treatments as a general cellular

    reaction to stress."


    There are several parts of the article I'd like to put in quotations to break it down so the next reader does not have to do as much work but I always strongly believed this process could have a high chance at the atleast ONE of the causes of the disorder.


    I typed this out quickly and did not look over it much because I just wanted to get the idea out here again ASAP so others could have a chance to look at it and give some feedback for discussion.


    From WIKI:



    Neural circuit The microstructure of the optic tectum / superior colliculus varies across species. As a general rule, there is always a clear distinction between superficial layers, which receive input primarily from the visual system and show primarily visual responses, and deeper layers, which receive many types of input and project to numerous motor-related brain areas. The distinction between these two zones is so clear and consistent that some anatomists have suggested that they should be considered separate brain structures.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I enjoyed that very much. Thank you for sharing that with us David. As always you lead the way for the outbreaks of progress within the community.


    The problems I had with the paper have already been outlined by a couple of the other members. Particularly the part in the article that states that this disorder is only anxiety driven and, as they basically put it, "all in your head". Well I would love to give whoever has that opinion of this disorder just ONE day with true HPPD and we will see if they're opinion on it is the same. However, I am glad that they followed that piece up with the physiological findings of disinhibition in the neural processing of visual stimuli in the brain with neurological circuitry made to measure electrical activity.

  8. Im scared of anything "natural" except opium and its synthetics since my set back four years ago on kratom. It ruined my already f' hppd life.

    I do not wanna go completely sober for the rest of my life and opiates just makes me not care about life. Is kava known for what it does? Kratom was known as an opiate substitute but showed up being partly tryptamine.



    Are you saying you enjoy the real FULL agonist opiates or you don't like them? Kratom isn't a full agonist opiate in the truse sense because, like you said, it activates other receptors which totally ruin the opiate experience. Opiates can be a great tool for mental relaxation and a way to take a break from the daily struggle of HPPD. This is something, in my opinion the medical field has foolishly overlooked. Opiates aren't just a medication to treat physical injury. In fact I would go so far as to say their ability to heal or assist in helping making mental adjustions to mental trauma is stronger than their ability to numb out pain fom physical injuries. Just watch the usage because that relief can quickly turn into an addiction.


    All in moderation..... As they say.

  9. Ohh.. Well in that case I suppose you could contact him personally. I think I remember reading somewhere that he's still providing it as an option or something.. foggy mind :)

    Honestly with these initial results released, I don't see why anyone would bother continuing research into Tolcapone+Sinemet, as it is highly unsustainable. The initial results were very helpful, providing us with insights to the pathogenesis of HPPD, but largely stops there. Basically it has confirmed that enhancing PFC DA signalling mitigates sensory gating deficits we think are involved in HPPD. With great thanks to Dr A., we can now continue to apply this model in more sustainable treatments.

    Personally I believe the more promising research would lie in NIBS, and would love to see a study conducted with HD-tDCS. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers, right?

    I never got anything from just the Sinemet alone and I want to try the Tolcapone just once with the Sinemet to see if it alleviates anything for me. If I were to get instantaneous reduction in symptoms from that combo I would be convinced that the problem lies within the activation or lack thereof of the Dopaminergic part of the nerual networks that have been changed/damaged/altered/however you'd like to explain it.


    but as for right now I remain skeptical for that as a for sure treatment for ALL HPPD sufferers.

  10. So, my starbursting is back to normal. Just as bad or worse than before... fuck, im so discouraged right now. I swear every day I think about just offing myself, driving off the road into a goddamn tree or something. If it were just the starbursting, I could deal with it, but im so afraid this dp/dr isnt going to go away. I want me back...


    I'm right there with you.

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