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Showing most liked content on 03/17/2016 in Posts

  1. Your brain is a paper. LSD is the act of crumpling that paper. Using remedies as an attempt to treat HPPD is like trying to make the paper straight again by bending it randomly. Won't work. Only advancing our knowledge in the areas of neurology and microbiology (nanotechnology) will cure HPPD. Nobody will do that for us, so, that's why I invite and ask you all, who, like me, just won't accept living with that and are willing to fight to start acting now. And by acting I mean, get a book and start studying NOW. Download a book on biology, neurology, nanotechnology, anything, and read it in your free time. Don't forget our brain is not magical. It's a physical machine. We damaged something on it. We just have to discover what. It is not hard. Think about it: why we have afterimages? Why we have static? In what sittuations HPPD happens? What's the linking between them? What could have happened biologically speaking? Whenever you got an idea, don't keep it for you. Spread it. It can inspire someone. I highly recommend everyone effected by this disease to study neurology. AT LEAST understand how a neuron works. Get the basic concepts on neural networks. It's a shame if you are suffering and doesn't do anything about it. Once we find a possible mechanism for HPPD it'll be a matter of time until we find a cure. This is the deal. We can keep complaining. We can go on trying random medicines believing something will magically cure us (and becoming sick on the process). Or we can BUILD KNOWLEDGE. Think: how we managed to build a rocket and land on the moon? Tip: it wasn't assembling random pieces. We got a problem. And we got the best problem-solver ever seen. Let's use it? If we can land on moon we can fix a few cells. It's not impossible. It's freaking JUST A MATTER OF WORKING. WE CAN.
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