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Online HPPD study: 45 minutes, $25 Amazon code

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We are currently recruiting participants for a new study entitled, "The Recent and Early Experiences of Individuals Contending with HPPD." Please consider contributing to our efforts to better understand the emotional correlates and mechanisms connected to this challenging condition.

Participants will be asked to complete a 75-item questionnaire (via Survey Monkey). Total time investment is projected to be 30 - 60 minutes. In exchange for completing the study, participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card code. For more information, and to see if you qualify, please email jcleveland@mycordell.com(encrypted address) and include an explanation of the way the condition impacts you.

With appreciation,


Jonathan M. Cleveland, Ph.D
Licensed Psychologist 

Edited by JonCleveland
deleted specifier of "2-4 sentences"
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