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hppd and antihisthamines


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Hello again, i know that i am spewing out questions but i have nowhere else to turn.

I got atarax, an antihisthamine (hydroxyzine) prescribed by a doctor for anxiety and they do work really but i am a bit anxious though becouse i am wondering if it can affect hppd in a bad way . So basically my question is: Has anyone experienced changes in their symtoms due to antihisthamines?

Thank you all in advance!

And again i apologize for my spelling, english is not my native language.

Best regards! // Morbide

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No antihistamine affects HPPD in any way in my experience. I have been through them all (I think): hydroxyzine, propriomazine, alimemazine, prometazine. The main reasons that I ceased using them is that they gave me horrendous constipations and made me feel zombified. But hydroxyzine (Atarax) is the most ok of them. So don't worry about any HPPD effects.

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