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Wellbutrin could be bothersome to ppl that actually have hppd. I don't believe you do. I had the same lingering effects you're describing from taking acid but that was before I actually got full blown hppd. As long as you stay away from lsd ect... I believe you'll be alright.

Trust me, taking drugs hallucinogenics (sp?) could take you to a land were you feel like you're permanently on acid, with all kinds of crazy side effects. It's not even worth it. Quit smoking weed cause that's a mild hallucinogen. Plus exercising would be a big benefit to you especially helping depression.

Take care pls don't wind up like mewink.gif


its better than being dead

I smoke weed to for my back pain. It does increase the visuals but they usually die down after a few hrs. I'm just saying if I had a mild case of hppd, and there was a chance smoking weed could throw me into a true case of hppd. Fk weed or anything for that matter.



Well some people, like myself for example, experienced minor HPPD for a period of time before it became full blown. Others', unlike mine, HPPD was triggered by smoking weed. They went a long time smoking with no negative effects before it got real bad. Take your visuals as a warning sign and be careful.



Well some people, like myself for example, experienced minor HPPD for a period of time before it became full blown. Others', unlike mine, HPPD was triggered by smoking weed. They went a long time smoking with no negative effects before it got real bad. Take your visuals as a warning sign and be careful.

Hey man, could you expand on how your hppd became full blown? What did you experience when your disturbances were minor, and how exactly did they become full blown? Was it from continued usage of hard drugs, or just from smoking and drinking? Sorry to hear about it man.


I had taken psychedelics in the past, primarily psyilocybin mushrooms, but the last psychedelic I took was either 2c-i or 2c-b. Not sure which but it doesn't matter much now. I had a pretty bad trip on it, but about 6 months later I started feeling different. (Now I recall that during my mushroom period I could see minor visuals but didn't make much note of it.) I felt like I could not open my eyes properly and just felt off. That is how dp/dr feels for me now. I was only smoking and drinking but not very heavily at this point. However, also during this point I was going through some transitions. Old girlfriend, new girlfriend. Moving from one state to another. Quiting work, starting school. I didn't feel stressed but there must have been some underlying stress that triggered it because I suddenly started tripping and was on a several month long bad trip. Literally.

I'm lucky because it has significanlty decreased. The constant anxiety that was around my neck is completely gone, but the visuals I'm afraid wil remain here for my whole life. Don't feel sorry for me because I got lucky since, while though I did have sever HPPD, the severity was only short lived. Now it is rather mild and I'm living life.

Hope that helps. So to answer your question - no, it wasn't from continuing drugs/alcohol/weed. It just happened due to, at least I believe, a stress trigger.



Thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me this.

My stress trigger was actually reading about HPPD, 5 months after my last shroom trip (also my drug of choice.) I couldnt sleep that night, and if i left my eyes open everything would go dark from the periphery in, and thats when I realized that somethin was fucked. My symptoms are actually mild by comparison, visuals virtually nonexistent, so I really do consider myself to be unbelievably lucky, especially not to have to go through DPDR, its just I guess when you already have this, it's always in the back of your mind that it can get worse.

Hope you had a great holiday bro, keep on keepin on.


Thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me this.

My stress trigger was actually reading about HPPD, 5 months after my last shroom trip (also my drug of choice.) I couldnt sleep that night, and if i left my eyes open everything would go dark from the periphery in, and thats when I realized that somethin was fucked. My symptoms are actually mild by comparison, visuals virtually nonexistent, so I really do consider myself to be unbelievably lucky, especially not to have to go through DPDR, its just I guess when you already have this, it's always in the back of your mind that it can get worse.

Hope you had a great holiday bro, keep on keepin on.

Dukkha ''The constant anxiety that was around my neck is completely gone''

I get this daily still after a decade. My neck is always so tense and muscle's spasm down my spinal cord. It also produces a lot of headpressure when it get's bad.

I know this is caused from shrooms cause I never had it prior hppd. That's all lol laterwink.gif


I'd like to hear from some people who smoked weed for a while post-hppd diagnosis with no effects and then suddenly got severe hppd. I have hppd from one bad shrooms trip, I took for myself almost a year to get healthy, exercise, and cut out all drinking and smoking (of weed). Now, I will drink on the weekends and smoke weed occasionally, and although I sometimes feel dumb the next day, it really isn't that bad. I've taken it to mean that I can enjoy weed, just don't over-do it. If I'm correct, it sonds like some some on here were doing what I was doing and then have had a sudden worsening of symptoms. I don't understand how this would happen, does it really just come on like that? Are there other variables? Are you sure it was the weed?

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