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Contacting experts to assist in unravelling HPPD


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Maybe we could get in touch with this man




This u tube is quite facinating




Watch this u tube video from 8 minutes and 25 seconds to give more information about him




One of select scientists in the world with permission to experiment with lsd and make it etc etc
thats the second u tube video

I think we should contact him and get him on board somehow
as a team, with others we have involved'.
In my opinion he would be a great resource



This man maybe a valuble resource also

we should definatley contact also

Current research focuses on the investigation of the functional networks and transmitter dynamics underlying the experience of self, visual perception, cognitive and emotional processes and the dysfunctions of these processes in human models of psychoses and psychiatric patients. Multiple approaches including measures of information processing, event-related potentials, and brain imaging techniques are used for studying these functions.

He works with Psychadelics also

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Does anybody know if there's a comprehensive list of these types of people who study LSD? I know Dr. Abraham is sort of a celebrity on this board, but surely there are others. I'd be nice to corral them all into one organized post for people looking to study the science behind this. These guys would all be great interviews.

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 Yay...i got a reply from the first expert Dr David E Nichols





Yes, I know of HPPD.  My thinking was that it was perhaps some sort of seizure disorder that was localized in the visual cortex.  That is just speculation, but there are two reports that it has been successfully treated using the antiseizure drug known as lamotrigine, which would be consistent with that idea.




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I've talked to Dr. A before.  


And i think I have heard of that other Dr. ..Dr.Nichols.   You are posting good stuff.  



Seizures and anxiety can be treated with the same meds. (ie-benzos)


Anxiety and Depression seem (in a lot of cases) to be common with HPPD. 



I'm not sure if 'unravelling' HPPD is so easy.  ...IDK maybe it is.

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I've talked to Dr. A before.


Ok great.. that's great.   I recently shared a 3 way Skype call with him for the first time.



And i think I have heard of that other Dr. ..Dr.Nichols.   You are posting good stuff.  



Thanks very much, i just discovered him on u tube.



Seizures and anxiety can be treated with the same meds. (ie-benzos)


Ok yes. I dont think Lamotrigine is in the benzo family tho.. is it ?



Anxiety and Depression seem (in a lot of cases) to be common with HPPD. 



very true



I'm not sure if 'unravelling' HPPD is so easy.  ...IDK maybe it is.


I agree with you. likely that was an inappropriate name for this thread.

Tho sometimes i just feel like many of these guys are very knowledgeable with all the work and study's they do.

I would like to think that they could put there heads together / join forces and have some type of discovery / breakthrough  / logic / new understanding that can benefit / facilitate for us the outcomes we are looking for.

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