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Sinemet - First Pill

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i was a member of the old hppdonline forum. i have hppd since 1996. i tried all sort of meds. nothing worked well. i was on Klonopin and occasionally on lorazepam the last 4 years. K-pin helped a little bit, but in the last 2 months the benefits were no more like there were in the time before. 3 days ago i find the new hppdonline in the net and since yesterday i'm a member again. i was tomorrow at my doc and get Sinemet. take the first pill and after 20-30min. if feel massive improvement in visual and body felling. after 4 hours i took the next 50/12,5 dose and minutes after that i felt a really peaceful mind in my head. no more stupid worries about small things. should this be the med i/we all searching such a long time before? even when it helps 30-50%, it would be a massive step forward without abusing benzos and other addict drugs. so good so far. i waiting for the night and i wanna know how i will sleep this night.

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i was a member of the old hppdonline forum. i have hppd since 1996. i tried all sort of meds. nothing worked well. i was on Klonopin and occasionally on lorazepam the last 4 years. K-pin helped a little bit, but in the last 2 months the benefits were no more like there were in the time before. 3 days ago i find the new hppdonline in the net and since yesterday i'm a member again. i was tomorrow at my doc and get Sinemet. take the first pill and after 20-30min. if feel massive improvement in visual and body felling. after 4 hours i took the next 50/12,5 dose and minutes after that i felt a really peaceful mind in my head. no more stupid worries about small things. should this be the med i/we all searching such a long time before? even when it helps 30-50%, it would be a massive step forward without abusing benzos and other addict drugs. so good so far. i waiting for the night and i wanna know how i will sleep this night.

Happy to hear that you're doing well on it. I think this could be the drug that many people who have both DP/DR and PTSD and HPPD will find relief from.

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slept this night incredible. had a lot of realistic dreams (very nice). when i woke up this morning, i felt much more clear and without tension in my body. my back didn't ache anymore. what is really amazing: yesterday before i slept, i looked on tv and there were very small letters of news flash on the bottom of the screen. i always had problem focusing on them and i always can't read them right. yesterday i see every letter totally crisp and clear, WOW! i got my own business and have a lot cars to repair today, but today i'm not so stressed like on other busy days. i can focus more on the details and my concentration is twice. i still can't belive it. wow wow wow wow wow........and this on the second day. ah, forgot something importent: libido was much better this morning. ;)

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since 4 days the tension is out of my body and my mind. i feel much more for other people, especially my wife and my little son. communication, laughing and being social in bigger crowds (was yesterday on a wedding party) is like before hppd. at the party my mind was completly free of anxiety and i had really much fun and conversation. i was zero depressed. lest few days i woke up much earlier too. headpressure and dizzyness is completly away. 80% less visuals, 100 free of anxiety!!!!, 50-70% more body feeling. if it will stay on this level i'll be happy to the end of my days. if it will be in the next few days/weeks better, i will pay every one of the hppdonline members that will visiting me in southwest germany following stuff: a real black forest meal in the right ambiance + and now hold on your seat! ....a real german black forest beer mug too :lol: !!! and now something for beer drinkers: yesterday i drank a few beers and everything stay ok. today i woke up early and i have no headache, confusion or dizzyness!!!! will try to update the trial so frequently as possible.

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Congrats Fred, since you are four days in I would say its safe that this is your new pal. Its really wonderful to experience the connection to your surronding again, i know. Keep going a couple of weeks and if the 20% visuals are still there you might wanna try keppra, like 1000mg and see if it takes care of the rest.

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i got a huge amount of keppra at my home depot. i only tried keppra for one week, but it made me sooooo sleepy. i could not work for that time, because i slept the half day....and that's my big problem: i got my own business: no work = no money. do you still use keppra too? when yes, which dose do you take? how do you start to take keppra with benefits, and what were your side effects?

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Well i started on 1000mg and then went up to 1500. Tried to go down to 1000mg before sinemet, didn't work out at all. When the Clonazepam cut settles i might try to go down again.

I did get a bit irritated in the beginning and some migraines but all that left in a couple of weeks.

i got a huge amount of keppra at my home depot. i only tried keppra for one week, but it made me sooooo sleepy. i could not work for that time, because i slept the half day....and that's my big problem: i got my own business: no work = no money. do you still use keppra too? when yes, which dose do you take? how do you start to take keppra with benefits, and what were your side effects?

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry for keeping away this forum, but i got the big winter tire business in my garage, so i'm working 16/7 all time to fix all the customer cars for winter. still feeling good with K-pin and sinemet (levocarb in germany) mix. still 100 free of anxiety!!!! living with a free mind is sooooo nice. last days had good sex a few times, were great too. please be patience with me, till the winter business is over. asap i will replay and tell how's it going.

thanks for all fred

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

i got a huge amount of keppra at my home depot. i only tried keppra for one week, but it made me sooooo sleepy. i could not work for that time, because i slept the half day....and that's my big problem: i got my own business: no work = no money. do you still use keppra too? when yes, which dose do you take? how do you start to take keppra with benefits, and what were your side effects?



I find Keppra too sedating as well.  But 250-400mg before bed can help sleeping.  Anything above 750mg trashes memory.  Then there is a negative 'rebound' when discontinuing, particularly muscle spasms.



the first pill and after 20-30min. if feel massive improvement in visual and body felling. after 4 hours i took the next 50/12,5 dose and minutes after that i felt a really peaceful mind in my head. no more stupid worries about small things. should this be the med i/we all searching such a long time before? even when it helps 30-50%, it would be a massive step forward without abusing benzos and other addict drugs. so good so far. 


slept this night incredible. had a lot of realistic dreams (very nice). when i woke up this morning, i felt much more clear and without tension in my body. my back didn't ache anymore. what is really amazing: yesterday before i slept, i looked on tv and there were very small letters of news flash on the bottom of the screen. i always had problem focusing on them and i always can't read them right. yesterday i see every letter totally crisp and clear, WOW!  ... i still can't belive it. wow wow wow wow wow........and this on the second day. ah, forgot something importent: libido was much better this morning. ;)


still feeling good with K-pin and sinemet (levocarb in germany) mix. still 100 free of anxiety!!!! living with a free mind is sooooo nice. last days had good sex a few times, were great too. 


Hope you are still feeling improved.  Your 4-hour, 16 hour, and 4-week reports are great, how about 4 years now ... still helping?


Something else you might wish to try is discussed here: http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/5027-thiamine-cocarboxylase/

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