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Hi im ausrtin and i really need help or someone to help me understand this


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I am om the same boat as u I had a steady supply of very good mdma and SAS for a long time starting off doing .1-.2 at a time but I gave it a month and then I was at .3-.4 at a time a month later I WA playing with death doing .8-1.2 at a time my highest dose was 1.6 do this day I still do not know how I did not kill myself in that process I consider myself very lucky and thrue this hole time I did acid every 3 days rarely missing a day but 1 time stuck out in particular when thrue out the day I did 1.6 of mdma and took the strongest acid I have ever had in my entire life and I just remember thinking to myself over and over again like fuck I am tripping so hard this is crazy just completely in my own world everything spinning around me walls were breathing all the grass was purple all the clouds in the sky turned into one big rainbow cloud and cartoons started dancing across the sky and this went on for about 10-12 hours and finally I was able to find someone to sell me xanex so I took that I knocked out slept for like 17 hours woke up and just felt extremely off but did not think much of it and went out with my friend and we smoked some weed and like it just shot me back up to my hardest point in the trip and my friends assured me that was normal that smoking weed shortly after tripping will do this but as the days went on this reputedly happend to the point were I would smoke just a little bit and feel so high and be tripping that it worrying me and after about 2 weeks of this I noticed I would smoke weed and after 3-4 hours it wasn't warring off like normal it was progressively staying around longer and longer to the point were I would smoke in the morning and be tripping all day like I just ate a strip and I realized there was something major wroung but befor I realized this I was dumb enough to think one day hey if i trip face off smoking I wonder what would happen if I took acid and smoked and I got the same acid I had that one day that was amazing and took 2 and smoked and it basically shot me into outer space I was already tripping face off smoking but when the acid kicked in I was in my own would we were driving down the road and all the houses looked like they were from cartoons and the road was purple and 3d and all the other cars were just random objects and I ended up going to the hospital where they kept me for 5 days they put me in a dark room to not stimulate me and it made me go mentally insane there were dragons flying around me I couldn't tell what the ceiling was or if I was looking at the wall or floor and this went on for 5 days till finally it mellowed out and I was released under strict watch by my parents and ever since then the whole world I am just stuck in a state of being unconnected with reality thinking about nothing befor u act I cant remember something for more the 5-10 sec without completely forgetting about it with out auto correct it would look like a 3 year old wrought this I can't even type the hole key board is moving it is driving me to insanity

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