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first signs of somthing was going wrong long before full symptoms

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My first symtomps did come 3 months before the full symptomps did apear buth i had no idea what was happening

Its started with light aniexty atacaks from time to time just a few minutes each time

I was still using because of it was a legal drug in nederlands and in the flyer was telling it was the safest drug with minimal risks so i didnt think it can cause this hard disease

After one month i did geth a heavy panic attack while i was 10 days quited from nicotine the first what a did was grab a siggaret afther few hours i was completly normal

This was mayby the signs thati i will experience a hellish bad trip a month later i feeled few time unconfortibal while some trips buth a very bad trip was waiting for me and yes i was continuing using and the times was comed this goth me and slowly the new hell was started with a peak of 20 symptoms some was fayding slowly some was starting burning time after time in the front of my mother did try and hold me on to hide what i was suffering just hoping everytime this wil be the last hellish day

Now i am strong what i write does feel me nothing i learned to be carefull what i will now doing after this shit can be beaten even its wil resist whole my live i resist to and find new ways to enjoy life and help others advicing minimalising the risks to geth not wrong and find naturely ways to enjoy life and dont push your limits to much day in day out

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What drug were you using? Many say it happened at once for me I had a bad trip on synthetics weed(really good shit to) and smoked it like 10 more times in the next 2 days and quit that for good and smoked poy for a few months after and slowly I became more depressed, felt depersonalization come on slowly and the world looked darker, not only emotionally but I feel like it was visually darker gland my visuals idk if they came all at once or over time I just noticed them one day when they were as bad as they are now

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What drug were you using? Many say it happened at once for me I had a bad trip on synthetics weed(really good shit to) and smoked it like 10 more times in the next 2 days and quit that for good and smoked poy for a few months after and slowly I became more depressed, felt depersonalization come on slowly and the world looked darker, not only emotionally but I feel like it was visually darker gland my visuals idk if they came all at once or over time I just noticed them one day when they were as bad as they are now

I did use magic truffels the strongest that there was i always use same because i goth every times good trips somthimes ver hard trips i never thought i wil geth a bad trip buth yea its happend and it was the last time that i wont use drugs anymore it was all the good trips not worth

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