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the key to succes


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I think to key to geth cured to find a naturaly way to geth huge amounts of geth relaxed or feel postive energy and positive emotions i didnt find a way to reach that yet there are different ways to find a cure we need to work hard and dont start quikly to use benzos if it cant witout it

Now we know how lucky we are when we was healty we did the things we know that give a good feeling, emotions witout using drugs now i gething relax or postive feeling or emotions when i dont expect that buth when i want that i dont geth it

buth i like to try new things new trails i learn today i need to geth face to face when my symptoms geth wors like when i am walking outside and need to think deeply whats causing my syptoms and filtering a lot of emotions and thougts and remembering the healty days in the past

i have a personalty that i cant accept my disease and that i wil keep fighting until its over buth i am not a scienthis so i hope i will study in the future to understand beter whats and why this beeing happening

so now i have a new purpose to geth back my old live every budy wants that after gething sick buth wil dreaming to and trying to lead a good life i had a dream when was healty buth i choosed always to wrong way and now at this moment it dont wil came out

Good luck

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