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Xanax, booze, weed


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Okay, here's a typical scenario... I take 1 or 2 .5mg xanax before playing a show or at work earlier in the day, then have a few drinks and feel really good, then have even more drinks, then end up smoking a bunch of weed (which is usally always around), and end up saying/doing shit I end up regretting in the morning...  I ended up doing this exact thing the past 3 nights.  I really want to cut out weed for good.  I've been dealing with HPPD for 4 years now and did do a 7 month stint of not smoking in the beginning but can't say I felt any better at the time so have been doing it occasionally since (always when I'm drunk about 1-2 times a week).  It's a direct correlation between getting drunk and smoking weed so I really need to cut back on my drinking.


Posting this here because I keep telling myself I'm going to cut out weed and cut back on booze, but I never do.  Maybe having it in writing on here will give me more incentive?  Ideal scenario would be to limit myself to 3 drinks, 3 times a week.  It's usually when I go over that where shit kind of goes down hill.  Like I said, I'm also on Xanax which I would hope to cut out someday (currently take 1 or 2 .5mg 3-4 times a week, but would ideally like to limit myself to 3 times a week for that).  I'm also on Keppra 250mg x2 a day. 


Thanks guys. 

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The Xanax is causing your inhibition filter to fall off.  But drinking+any benzo is a bad idea.  I never do it. 


Xanax is more notorious than any other benzo for disinhibiting effects, especially when coupled with alcohol.  You might want to try something different for your social anxiety.  Xanax is more for panic disorder.  Not to mention it's the most addicting with the possible exception of valium.  I would suggest trying klonopin (although you don't want to take that with alcohol either).


I don't think the weed is your problem, IMHO.

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I quited klonopin for 15 days it was very hard the first 13 days even i was on low dose benzo wil geth you adicted soon when you feel not the same effect on your dose i reccomend to stop benzos i dont know if its over the withdrwal i hope. i am doing good the last 2 days hope that its over. I was on 0.25mg for 8monts now if i feel bad i wil take 0.17,5 mg

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I did similar - mix alco and xanaxes sometimes (as I would not enjoy alcohol on its own, it makes me spaced out). Its deadly to hppd. First it was great but I think it was worsening my HPPD big time. Later a xanax would trigger my hppd/anxiety on its own and I had to drop more on top of the first one to ease the hppd and enjoy the calming effect. But I only took valium/xanaxes like 25-40 times, with fast build up of tolerance though..


I have a bad feeling xanaxes worsen HPPD.


And your story sounds familiar to me. Few years ago when I drank I really wanted to end it with some weed and relax completely - I think it was HPPD kicking in as soon as I aws sobering up and had an urge to calm/relax myself somehow.

You need to learn somehow just to enjoy drink or stay sober more... You might do yourself some harm like I did... now id give back all the money in the world, to not be where I am now. All I had to do is to learn to stay sober / not smoke weed / take drugs after drink (and not end all that then with with some psychodelics of course).


Good luck!

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FWIW I've been on Klonopin for about 15 years and my dose hasn't gotten any higher.  It's actually decreased.  I don't like taking it though.  I only use it as needed for anxiety and/or HPPD symptoms.  I usually take .25mg at a time.  I also take .25mg a night for sleep.  On rare occasions I take a "full" .5mgs but usually only if I'm in really bad shape or having an anxiety attack (which are fairly uncommon for me).  I've never much cared for the benzo buzz though so I don't really feel an urge to abuse them.


You just have to be careful.  Especially when drinking on larger doses of it.  Everyone is different.

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Always appreciate the responses guys!  Was feeling very guilty last week after a weekend of partying.  Smoked no weed in the past week, took benzos 3x (but never at the same time as alcohol), and had a few beers over the weekend.  Anyway, small steps!  Trying out klonopin as opposed to xanax on days where I typically need it, in hopes of getting through the day on a single .5mg dose.  Also increased Keppra dosage.  Been feeling good these past few days and hope the trend continues! 

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