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Emotional healing

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since I've been feeling fucking great for the past few months ive also noticed this recurring event that happens in my sleep that I absolutely love. I have dreams, I've always had them with and without hppd but these are different. These dreams represent actual problems in my life, during the dreams I do not know that it is a dream and the problems that I'm facing in my feel just like real life. In the dream I face the problem head on, I do not always solve the problems only because I wake up before the dream is over. The next morning my depersonalization is gone, 100% fucking gone and because of the dream I think of new ways to deal with the problems. It's like my brain is done with hppd and is finally trying to help itself

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Yes, that's the common reason that physicists believe why we do dream. It's a way to deal and handle with the problems that we face. It helps us in an unconscious state of mind.

When I was most depressed, I had the most lovely dreams about skateboarding, playing at shows and meeting up with old friends. It inspired me to deal with my problems and to get my life back on track and today I'm not depressed at all, I'm actually pretty positive overall. I don't suffer from anxiety either. The body has a lot of natural ways to deal with psychological pain. That's why you shouldn't smoke weed nor take anti-depressants as it will interfere with your natural healing process. Most people that smoke weed don't dream at all. Keep you head high up, accept your problems, enjoy your life.

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  • 1 month later...

Me too. Last night I had a dream that my static was super bad it was kinda like a nightmare I was in class. But I woke up and realized that my static isn't as bad as I make it out to be. I'm actually relatively doing well. Except for when I jack of(loss of dopamine/testosterone), under/oversleep, eat too much sugar, sodium, or fat etc.. Which drains my willpower, or complain/get angry about the symptoms.

That helps me realize why people who smoke weed all the time are stagnant in life without ambitions; it fucks wih their ego and shit

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Me too. Last night I had a dream that my static was super bad it was kinda like a nightmare I was in class. But I woke up and realized that my static isn't as bad as I make it out to be. I'm actually relatively doing well. Except for when I jack of(loss of dopamine/testosterone), under/oversleep, eat too much sugar, sodium, or fat etc.. Which drains my willpower, or complain/get angry about the symptoms.

That helps me realize why people who smoke weed all the time are stagnant in life without ambitions; it fucks wih their ego and shit

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