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i see a pattern of how people get hppd.


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it seems that it starts out with a bad trip. like a trip to hell kinda. introverted and in your head the whole time. the derealization seed is planted.


you continue to use drugs. the derealization keeps happening and the derealization seed grows. 


you then go on another trip with a drug like lsd shrooms dmt etc. with still unresolved issues 


since the dr/dp is planted, you going on an extreme trip to hell, this one is probably worse than the first one. you promise to quit drugs but its too late you have hppd. 


you dont really know what to make of it and dismiss it that it will go away.


then you smoke pot or trip again or something and then it gets worse and u have hppd.


it may be that research chemicals cause it more frequently . idk about that though. 



just an intuitive, theoretical assertion








it may be that some people are more prone to derealization than others. im talking about the creative type of people. called the "dreamers". like musicians and artists and daydreamers. add and adhd type of people, 


since creativity is linked with insanity and psychosis, i think that people who have creative and less focused brains are more prone to hppd. especially if they have a weak mind like if they use drugs to cope with problems and escape reality





people who take psychadelics with unresolved mental issues with bad set/setting get hppd 



One thing that we can do to help people avoid acquiring HPPD is to tell them not to use psychadelics to "get fucked up" or to try to cheat their way to enlightenment or taking psychs with egotistical intentions.


Idk if some psychadelics are less likely to cause hppd than other psychadelics, some people say that natural ones like shrooms and dmt dont and that acid and research chemicals do. i should open a discusion about this. 


according to my theory, research chemicals, a non-natural chemical, could have planted the seed and shrooms exacerbated it. i dont really know anything. 

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I never really had a bad trip. But I had really strong ones. Like that I was sensitive to hallucinogens. I've experienced DMT-like trips on shrooms only. And been traveling through space and time where sense of my body has completly disolved. And that was kind of standard dosages. Thing is almost everyone that uses these drugs have mental issues in the first place. So it doesnt have to be a direct link either. 99,9% of people with weird mental illnesses trips just fine without getting HPPD.

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  • 7 months later...

I never really had a bad trip. But I had really strong ones. Like that I was sensitive to hallucinogens. I've experienced DMT-like trips on shrooms only. And been traveling through space and time where sense of my body has completly disolved. And that was kind of standard dosages. Thing is almost everyone that uses these drugs have mental issues in the first place. So it doesnt have to be a direct link either. 99,9% of people with weird mental illnesses trips just fine without getting HPPD.

Yeah I am sure some with mental illness trip like others as well...but I read that sometimes often people with depression in there brains have a depression spread from there cortex and any little drug like weed can set them hppd off. Kind of similir to persistent migraine aura symptoms.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel like every LSD, research chemical or hallucinogenic I took gave me a piece of a jigsaw, and then on the last trip I had which was really intense and scary. I actually saw it happening every time I tripped though, within my minds eye a jigsaw piece on its' own, then the next time another was added (it looked like the screen on Catchphrase). I don't understand how a theme can reoccur in more than one trip, and how I'm still haunted by it now. The bad trip I had convinced me to stop, I imagined dying, then God told me it was something to do with a years worth of consistent legal high use being drilled out of me all at once. But I can see exactly what you mean, TBH it's actually a bit headwrecking for me that you figured it out.

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