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Aren't we unlucky.


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We will get better guys. I'm lucky. I still have quality of life. I can't smoke weed or anything, but I can ignore my visual symptoms thought the day most the time. I know some of you can't. I'm so sorry. But the human mind has amazing healing repercussions, and if you make the right choices and stay positive, you'll be free in no time. <3

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The most important thing is to get out of the depression. As long as you are depressed, then yes, you are unlucky. Whatever illness or sickness you may have, if you place yourself in a good enviroment with a healthy lifestyle and have people around yourself that you like you can still live a happy life no matter what.

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When you say, I can't smoke pot, what do you mean?  Have you tried and grown worse?  I made a post the other day and had no response.  I smoked pot for the first time in 8 years.  Had HPPD for 15 years, but mostly, has been well controlled.  Anyways, after smoking, I noted ALL of my visuals returned - especially floaters! I have become obsessed with staring at them.  Also, everything is back to looking 'off'.  I blame the pot, but it seems like the symptoms are worsening since smoking 2 months ago.  Anybody know if this is a commonality with us HPPDers?  Ya think it'll go away?  I'm really getting scared!  

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mycall 81 : pot made me severely depressed with floaters and suicidal thoughts the next day. and derealization . its probly cuz of its affect on the amygdala, which controls fear. plus the brain has less dopamine the day after.



Low dopamine levels are associated with feeling "dreamy". that could explain the derealization . people often report feeling derealized after pot even without HPPD.


anti-psychotics lower dopamine and tend to  make hppd much worse. so the "weed hangover" leaves u with that effect. That combined with the affected amygdala(uncontrollable thoughts)  is a complete exacerbator of HPPD according to my theory

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When you say, I can't smoke pot, what do you mean? Have you tried and grown worse? I made a post the other day and had no response. I smoked pot for the first time in 8 years. Had HPPD for 15 years, but mostly, has been well controlled. Anyways, after smoking, I noted ALL of my visuals returned - especially floaters! I have become obsessed with staring at them. Also, everything is back to looking 'off'. I blame the pot, but it seems like the symptoms are worsening since smoking 2 months ago. Anybody know if this is a commonality with us HPPDers? Ya think it'll go away? I'm really getting scared!

Well I week after I got HPPD I smoked a shit ton of pot and ended up in a psych ward. It will get better man I pormise but lay off the pot. I hope one day to be able to smoke again but idk if weed will make it come back until you said it will so maybe not haha. I can drink but I think it's not good for recovery because sometimes my symptoms are bad and sometimes they're almost gone.

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