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HPPD- The challenges and benefits

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Hey all! I am new to the forum. Wonderful to meet you all. I used to make my away around the DP/DR forum a lot but I have realized that the HPPD has come to be the most challenging thing to deal with. It is wonderful to be part of a community of others who can relate.


I have noticed that much of what people have to say about HPPD is commonly negative. I have been taking a step back recently and thought about what I have learned from HPPD and how it has possibly benefited my life. I made a short video this morning (it was right when I woke up...when my HPPD is really bad) but overall I think my point was made. Feel free to watch, don't watch, comment, don't comment, just want to share my support! Keep on keeping on my friends.


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Thanks for sharing! I like the multi-faced statue in the back.


You seem to have quite some strong variant of HPPD too. Too bad that it hasn't improved over the years.


If I'm really going to get into the benefits of it I would say that I enjoy tripping in the dark when sleeping, watching CEV:s. It's a small free trip a few nights a week.

I have a better sense of details because everything is very vivid, colorful and sharp. Landscapes can be very beautiful with sunglasses on, because of the "widescreen" effect, where my focus is disabled.

I like grey weather, rainy days and nights more because of the light is denser.

My ego has been reduced. I don't value things as much as before. This means I can value more important things such as health, friendship and music rather than money, clothing and material stuff.

I'm not afraid of death.


Even though depersonalization I have an increased self-aware. That's why I sometimes wonder if DP/DR really is what we are suffering of, or if it's something else. I mean I wouldn't be myself without HPPD. This is who I am now. There's no other option and there was never an "old" me. This is me and this is how it's suppose to be. Hopefully it will lead to something else but suffering and pain. I'm dedicated to the philosophy of fatalism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HPPD has definitely inspired me creatively.  As a visual artist, I was afraid HPPD would ruin my career.  If anything, I think it made me a stronger artist.  My experience with LSD has inspired me to create unusual narratives exploring life and death.  I've made artwork and animated shorts directly inspired by my visuals.  My career has excelled in many ways over the past couple years.  Some of my trippiest work has even made it to television - stuff I would not have otherwise created.  I think there is a meditative component to HPPD as well, although I haven't mastered that yet.  This condition can be very disruptive, frustrating and scary but I've been trying to refocus it into something positive and use it to my advantage.  Much easier said than done.    

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