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He is certainly the expert in this field.  


But i am not sure what he could do to help.  Maybe a lot, i am not sure.  

He could prescribe something.  Gabapentin, Keppra, Klonopin, etc.

Ease your mind.  Give you tips on making things a bit better.   Advise on some sort of therapy.  

I have not personally met him.  

If you have questions, I would not hesitate to PM David.   I know he worked with Dr. A and John Halpern also. 

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i may be able to find someone in Italy, that could help. 

I once found a good doctor for someone in Eastern Europe for a friend of mine.  But she was too stubborn to go.  

You seem like you'd be willing to get help.  So give me a bit and i will see if i can find something for you. 

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Levetiracetam efficacy in Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorders:
a prospective study. Casa, B, Bosio, A. Drug Monitoring Service, New
York NY; USA; Mater Dei Clinic, Rome, Italy. Journal of the Neurological
Sciences, Volume 238, Supplement 1, 2005, p. S504.

Abstracts of the XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology

"Background: The occurrence of flashbacks following use of drugs is a
recognised condition known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception
Disorders (HPPD), therapy for wlffch is based on neuroleptic and
attticonvulsant medication. Tiffs prospective study assessed the efficacy
of the novel antiepileptic drug levetiracetam (LEV) in treating patients
with HPPD over a 1-year period.

Method: Patients with HPPD were treated with LEV 1500 mg/day
(500 mg in the morning, 1000 mg in the evening) for 1 year. Daily
flashback frequency and electroencephalogram (EEG) assessments
were conducted at Day 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180 and 360. The incidence of
adverse events was monitored throughout the study.

Results: 27 patients (121 males, 6 females), with a mean age of 21.8
(range 18-26) years, were enrolled. At baseline, mean daily flashback
frequency was 9.3 (range 1-45) and EEG assessment demonstrated
temporal slow patterns in all patients. Over the 1-year treatment
period, 20/27 (74.1% ) patients became flashback-free. After 15 days,
7/27 (25.9% ) patients were already without clinical manifestations,
with 6 patients demonstrating > 75% reduction in flashback frequency
and 1 demonstrating 50-75% reduction. EEG patterns normalised in
18/27 (66.7% ) patients after 30 days and in 23/27 (85.2% ) after
90 days. 3/27 (11.1% ) patients continued to have flashbacks, despite
complete disappearance of EEG abnormalities. Side effects were
few in incidence and mild in severity. No patient discontinued

Conclusions: This study demonstrated LEV to be highly efficacious in
the treatment of HPPD, with very good tolerability and ease of use."


***   B. Casa  or A. Bosio   --  Mater Dei Clinic, Rome, Italy.  ***

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I am having a hard time finding those researchers or doctors.  


If your English is ok, in comprehending reading material,  you should definitely check this out,  perhaps there is some connection (: /). You can probably find the original text which may be in Italian:


2014Sep 2014
Leg Med (Tokyo)
Leg Med (Tokyo) 2014 Sep 11. Epub 2014 Sep 11.
Dipartimento di Chimica e Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Via Muroni 23/a, 07100 Sassari, Italy. Electronic address: pirisi@uniss.it.
Blotters are usually impregnated with hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); only rarely other psychoactive substances are detected. In this work we identified 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine (DOB) and 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine (DMA) in illicit blotters seized in Italy. This report describes a rapid method for the simultaneous identification and quantitation of DOB and its precursor (DMA) by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS), using 2,3-dimethoxyphenethylamine-d3 as internal standard. Read More





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Gentile -mg!

In my opinion, I'm agree with -mg. First, you should look for help in your country and, if you don't found and can afford the trip, then go to Dr.Abraham. Only for your comfort and your money. Should be a doctor able to script you Keppra or other drugs in the beautiful Italy, although the rehab should focusing in healthy live style! I wish you luck.

How time are you with hppd?

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So I got an appointment for the day after tomorrow with the author of the first article mg kindly sent me.


And here's briefly my sad story.


I started taking hard drugs when I was 16 years old and i stopped at 18. I just kept on smoking weed till I was 20. When I quit I suddenly started feeling strange, anxious, panic attacks and depression..But the doctors I saw didn't blame it on drugs, while they should have.

I recovered after few years, i finished my college and I moved to India cause i studied indian languages and I love indian culture. I didn't touch drugs nor cigarettes for ten years, I was happily working for a humanitarian organization and i was teaching italian. Then, unluckily, I met an indian rock star. We desperately fell in love and, since he used to smoke weed, he convinced me after a while to start smoking up again. I smoked for one year and a half and then i decided to quit again. The day I quit I started having floaters, tinnitus and mainly random thoughts, flashback and so on, symptoms which are way more invasive than just the visual ones. This was happening eights months back. Useless to say that since then i've been through hell. I saw ten doctors, none of them was able to tell me what was going on. I understood by myself through this forum and pubmed. My EEG, PET, RMI are all negative, only the TMS showed that the right hemisphere is way more active than the left one.


I described all my symptoms to Dr. Abraham and he told me to go to Boston..I might go in jan.


Life is sad. Love and pot should be banned :)

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I wouldn't advise going to Boston. It will be very expensive. I don't rate Dr. Abraham as much as others, despite what he has done. He seems too willing, IMO, to prescribe benzodiazepines. You can have a phone consultation with him which would be cheaper and he can send a report to your local doctor. I don't see the benefit of going all the way there unless you cannot find a local doctor willing to help, even if they don't know about HPPD. You can present to them research - this is how a lot of people go about things. Alternatively, there is to be a new clinic opening in London in early 2015 specifically for these types of visual perception disorders. PM me if you want contact details.


You can find much better information on this forum and would be better off trying out medications and non-medical treatments suggested on here, if you can get a local doctor to prescribe them.


There are lots of flaws in that Keppra study by the Italian institution and I'd be interested in what they have to say, if you can kindly report back.

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