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Kava cannabanoid properties

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first of is like to know your experiences with kava, I am going to buy the tea tommorow. I've been researching it and found out that it's a muscle relaxer and apparently doesn't affect the mind at all. It's main there's 6 main kavalactones in it which are responsible for all of its effects. Now around 3 of those have little information on them and 2 of those are Gabaergic. "Yangonin is 1 of the 6 main kavalactones and is classified as a cannabanoid and has been shown to posses significant binding affinity for the cannabanoid receptor cb1" once again please share your experience with kava and if it's safe for to take

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Oh! I thought you were talking about pot. What's effects do you expect from that tea? You refered muscless relaxation, so, do you have pain or just that you are looking for is relax.

Are you doing any sport regularity? Take me informated about Kava! I'm gonna to sign tomorrow to gym, and if you have good news, I will try also!!

Good lucky guy!

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Thanks for the reply jagermeister, I bought the tea and drank 2 cups of it at once with no effects, that's expected though because I've read that 90% of people don't feel it the first time so I'll give it another go tommorow and tell you what happens

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I've tried Kava a couple of times, in high dosages too, and never felt anything. The person who took it with me mentioned his relaxness, feeling good, muscle relaxation etc etc. But for me there was nothing excecpt the numb feeling in my mouth while drinking it.

I don't know, maybe it is a personal thing, but could it be that Kava doesn't work for HPPD'ers? I doubt that there are any researches on this topic but maybe someone else here tried it and can share their experiences. It would be really interesting.

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In my opinion, effects for hppders and non hppders are a little placebo. Healthy relaxed people can say: oh yes, that tea's cup is relaxing! But, now, the majority of hppders, that almost of us touched drugs and experienced a lot of different effects and should be very difficult to see any "improve" in our condition...

Do I have explained me?

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Ok so on the third time I felt it, like alcohol or klono without the mental fogginess. On the first time I did it I felt almost nothing just a little more relaxed but my depersonalization was almost gone. The third time I did it I woke up the next day all groggy, foggy and sobby (lol) I just felt a hell of a lot more depersonalized but nothing changed visual wise

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