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HPPD or Anxiety/Dr?


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  I have had anxiety and dr two times before ever doing trying LSD. I never had a visual symptom, but I found out that anxiety can manifest physical symptoms such as mild Visual Snow. After doing LSD I was fine for about two weeks, but I was nervous and had a strange feeling that the LSD was going to harm me in a long term. One day I started looking for symptoms of long term effects of LSD. I found HPPD, and made the connection of visual snow and HPPD ( without knowing that DP/DR could also give VS.) I freaked out and became extremely anxious. Panic, and derealisation every day until i started noticing floaters, after images in objects and also halos. I suffered from astigmatism, and it all happened while it was uncorrected so it was even worst. I still don't know what I have, and I figured that not one better than you guys would recognize if I really have HPPD. I have been having the following symptoms:


Floaters and Flashes

Visual Snow (mild)

After Images (in objects and just by briefly looking. This is what has me more worried because I don't think anxiety could cause this. )

Fluorescent lights have halos

Tinnitus (only sometimes)

if light hits an object in a dark background the object seems to get a "ghost like effect" king like double images.


(If it matters, I only did LSD once and it was one hit.)

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Sounds like the start of h.p.p.d thenighwatch.. I mean the correlation between ur acid trip then the main symptoms of the disorder of h.p.p.d. to coincidental to me my friend. Ironically enough it the disorder usually comes after the first trip of l.s.d. or magic mushrooms it is based on the first intoxication from research studies I have personally read. Did u have a bad trip on ur first experience with the one hit of acid u consumed?? I ate magic mushrooms laced with acid it was my first experience I was like almost 16 years old. I left my body I was about ten feet up from my head looking down at myself. I suddenly got slammed back into my body it was a little freaky but I rolled with it. Then my hearing went insanely acute and my reality was completely distorted and out of this world. My heart pounded out of my chest and I was incredibly dehydrated I couldn't stop drinking water. I remember going back outside because I couldn't stay where I was at the world was deranged and I was attached to it. I heard weird prehistoric noises the sky went blood red like lava from a volcano and out of 80 foot trees came out a fucking T-Rex that was so real I couldn't say to myself"h.p.p.d.24years ur only tripping its all kool trust" my heart was beating out of my chest and this fucking thing was chasing me it was always just at the back of my neck I couldn't get any further from the dam dinosaur. I could literally feel the heat from the throth of its mouth it never bit me though lol. Anyways I guess I ran to exhaustion and woke up in the hospital the doctor told me my heart smashed records for the most beats in a minute. I always wondered why a dinosaur my mom said I had a fascination with them and I always wanted to watch Godzilla movies when I was a little kid. Crazy shit..

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hahahahahaha that had to of sucked its also neat because I was also obsessed with dinosaurs and of course the T-rex was my favorite You know why a t-rex is so mad right its cuz his arms are too short to jerk off sadtrex1.jpg my scariest trip consisted of me believing that I had died and gone to hell because I couldn't open my eyes or move my body and all i could do was see blackness and talk to myself.. and you know how drugs are it felt like forever and I was just talking to myself in my head like well damn I really f***** this one up and died and now apparently im going to spend eternity in some dark void I wasn't even worth the effort to have a hell created for me

yep.. that one was pretty bad, however once I woke up and out of it I was exjubiently excited and super thankful as you might imagine



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U went to hell in a hand basket niccceee!!! Black spaces can be really dam trippy eh?? Did u shake hands with the devil too?? Ur trip consisted of u laying down in a catatonic state of mind with a touch of rationale? (concluding u were going to hell) that's distinguished or what? Lol.. If a next time hopefully it will be heaven;O)

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Yeah well it was basically I was tripping so hard I didn't know if I was awake or asleep or anything else for that matter, but while I was awake I was having a real bad time of it so I decided to go to sleep u kno just sleep it off right? wrong, I was still hyperactive cold sweats, freezing and I went to bed in a freezing cold car and it was night time so yeah I stayed pretty much as concious as you can be while on mushrooms and asleep but I didn't realize I had gone to sleep I just thought I OD'd died and gone to hell.. even though you can't OD on mushrooms but your thoughts get a little wack..

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