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Light therapy


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I've seen some people write about using SAD lamps to help their condition. For me getting up in the morning can be quite an overwhelming experience, I am sure this is due to the intense introduction of light into the eye and the visuals going mad for ages. I like the idea of wearing goggles that gradually introduce light till the time you set an alarm to get up, I think this would mitigate the above and cause the rest of the day to be better. The idea of involving sleep in a therapeutic practice is also seductive.  Has anyone tried anything like this or similar? 

There are also some surprising uses for light therapy in depression etc. This is interesting; http://www.news-medical.net/news/20110811/Light-may-play-a-role-in-modulating-fear-and-anxiety.aspx

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I might actually finally hang up those curtains in my bedroom and see how that helps.. But as far as specialized lamps go etc.. I mean the whole point is to mimic the gradual increase of light like the natural sunlight right? So perhaps instead of that, just try getting up at the break of dawn every day, and at some point it'll become a routine.

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I might actually finally hang up those curtains in my bedroom and see how that helps.. But as far as specialized lamps go etc.. I mean the whole point is to mimic the gradual increase of light like the natural sunlight right? So perhaps instead of that, just try getting up at the break of dawn every day, and at some point it'll become a routine.

That still doesn't tackle the suddenness of eyes shut from deep sleep to eyes open.. I find that really difficult in the morning. I feel that a smoother gradation would be much more helpful. I suppose the light on the other side of your eye lid would have to be quite bright. I do get up at dawn every day!

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Ahh I see what you're getting at.. Yeah sometimes I too get that: Ohh shit it's too much. Waking up can take me anywhere up to an hour sometimes, just trying to adjust to being awake (and to the light). Dunno about goggles though.. would be quite uncomfortable. But a ceiling lamp above your bed that could do this, combined with closed curtains, may be an idea. Just the money.. ohh the money :P

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Ahh I see what you're getting at.. Yeah sometimes I too get that: Ohh shit it's too much. Waking up can take me anywhere up to an hour sometimes, just trying to adjust to being awake (and to the light). Dunno about goggles though.. would be quite uncomfortable. But a ceiling lamp above your bed that could do this, combined with closed curtains, may be an idea. Just the money.. ohh the money :P

Mmm, I sleep on my side and wriggle allover the place, hence would rather goggles. I'd like to make my own but can't find a suitable circuit.

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I have one of those SAD lamps. I personally never used it too much, simply because sitting under the damn thing for half an hour is the same as walking for the bus. I have however considering setting it on a timer and mounting it above my bed so it lights up half an hour before my alarm goes off. The idea being that my eyes start to adjust through my eyelids, before I wake up.

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