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Just recieved some in the mail today. Took 1/4 of the reccomended dose. Feel very on point/stimulated right now despite the low dosage. Writing feels very fluent. Dont feel very anxious right now. Will report back either later this afternoon or tomorrow. What have your experiences been like with this racetam? Im certain some of you must have taken this at some point in time.

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1 and 1/2 hrs after first dose feeling extremely energised and motivated. Anxiolitic effects are apparent.

At this point I redose along with 400 mg of l theanine. I must say, fantastic combo. I feel more relaxed/connected/motivated than I have in months. I will continue to redose in the upcoming days. Also, no negative side effects experienced, unlike when I first took noopept. Will report back tomorrow.

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So yesterday I took 750 mg of aniracetam after work. Experienced anxiolitic effects but was sort of irritable. Today I took the same dosage at about 2 pm. Experienced strong anxiolitic effects. Was able to carry on conversation with my mother without the usual severe anxiety/awkwardness. 2 hrs later effects began to wear off so I redosed 750 mg. I am currently experiencing the same anxiolitic effects as before. I was doing some reading today about the mechanism of action of aniracetam and it is believed that the anxiolitic effects that the drug displays are achieved by modulation of serotonin and dopamine receptors. It was also hypothesised that it inderectly effects gaba through another chemical process of which I have forgotten. Also I have noticed an increase in trailing at night and mild increase in positive afterimagery. I am pondering whether I should continue using aniracetam due to this. Although it has caused temporary remission in one of my worst symptoms where It feels like my nose is almost always obstructing my field of vision. I guess the question is, do the positives outweigh the negatives for me? Time will tell I guess. Im going to take a few days to a week off of the aniracetam. I will report back after that.

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Aniracetam works with D2/D3, nACh, and 5-HT2A receptors.  Can't get it in USA yet.  Note that it is a racetam as is Keppra.


I've worked with some nACh meds and don't notice changes with negative afterimages.  But meds that increase the effect of dopamine improve negative afterimages.  This med increases D2 and D3 activities, so that may be the mechanism involved in your improvement.  I find dopamine meds reduce anxiety for me ... but that is not so common outside HPPD/brain injury - perhaps its the whole "cerebral disinhibition" thing.


Cool post ... always glad to get another tool to work with.


Can you buy this without a prescription?  (OTC?)

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Yes you can buy it without a prescription in the usa. I live in connecticut. Actually, after experimenting with aniracetam, I would suggest not trying it. The reason being that after taking it for four days straight it actually worsened my positive and negative afterimages slightly; along with trails as well. Now im just really hoping it goes back to baseline. Maybe this has something to do with the activation of h2a in the brain?

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I have a love-hate relationship with stuff that affects acetylcholine.  Worked with 5 meds: Bendryl, amitriptyline, imipramine, Keppra and benztropine.  They help DR some ... then I take more ... and eventually congnition/coordination/memory starts messing up -- even though the dosage never gets up very much.  Its kind of like chasing a rabbit.


Cool that you can buy the stuff.  I'll keep it in mind.

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