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right Temporo-Parietal Junction

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I'll be looking up articles about this in the coming days, however here's on to start with:


The present study reveals differences in the functional neuroanatomy underlying small and large non-symbolic numerical processing. According to an influential model of the neural basis of visual attention, the right TPJ is involved in an attentional network responsible for stimulus-driven or ‘bottom-up’ control of attention. Our findings are the first to reveal differential engagement of the TPJ in small and large non-symbolic number processing, thereby linking the literature on the neural basis of small and number processing with models of the neurobiology of visual attention. According to Corbetta and Shulman (2002) a stimulus-driven network involving the TPJ is contrasted with a more dorsally located goal-driven or ‘top-down’ network of attention comprised of intraparietal and superior frontal cortex. Consistent with this model, the right TPJ has been found to play a significant role in orienting visual attention to salient, novel or unexpected events, particularly when these events are behaviorally relevant. Greater activation in the TPJ has been found during the presentation of targets relative to the presentation of cues. Furthermore, activation in the TPJ responds most when targets occur at unexpected (invalid) locations and is independent of response selection. Given the sequential presentation of stimuli in the present design and the strong involvement of the TPJ in target detection, it is possible that the observed TPJ activity is driven by the appearance of the second array. For small numerosities, it is plausible that objects in the first array are tagged in parallel while the second display acts like a target which is going to guide the relative magnitude judgment. The TPJ has also been found to respond to changes in the sensory environment, regardless of whether stimulus changes occur in the visual, auditory or somatosensory modalities, suggesting that this region serves to reorient attention to stimuli made salient by their inherent perceptual features. In light of this body of evidence, it has been proposed the TPJ serves as a “circuitbreaker” for ongoing top-down modulated processing that enables reorientation of visual attention to perceptually novel and/or salient stimuli. Consistent with this, the TPJ responds to infrequent (‘oddball’) changes in object identity, location as well as changes in identity.

I'm not going to infer anything from that (yet), but it does seem quite interesting, would you not agree? Despite that it's a math-study and all.. I'll be adding more studies, hopefully a bit more specific to our condition.
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The role of the right temporo-parietal junction in maintaining a coherent sense of one's body [PDF download]

Disruption of rTPJ using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) made the distinction between what may or may not be part of one's body on the basis of multisensory evidence more ambiguous, suggesting that the rTPJ is actively involved in maintaining a coherent sense of one's body, distinct from external, non-corporeal, objects.

I.E. They induced DP by disrupting the rTPJ.. whether this is via inhibition or excitation I've yet to find out.

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Ohh hey this one is interesting:

We report the case of an 84-year-old lady who, after a right temporo-parietal infarction, complained of seeing things smaller than she expected. She also related that straight lines appeared distorted and described seeing colours as if they were a badly mixed assemblage of hues. Her visual field was normal except for a transient left field extinction. No spatial neglect emerged. The patient's micropsia remained unchanged during the course of the six month follow-up.


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