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Hi I've suffered with dp/dr for over 2 years and as of lately it's gotten a lot worse. As its got worse I've noticed these weird sensations whilst my eyes are closed and the only way I can describe it is as if I've stared at a light or as if there is a snow effect if that makes any sense. I've had hazy vision since my dp/dr came about but that was only when my eyes were open. Hope people can help if I've made any sense at all. Thanks guys!


welcome to the world of permanent/semi permanent closed eye visuals. I haven't seen the color black in nearly 14 years, and trying to achieve the ability to close my eyes and see black again has been my life's goal since


if you look at hppd as a collection of issues and not just one distinct condition, then yes, visual distortions tend to be part and parcel to hppd in varying degrees. part of the DR is usually that the world around us gets so distorted and our abilities to distinguish what in our vision is real or "altered" get so damaged, that things stop feeling real. Some people have seen it reduce naturally over time, others like me get some relief with meditation, others like me have had nonstop visuals for yeaaaars (yes i mentioned myself twice there)


my advice is take inventory of your mental space. reaffirm to yourself the things you know are real and the things you know are just an alteration. The more of it you label and seperate mentally, the easier it becomes to ignore it at the least


Hi thanks for the reply! So is hppd and dp/dr separate disorders or is hppd part of dp/dr? I've been suffering for dp/dr for 2 years all the usual symptoms but I'm not sure as of lately I've suffered from these weird sensations whilst my eyes are closed something like a visual snow. My eyesight whilst my eyes were open have always been hazy or distorted since it started but these new symptoms have really got me in a panic. Thanks again!


i would say collection of symptoms more then a single discreet disorder ... someone with hppd can have dp/dr and never once have a visual hallucination... some could be other way around... some get both double fisted.


Alfie88 have you ever taken hallucinogens? Visual distortions are not unheard of with DP/DR.
Contrary to what disguyhere said, for someone to have HPPD they must have visual distortions, whether they be mild or severe in nature.
Also, HPPD is caused by past hallucinogen use, or in rare cases by exposure to obscure and toxic chemicals.
With what you've described, this would be a case of DP/DR and not HPPD.
I'd suggest you check over at dpselfhelp.com and you'll find that many experience visual abnormalities.
You may also want to check thosewithvisualsnow.yuku.com, as visual snow isn't solely exclusive to HPPD.
Nonetheless, all the best.


my mistake.. from some of the posters on here my assumption was that they regarded the collection of dp/dr symptoms as being hppd, with or without the visuals. they've all been part and parcel for me, but i can see how where some people who experience minimal visuals on psychedelics to begin with could mix dp/dr and hppd up. 


they all come back to brain chemistry either way.. and i hope whatever you choose to do, alfie, you're able to identify and treat your problems. 


Yeah, wasn't trying to be a nitpicker or anything. It's just that I've seen individuals come here with either DP/DR or Anxiety who are not sure whether they have HPPD. HPPD and DP/DR can seem quite similar on paper, yet they are different. And anxiety can lead people to be a bit hypochondrial about things. Which is fine, as we're all here to help, and it can be relieving for someone to find out they don't have HPPD I would presume. However, often there are other forums where they can find more adequate help than from us HPPD'ers, despite that many of us have these symptoms co-morbidly. Yes we may relate, but this is not the best place for such people to get support. Also, wouldn't want anyone thinking they have HPPD without actually having it! It is after all largely self-diagnosed. Even if there's an official diagnosis; it's just the doctor that goes: "Yep, you've described HPPD. Check."

Alfie88: I'd also suggest the Longecity forums if you're considering nutraceuticals/pharmaceuticals to mitigate your issues. They're generally quite knowledgeable about those things. In the meantime you might want to try Magnesium for your visual snow (check Longecity for further details). There have been several reports both here and on the visual snow forum of Magnesium reducing visual snow (personally Magnesium Malate powder helps me relax, helps my digestion, makes me feel like I'm potion-maker when I mix it up, and I like the sour taste.. and sometimes I think it's visually beneficial but my symptoms are pretty batshit and have pretty much a life of their own). Anyways mate, best of luck!


i gotta wonder if somewhere in the world there is a wonder plant like iboga (ibocaine) functions as for heroine addicts, where it resets their systems giving them a chance to heal properly without months/years of medication. you could almost almost imagine salvia could be something akin to that. It's so unlike traditional hallucinogens that get us into this mess, that the few times I've gone all out with it, i imagine if i didnt follow that up with more psychedelics, i could have lived the rest of my life without any of the side effects i have now. it was that hard of a reset switch for me. but at the same time, salvia typically pushes its users to take it deeper rather then to stop reflect and reset. until you have that monster of a disconnected reality experience and it scares you from ever touching anything again in your life. until the next time you do ...


i'm rambling arent i... friend mentioned salvia earlier in the week and it's been on my mind since :\


Ehm.. can't really make sense of what you're saying there, but I just woke up as a co-factor. I tried both Salvia and Iboga post-HPPD. Both aren't the best ideas, though I'd say go with low-strength Salvia is you really must choose one or the other. I did some post-HPPD.. just gave me the tickles, the giggles, and then I had brainfog. Nothing too bad. I too was tempted by the "brain-reset" claims. To be honest I just had a pretty scary trip, and I was an idiot for doing it in a place where I already didn't have the fondest memories of, with a person I don't trust. Stupid, stupid, desperate. Neither of these helped IME, though I still hold the "well substances got me like this, so it's likely the right substance can fix this" train of thought. Just a bit more cautious now I suppose. Either way, tripping is never the best idea if you don't feel 100%.


You mean tripping isn't always a good idea??? ;) but yeah that's why I only wished it could have been the miracle thing.. But honestly after the Gupta special last night it wouldn't surprise me if the answer was under our noses all along in the form of low thc herb.. Super CBD saturated. It helps with epilepsy and many other neurological diseases.. Maybe sans the ridiculously high thc levels modern herb has it could be helpful for some of us


^ Yep I'd smoke that for sure! If the THC levels are negligible and CBD levels are high, that is. You can get pure CBD from various sources, but afaik it's quite expensive alas.. And the bastards don't ship to the Netherlands! How ridiculous is that, right? :P


Hi thanks for the reply! So is hppd and dp/dr separate disorders or is hppd part of dp/dr? I've been suffering for dp/dr for 2 years all the usual symptoms but I'm not sure as of lately I've suffered from these weird sensations whilst my eyes are closed something like a visual snow. My eyesight whilst my eyes were open have always been hazy or distorted since it started but these new symptoms have really got me in a panic. Thanks again!

They're not neccesarily (spelling) related, i've heard more about dp/dr coming with hppd than vice verca but don't worry, live healthy and it'll probably pass. I've had it for two years, hppd that is, i got rid of dp/dr fairly early. And i have myself to blame since i'm not a healthy person haha.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi thanks for the replys guys! My dp/dr was induced by MDMA 2 years ago but I didn't learn my lesson there a year later I thought it would be ok to take some whilst on a night out thinking that once it had surfaced it couldn't get worse.

I was so wrong my dp/dr is so severe now it affects every aspect of my life I'm hoping it either calms down abit or I start to get use to things at this level. But since my dp/dr has gotten worse I'm now experiencing these closed eye visuals.

Which has got me thinking could I be suffering from hppd aswell now?

Thanks again guys!


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