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Just wanna notify this. On the old board a person claimed to use meditation to completely remit his symptoms. It was an intense meditation.

I have heard this before about other people as well but more as a hearsay.

I tried this myself as well, what is called mindfulness meditation. I am not talking bout a religious regime.

When i did it, about a year ago with guidance, i was doing it for about 15 minutes.

I was really weird in the beginning and a lot of things was popping up both visual and mentally.

But then i went completely calm and my mind started working slowly and i was really fine for some hours. I did experience some nausea.

Too bad i did it while on medication and the symptoms came back just after a couple of hours. My medication didn't work properly for two months either.

Now, since i am on medication that makes me symptom free and the problem with meditation and meds i have not tried this anymore.

I do not wanna encourage to do this on your own nor while on meds. But since meditation, not just relaxing meditation, but intense focused mindfulness with guidance from a proper teacher and not some random self acclaimed Guru or whatever, possible could help with HPPD.

Its a strong neurological process if done right. If i can get off the meds i will probably try this during a longer period together with my diet.

Wanna ad that it is possible to get underlying psychological progresses that you might now about or even unaware of and it is important that you know how to treat it if comes up.

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Just wanna notify this. On the old board a person claimed to use meditation to completely remit his symptoms. It was an intense meditation.

I have heard this before about other people as well but more as a hearsay.

I tried this myself as well, what is called mindfulness meditation. I am not talking bout a religious regime.

When i did it, about a year ago with guidance, i was doing it for about 15 minutes.

I was really weird in the beginning and a lot of things was popping up both visual and mentally.

But then i went completely calm and my mind started working slowly and i was really fine for some hours. I did experience some nausea.

Too bad i did it while on medication and the symptoms came back just after a couple of hours. My medication didn't work properly for two months either.

Now, since i am on medication that makes me symptom free and the problem with meditation and meds i have not tried this anymore.

I do not wanna encourage to do this on your own nor while on meds. But since meditation, not just relaxing meditation, but intense focused mindfulness with guidance from a proper teacher and not some random self acclaimed Guru or whatever, possible could help with HPPD.

Its a strong neurological process if done right. If i can get off the meds i will probably try this during a longer period together with my diet.

Wanna ad that it is possible to get underlying psychological progresses that you might now about or even unaware of and it is important that you know how to treat it if comes up.

Hi Merkan,

I believe the poster you are referring to is myself.

I was describing my experience of going on a 10 day meditation retreat. It is called Vipassana - 'Insight' meditation. Much better than me describing it, please google it and read the literature on it available.

To sum, it is a 10 day silent retreat and you literally spend all day practicing the technique. It is non-religious. I can safely say it was the most profound and valuable experience of my entire life, beyond any psychedelic experience. Of particular note is what I believe is the extraordinary potential this technique has for **totally resolving** emotional trauma, addiction etc.

A big thing to note is that I dont think much value can be taken from it initially by practicing 30 mins a day etc. A full 10 days is the minimum required for deep insights into the self etc.

As for my symptoms, some still remain and I will remind everyone that 2-ci, LSD, and MDMA were the trigger for mine so I had 'proper hppd' (i am being ironic) as there is still controversy over cannabis ppd. However, I literally am 100% cured of the disorder. I live a fuller life than ever before, and am easily coping with high-stress situations that I thought would forever be beyond me.

The neurobiology is interesting but I spend no time anymore researching it. For sure, there were some lasting perceptual changes, but I see them as a learned response which would be quite fruitless to expect them to revert to what they were. To repeat for those discouraged: there are still differences but I only notice them when someone flashes a torch into my eyes or i look at the sun etc. and when I do it is with a smile.

I speak for myself now: hppd is 95% psychological. for me it was similar to ptsd with perceptual changes. the mind is INCREDIBLY powerful, but you CAN take control over it. The myriad of physical symptoms, DP/DR, depression, i had it all. It went away gradually after I had resolved my traumas on the retreat. My fatigue was so bad a year ago i couldnt play soccer, now I am playing 90 mins for my college team.

I could go on and on, and i am willing to answer any questions. Some people like to vacate the forum when they are better, but I'll pop in because for me now hppd has lost its teeth. It has paled into insignificance, and I can be around it as much as needs be.

Sorry if i come across as douchey, but I'm trying to open people's eyes to the possibilities they have. The thing to note is that it is impossible to intellectualize or 'think' your way out of traumas or emotional issues. You need to allow the subconscious to heal, which is what the meditation retreat enabled me to do.

I'll end on a cheesy note: everyone is 10 days away from the release of the pain and suffering of hppd. I urge everyone to take a chance.

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Hi Fitch

Its great that you found a solution to help heal your hppd. I tried the vipassana retreat whilst travelling in Thailand last year hoping it would help and I found it too hard with my hppd to focus on it and I ended up leaving after 4 days. Hppd seems to have screwed up my thinking whereby my thoughts are racing all day. Did you find this was a battle for you also?

Hppd is a broard term which probably encompasses many similar but slightly differing brain malfunctions amongst us, perhaps you were lucky in that vipassana healed your particular case. I wish I could have stuck it out longer, I didn't get far enough to discover the real wisdom.

Could you summarise what the process made you understand and how that allowed you to heal your subconscious?


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Hi Fitch

Its great that you found a solution to help heal your hppd. I tried the vipassana retreat whilst travelling in Thailand last year hoping it would help and I found it too hard with my hppd to focus on it and I ended up leaving after 4 days. Hppd seems to have screwed up my thinking whereby my thoughts are racing all day. Did you find this was a battle for you also?

Hppd is a broard term which probably encompasses many similar but slightly differing brain malfunctions amongst us, perhaps you were lucky in that vipassana healed your particular case. I wish I could have stuck it out longer, I didn't get far enough to discover the real wisdom.

Could you summarise what the process made you understand and how that allowed you to heal your subconscious?


hey dude,

first, congrats on starting the retreat and sorry that you ran into difficulties. wow, i'm pretty tired right now but i've seen your post and will reply properly tomorrow. what i will say is yes, it is incredibly hard and even more so with hppd. i will try to find a document which scientifically explains the various stages of vipassana meditation and the myriad of difficulties which crop up. basically you have to in a way 'submit' to the technique and stay the ten days. I was desperate when i did it, everything i had read said 'make sure you do not leave before the ten days' so i set myself that challenge. I can imagine how frustrating it is to have left early. ok bed will say more tomorrow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey dude,

first, congrats on starting the retreat and sorry that you ran into difficulties. wow, i'm pretty tired right now but i've seen your post and will reply properly tomorrow. what i will say is yes, it is incredibly hard and even more so with hppd. i will try to find a document which scientifically explains the various stages of vipassana meditation and the myriad of difficulties which crop up. basically you have to in a way 'submit' to the technique and stay the ten days. I was desperate when i did it, everything i had read said 'make sure you do not leave before the ten days' so i set myself that challenge. I can imagine how frustrating it is to have left early. ok bed will say more tomorrow.

Have you been able to find that document?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Dear fitch, thanks a lot for share your experience. Since i have (or think i dont know) hppd i was looking for some meditation technique to help with the hppd.

Most of the people (and myself) try to fix this with pills, ssri or other drugs. Like you, the problem is phsycological, i think and i hope.

In my country there's a place were i can join the Vipassana meditation. I will start yoga as well and i try to left the clonazepam and start to another medication non-addictive.

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  • 4 months later...

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