onedayillsailagain Posted May 12, 2013 Report Posted May 12, 2013 Hello!I can't believe I've been having HPPD for 1,5 years and never even thought of googling whether there's a specialist in Holland. And I never really did. I just did a search on 'hppd'... Via a Dutch bodybuilding forum I got linked to the "drugsinfoteam".Seriously! That I didn't think of it before! I feel so stupid.Anyway, apparantly there's a "Medical Consultation Hour for Partydrugs".I've translated the text to English, please read the second quotes for English. INFO MEDISCH SPREEKUUR PARTYDRUGSRegelmatig kloppen er mensen aan bij Brijder Verslavingszorg die hardnekkige, medische klachten hebben na gebruik van drugs (inclusief partydrugs en blowen). Brijder verslavingszorg startte daarom enkele jaren geleden een landelijk medisch spreekuur in Haarlem. De behandeling is in veel gevallen succesvol. Klachten door partydrugsVeel door drugs veroorzaakte klachten gaan vanzelf voorbij. Dit is echter niet altijd het geval. In ernstige gevallen kunnen de klachten zelfs jaren duren. Medische en/of psychische behandeling is dan noodzakelijk. XTC is meestal de aanleiding voor het ontstaan van de klachten, maar alle hallucinogenen (paddo's, cannabis, LSD) kunnen het veroorzaken. Meestal is er een bad-trip aan voorafgegaan en meestal zijn er meerdere middelen tegelijk gebruikt. Voorbeelden van dit soort klachten zijn: angst, paniek, depressie, gevoel dat de wereld "vreemd" is (derealisatie), gevoel alsof je je eigen lichaam als vreemd ervaart (depersonalisatie) en HPPD. Dit betekent Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder en staat voor problemen bij het zien: visual snow ( sneeuwbeelden), nabeelden, trillende beelden en floaters zien zijn voorbeelden die storend kunen zijn. Verder komt voor: slechte concentratie en verminderd geheugen, klachten in het hoofd (schokken, duizelingen, gevoel dat de hersens schrompelen, gevoel dat er lucht in je hoofd zit). Men heeft last van vermoeidheid. Soms wordt genoemd: minder gevoel in de huid (gevoel van tweede huid waardoor je minder gevoel hebt), kramp in de spieren, trillingen, en stijfheid. Translation: INFO MEDical consultation hour PARTYDRUGSFrequently people knock on the door at Brijder Addiction Care, who have severe medical issues after using drugs (partydrugs and weed included). Brijder Addiction Care began having national medical consultation hours in Haarlem because of this. The treatment is succesful in many cases. Complaints caused by partydrugsMany drug-induced complaints dissipate over time. However this is not always the case. In severe cases the problems can last for years. Medical and/or psychic treatment is then necessary. XTC is usually the catalyst for the acquiring of these complaints, but all hallucinogens (mushrooms, cannabis, LSD) can cause this. Usually a bad-trip initiated the acquiring of these complaints, and usually several drugs have been used simultanuously. Examples of these complaints are: fear, panic, depression, feeling the world is "strange" (derealization), feeling as if your own body is strange (depersonalization), and HPPD. This means Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, and encompasses visual problems: visual snow (snow images), after-images, vibrating images, and seeing floaters, are examples that can be troublesome. Other symptoms that are common include: bad concentration and lessened memory, complaints in the head (shakes, vertigo, feeling the brains are shriveling, feeling there's air in your head). Fatigue is also common. Sometimes people report: less feeling of the skin (feeling of a second skin causing less feeling), muscle cramps, tremors and stiffness. The following is quoted from: Problemen met zichtEr zijn meldingen van gebruikers die langdurig last houden van afwijkingen bij het zien (HPPD). Zij zien zeer storende afwijkingen in kleur, vorm, beweging, contrast, bewegende deeltjes in je beeld enzovoort. Er zijn enkele aanwijzingen dat mensen met 'bad trips' meer kans hebben op ontstaan van deze verschijnselen. Er is nog veel onbekend over de mate waarin deze afwijkingen optreden en de omstandigheden waaronder dit gebeurt. Medische behandeling is mogelijk, maar veel artsen herkennen deze aandoening niet. Translation: Problems with visionThere are reports of (drug)users who experience lengthy distortions of their vision (HPPD). They see very troublesome distortions in color, shape, movement, contrast, moving parts in their visual field, etc. There are few clues that people with "bad-trips" are more prone to acquiring these distortions. Up to date there is not much known about the magnitude of which these abnormalities occur and the conditions in which these happen. Medical treatment is possible, but many doctors don't recognize this disorder. Again.. How the hell did I overlook this? What? Does not compute. Well I found it now, right?!Anyway I'm glad to find that there is some sort of "expertise" with HPPD in this country.I'll be making a phonecall soon, and see if I can make an appointment. Feeling somewhat releived to know this, albeit not knowing the extent of there helpfulness yet.At least there are people who have experience with HPPD!!! My day can't get any better.I hope that by posting this, current, and future HPPD sufferers in the Netherlands (and surrounding countries perhaps) will be able to get acute help with their HPPD.May you all be well
Lallo Posted July 25, 2017 Report Posted July 25, 2017 I know this topic is old but I would like to see if you ever got in Contact with this doctor and if amy medication was given to you and has it helped you? I'm living not far from the netherlands and I would gladly travel to meet a doctor that is familiar with this condition and can offer help. I've had HPPD symptoms for about 8 months and it's getting a lot better. However I'm hoping that maybe medication could give me a boost in the recovery process.
umit Posted August 8, 2017 Report Posted August 8, 2017 I post about this 4 years ago and i had contact with this doc buth i was noth convinced that he can help me so just skipped for my self Doc name still remember: gerard allerliefste
Ming Xiao Posted January 30, 2018 Report Posted January 30, 2018 Can you guys reccomend me good psychiatrist in Netherlands?
Joseph C. Posted February 28, 2018 Report Posted February 28, 2018 (edited) Crepitent du tangibles seulement qu oh demeurons consumait il. Lassitude moi ils souvenirs causaient fillettes troupeaux. Edited April 23, 2022 by Joseph C.
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