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If i move my head right or if something is bright and moves to the right with my head still it produces an afterimage. Just relized that i have afterimages in my left eye, but they were hidden in the very right corner by my nose. Hppd seems to have different symtoms for everyone but with the one common symtom which is snowy vision. So could this be an oddball symtom of hppd.


If i move my head right or if something is bright and moves to the right with my head still it produces an afterimage. Just relized that i have afterimages in my left eye, but they were hidden in the very right corner by my nose. Hppd seems to have different symtoms for everyone but with the one common symtom which is snowy vision. So could this be an oddball symtom of hppd.

Not everyone gets static. I just wrote a lenghthy response but it got lost. It explained th 3 episodes I had and noe have for the longest time. I did not have static the first to times. I had static develop this time and it dveloped 1 1/2 years after the initial symptoms occurred. And now I also have years of tinnitus which happened over a year after the static.

The afterimage only to the right is unusual. Maybe you are oriented to that side and notice it more. All docs say tha if it is in both eyes then it is in the cns, the brain, otherwise it can be in the particular eye and connecting nerves.


I usually only get static (snowy vision) at night. But I never really developed tinnitus until I started on high doses of klonopin. Now I feel like I have to pop my ears all the time for my ears to not beep so loud. It's all so confusing I just try not to think about it!


I do get a long lasting afterimage if the the object i am looking at is really bright and everything else is dark. Regardless of where it is or what eye.


Some bit of hope. My after images diminished very much. The LED lights and trails are still very strong.

HPPD + other comorbid issues seemed to cause my static (night time only, day it is like a vibration) and the constant ringing in the ears.

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