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Posts posted by balance

  1. Has anyone had any expirience with this drug while having hppd? I cannot seem to find much info about it in regards to HPPD. I don't think this drug would affect HPPD but maybe just increase the awareness of it while on it, like most stimulants.

    I am not looking at this as a possible medication, I am just curious.

  2. Opiates like Oxycodone, codeine, morphine.. etc are fine, as long as you have a prescription so obviously no one here can tell you to go ahead and take it but yes this drug will most likely not affect your symptoms and if it were I would strongly think placebo effect.

    Oxy and codeine lessen my dp/dr and make me feel more normal.

    I would rather not mess around with opiates though, tolerance has already built and I can pretty much not touch them without a mammoth dose, I don't like this, so In my opinion, unless you are suffering severe pain, stay clear.

  3. I think that jerking my neck and straining my neck is self explanitory. And anyone should be able to figure what that means when saying jerking and straining my neck in relation to hiking.

    I will try to make it clearer for you. You have heard of whiplash? It happens often to people who are in a car and are hit by another car in the back. The impact causes the person in the car to thrust the neck forward and snap back. That is also called jerking the neck.

    I was hiking down the mountain on a steep rocky path that wasn't really a path and my neck kept jerking forward and back from coming down on the uneven rocky path. My neck muscles also strained by trying to keep it strainght and keep it from jerking forward and back (Note:I am not saying that I got whiplash from jerking my neck but maybe I did). I had alot of pain and muscular tension for a long while after that, especially in the neck. The nerves in the back of the neck(and there are many) were bruised in a way from the motion and tension. Also the blood vessels in the back of the neck would have been constricted.

    When I corresponded with Dr. Lerner, he told me that in his experience, pressure either on the neck or eyes has triggered or retriggered HPPD symptoms.

    I hope this clears this up to your understanding because I do not know how to explain it further.

    I can see a link with a chemical cause in regards to something physical cause like a neck problem, my migraines manifested from blows to the head, my first one was when I was about 8 or around that age, I was kicked in the back of the head with a steel cap boot (accidental) and it caused a migraine, I didn't have any again until high school around age 16 I was hit in the back of the head with one of those yoga balls and made my head whiplash which from then on migraines started only one or two a year though but they were extremly intense. Now I know migraines seem to have many differen't causes whether it be chemical or physical but I started feeling 'strange' around that time, which I figured must have been the start of anxiety and depersonalization which was before I started taking drugs, I started taking mushrooms then smoking cannabis which incread the 'strange' feeling.

    Until reading your post I had never thought of it like this, I always thought it would had to of been one 'thing' that cause my symptoms, I think the manifestation of migraine along with taking psychadelics later on down the track is more probable than just one cause.

    Sorry to go off topic here.

  4. I'll talk to my doctors to get a recipe for Melatonin, then I'll get a good brand from the national pharmacy.

    So there's a lot of fake Melatonin out there?

    I don't think there is fake melatonin, not something I think they would be able to get away with, I think it is the quality that makes the difference in how it works and makes you feel.

    I used melatonin once, I did not sleep at all, although I did lay there for the whole night feeling as if I was getting some sort of sleep while being awake, it was weird, it's like the melatonin compenstated for the sleep I wasn't getting, but when I got up I still felt like I had no sleep, I have never tried it again.

  5. Some may disagree with me on this and although I dont use anymore myself, certain strains of marijauna are very effective for inducing sleep. Too much disrupts sleep cycles but a few doses or "hits" before bed usually does the trick. I know most people's lifestyle, epecially if they're afflicted with HPPD, cannot allow this.

    One example of how this can work without swallowing somewhat dangerous pills for sleep everynight is that my friend was diagnosed with insomnia in 7th grade and had been taking anti-psychaotics just to induce SLEEP. After he started smoking at night before bed (he doesn't do it at any other time during the day) he has been able to stop taking the AP's and has never had a problem with insomnia since.

    I personally can't use cannabis because of my anxiety, I think if I were able to smoke enough and I could relax and the negatives would dissapear but after my last expirience I don't even want to try.

    I have been reading about "Cannabidiol" one of the active components of cannabis, and what I have been reading sounds interesting, I don't know if it could benefit HPPD but I do think anxiety could be treated with it effectively without the side effects you would get from the THC.


    " “CBD and the Neural Correlates of Anxiety,” by Jose Alexandre Crippa and colleagues at King’s College, London, and the Universidade de Sao Paulo. They measured blood flow in various parts of the brain as subjects viewed upsetting images and found that those who had been given an oral dose of CBD had markedly reduced responses."

    I don't know if this is something you could even purchase (legally/illegally) but this is something I'd be interested in trying as I can't say I am a big fan of the effects of cannabis (I've had some good times on it though, I will admit)

  6. I understand your point and it is a good one and I think it is a thought that goes through a lot of peoples heads when they are suffering, I know it is true for my self at least.

    Think of it like this, you see these third world countires with horrible conditions but you see the people happy and laughing, it may not seem as comfortable as what some other people are living in but just because they are in bad conditions (that is the opinion of people usally living comfortablly) Now think of someone who is living comfortabally but is severly depressed and suicidal, do these people have a better life?

    While I'm not personally depressed/suicidal anymore, I did talk to a friend about it and it got them angry telling me it is selfish and this and that which I replied along the line of having to find something everyday to stop me from doing it, they then said "there are people that have it worse than you" which really means "you're suffering doesn't matter because you are living comfortable"

    Suffering is in the mind and while the enviromental conditions do have an impact you will always here of people living good lives under extreme circumstances. Sure, you could give me a billion dollars and I could have everything I wanted, but that doesn't get rid of the suffering.

    I also think its weird when people justify their suffering because someone else has it worse off, sure it's good to know you're not the only one going through something but saying it's okay because someone else has it worse strikes me as very weird, it makes me want to help these people rather than using it as a comfort.

    Sorry, went on a bit of a rant lol.

  7. I don't think anyone can really answer this clearly, reason being is people symptoms can develop differently than others, some had symptoms right after tripping and they never went away, where as I have no idea what caused mine as they slowly built up over time.

    If they aren't affecting your life and they aren't worrying you then you should just ignore them and get back on with your life because most people will say that thinking about them can make them worse (If only a lot of us knew this from the start)

    But with regards to HPPD I don't think you have it in the true sense, I have read of many people getting simalir HPPD like symptoms and after abstinence from psychadelics there symptoms dissapeared after a few weeks or months. So my advice would be to stop all psychadelics, even stop smoking cannabis if you do and just don't think about HPPD and get back on nwith your life and chances are your symptoms will just fade.

    Good luck!

  8. Was your absence from work due to your HPPD? (If you don't mind me asking)

    I've been okay, just taking it as it comes I guess, I haven't been able to work or even drive for the past year so I guess I can say I've ben doing the same thing for the past year, just trying to get my life back on track, staying optimistic at least.

    Have an appointment in a month with one of the higher up neurologists here in Australia, so looking foward that!

    And yeah hopefully the forums start getting back on track again soon!

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