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Posts posted by alisa

  1. I guess I just would like to know how others lives are effected by Hppd. I've had it for about a year and I'm still adjusting. Very glad this site is up again, because it's the only place I have found people who understand. The biggest change has been not being able to drive whatsoever. That is due to perceptual as well as visual stuff. But the hardest part is people have no idea what this stuff is like and I've stopped trying to explain, which works out a lot better. I have such a hard time connecting with people, but I'll never stop trying. I've discovered that hugs and some physical contact helps. I can no longer tolerate loud and angry people or a lot of drama so my circle of friends is getting smaller, but that's ok. I have a sadness too for friends I've had in the past who I'm sure had this, but were misdiagnosed and there lives were ruined as they were given a severe diagnosis like schizophrenia and became institutionalized. So while this is very hard I'm still grateful for the science that has identified this problem and may very well figure this out. I would love to hear from anyone about their experience living life with Hppd. Alisa

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  2. This is very interesting as I fit 2 of the rare phenomena associated with the subject having recurrence after 20 yrs with no drug use. I presented with abnormal visual fields and my symptoms began following surgery with general anesthesia. This is a great relief to know, because several MDs decided it was purely psychosomatic. Very glad they are doing these studies. Alisa

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  3. Hi Benny, Thanks for sharing your story. I know it can be hard to write it all down because when I do it sounds crazy, but believe me it doesn't sound crazy to me at all. And as you can see sometimes I write these long sentences where everything just runs together. My experience was with LSD in the late 1960s and I have a son your age, but even though I'm a lot older I can relate so much. I also did the MDA thing, too. Pot did weird things to me too even before LSD. It was kind of fun at first, but I often got scared and paranoid. My friends would all be having fun and I would develop this weird anxiety. Sounds like you are finding a simpler life style that I'm learning too is one of the keys to coping with Hppd. Also just knowing others can relate helps too. Take care Alisa

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