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  1. Youre symptoms now describe me for the last two years. Its like I wouldve written this myself... Just two weeks ago I was hospitalized with ulcerstive colitis, servere kind. I was put on 3 different antibiotics, predisone IV, blood thinners, tramadol and Sobril. What I noticed during the treatmeant was that of course my visuals away, I had no tunnel vision anymore, floating feeling in ny body disappeared, I got my saliva back, my eyes didnt hurt and they turned white again, suddenly I could handle light without using shades, I suddenly had the ability to think clearly and not struggled with finding words when I type. Iknow whats responsible for calming the visuals and its the the Sobril, Ive used that and valium earlier to calm it down. I felt normal again. But the redness in the eyes that cleared and didnt feel the need to use syntethic years anymore, and the saliva that I got back got me thinking. I'm gonna discuss it with my doctor when hes back what could be the cause of this. After I was released from the hospital every single symptom is back. They cut me off tramadol, Sobril, blood thinners and the antibiotics. I feel like shit everyday, it comes in waves troughout the day.. stress has alot to do with it. But I also know that a viral infection can cause your body to stress so I'm questioning if this is hppd or possibly lyme disease. Even tho Ive been tested for lyme disease it can hide well inside the body.
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