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Posts posted by rtcollyer

  1. On 5/13/2021 at 1:54 PM, Advocacy said:

    Hey I have had similar experiences actually to the point that psychedelics made me a hypochondriac. You will convince yourself that you have things going on. Hppd can give you such horrible anxiety that they begin to manifest as real bodily symptoms. Most people don’t know this but anxiety can mimic heart attack symptoms, MS, stroke and twitching and cramping within the body. I’ve seen 2 cardiologists for heart palpitations and 3 heart monitors everything is normal. I’ve seen 2 neurologists and they said it’s very likely anxiety because I’ve had a full body workup on virtually everything. Anxiety can also make you feel as if you are vibrating. Also ask about migraines, as they can mimic neurological symptoms as well. The stress was so bad I’ve been on 3 blood pressure medications for over a year at 20 years old and I am finally starting to feel somewhat better. Your mind is extremely powerful and stress is your body trying to tell you to change something. You have to change. Your going to be okay. Meditate and breath. You got this. 


    11 hours ago, Advocacy said:

    If you have something going on with your heart then follow through with it and speak to cardiologist. There is no guarantee they will find something but if they don’t it may help you feel a little better and cope. Ask them to do a stress test with ekg, heart monitor for 2 weeks and an ultrasound on your heart. If all of those come back normal speak to a counselor about how anxiety can cause these things. Anxiety can be so bad that it can cause extreme rapid heart beat and irregular heart rythm. You have to accept they may not find something but really push that you want it looked into. If they find nothing focus on meditation and coping. It’s going to be okay. Im going through the same thing my friend. I still have palpitations but if they don’t find anything just ignore them and it will be okay. Try to cope when you are going to have a panic attack. I’ve been to the ER many times to with nothing to show for it except extreme blood pressure. 

    No but the thing is I went into the ER and they DID find stuff. I was having an extreme case of atrial fibrillation that couldn’t be stopped with medication so they had to put me to sleep and use the AED on me to shock my heart back into a normal rhythm. It’s not just palpitations or fast or panic attack stuff, this is real heart atrial fibrillation. At age 24 😭

  2. Hello! I am only just beginning to understand that I have HPPD, and even so I’m still not convinced 100% that I have it. About four years ago I probably did around 10 trips of acid within a year. Since then I’ve probably tripped 5 times.

    One of the biggest changes over the past year or two is developing symptoms of neuropathy, muscular things, and other nerve related symptoms. These include things like pins and needles in the hands and feet, strange sensations across my face, near constant muscle twitches in at least one part of my body, shaking in my hands, etc. 

    I’m an otherwise healthy 23 year old male with no conditions that can explain these things (diabetes, MS, B12 deficiency, etc. I’ve talked to a neurologist about it, but he basically just said if it gets worse come back in. No help. I’m interested to see if anyone else has had similar symptoms, or knows anything related to nerve damage and psychedelics.

  3. Hello! I’ve only recently began to understand that I have HPPT. And even so I’m still not completely sure if I do. But one of the things that has developed with the rest of my symptoms over the past 2 to 3 years is bad chest pain. it’s not associated with anxiety and it definitely is musculoskeletal. After talking with the doctor I was diagnosed with costochondritis, basically inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs and the sternum. I saw other people talk about connective tissue issues with HPPD. Wonder if it could be something like that.Wonder if it could be something like that.

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