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Posts posted by ShroomInduced

  1. 25 minutes ago, SomebodySomewhere said:

    Why are you interested in trying Sinemet? It's a drug for Parkinsons, but if you do have Parkinsons, I don't know, ask a Doctor.

    Here's a site that lists some possible interactions and side effects: https://www.drugs.com/mtm/sinemet.html

    Since a possible side effect is hallucinations, I have to wonder how well that would work with HPPD.

    If you're interested in taking this in order to treat HPPD, don't. It won't help.

    I found successful reports on this site. People claim that synimet helped with depersonalization. Therefore, I consider this drug as a possible treatment in case I get worse. Hope my symptoms will only get better until they go away. Thank you very much for your answer.

  2. Hello everybody.  Does anyone experience eye shake?  when I try to fall asleep and close my eyes they go crazy.  From that I sleep badly.  Has anyone encountered this symptom?  what helped you?  i am on 2 month hppd.  floaters, mild dp, mild vs.  100 lamotrigine.  Tried kava kava seems to worsen the symptoms.  Please write if you at least heard that someone had a similar symptom.  It doesn't seem to be caused by lamictal, stress, etc.  Thanks everyone.  written using a translator

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