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Posts posted by drone33

  1. My last dose was on Wednesday

    As of now, cognition is almost back to pre-Wellbutrin levels. Not quite yet, but I'd say a 75-80% recovery. Anxiety has also recovered by about 60-65%. Depression had been coming back pre-Wellbutrin change, so I'm mildly depressed but Wellbutrin made it worse. On depression I'd say there's a 60% recovery too.

    Zero percent recovery on visuals. Visual Snow is my only problem at this point, there's no other visual symptoms like tracers, palinopsia, BEFF or anything else. My HPPD had almost been visually cured with most visual symptoms gone, but now visual snow is just as bad as when I first got HPPD. I'm expecting this to reverse, but there's no way to tell.

    Neuropsychological symptoms might improve after you withdraw Wellbutrin, but if visuals are your main issue, don't even dare to take this, because I have no idea when my vision's already made recovery will come back.

  2. The title pretty much says everything. I tried to use a dopamine reuptake inhibitor because I noticed my HPPD is mostly dopaminergic. It was a mistake to try Wellbutrin when I gave this idea to my doctor. My cognition got way worse, as well as my anxiety and OCD. As of now, the symptoms haven't improved much, and the visuals remain the same as when I started the Wellbutrin. Visual snow at full force, when I use to mainly not even notice it before.

    Don't use this shit, ever. Most people don't get much out of it and there's only been one success story: for depression. Not for HPPD. It's pure garbage.

    Hoping to get better these following days, but I'm pretty sure I caused some permanent damage. I can't really tell or predict what will happen.

  3. Hey, I'm going to make another post.

    My main issue, since the very very start, has been cognitive problems due to HPPD. Not really any visuals isssues. A feeling like a rock is stuck inside my head which then makes it difficult to put things into words and even to type. It turns me into a total idiot. I've only seen medications such as Lamictal and Valium helping, as well as dopamine agonists, but just lately it's been getting worse.

    Does anyone here have the same symptoms? If so, how have you managed to get rid of them?

  4. That's it. I'm off Wellbutrin and back to 50mg of amisulpride for dopamine autoreceptor activation and 15mg of Valium.

     Wellbutrin just made my visuals worse, gave me some dizziness, and made me depressed. If things on dopamine are going to work, they should work since the very, very beginning. I've seen only one Wellbutrin success story and the only success the guy got was from his depression. His visual symptoms got worse. Previous to Wellbutrin I was not depressed. Back to drinking coffee too for dopamine upregulation.

  5. Might've been it. I'm back on 15mg and things seem to have stabilized. Other than that, I have a mild depression. When you go back on the benzo dose after going through a slight withdrawal, everything goes back to normal, doesn't it. The HPPD stabilized and went back to how it was before, except for the increased visuals Wellbutrin causes. Wellbutrin is a powerful antidepressant, so I'm expecting it to get rid of my caffeine addiction and to get me back to normal in a few weeks. At the moment, I'm just miserable.

  6. Hey, it's been a while since I haven't posted here, but it seems that my HPPD has been getting worse. I initially got it at the beginning of July 2014, and the first few years were hellish, which were cured with mostly SSRIs, benzos, and Lamictal. 

    At the moment, for some reason, my HPPD, anxiety, and visuals have been getting terribly worse. No changes on depression, which is good, however. 

    I'm currently on Wellbutrin XL 300mg, 15mg Valium, 50mg sertraline (that I plan to switch to Effexor because Effexor was a magic bullet for anxiety and depression), and Lamictal 200mg.

    It seems that during the process of lowering diazepam from 15mg to 13mg my symptoms got worse, and even if I got back to 15mg, the symptoms seem to have persisted. Thankfully I have a semester off college so I can deal with this shit and see if I can "reset" it.

    I started Wellbutrin a bit less than a week ago and I'm at 300mg, after figuring out dopamine might be involved (symptoms improved with caffeine and modafinil, as well as low dose amisulpride). However, the only thnig I've noticed with Wellbutrin so far is sweating and increased anxiety. Cognitively I still feel like there's a sort of log or rock lodged inside my head, that's the symptom that bothers me the most of all, along with the brain fog. Interestingly, I can't take coffee or modafinil anymore or my symptoms go through the roof, where this was the complete opposite before the Wellbutrin. I'm not sure if the effect on dopamine of the Wellbutrin will help with cognition and the brain fog that's usually dopamine-related 

    So, my plan is, stay on my 15mg valium dose, maybe increase my Lamictal dose from 200mg to 300mg, switch from Zoloft to Effexor only after waiting out the Wellbutrin or return to low dose amisulpride.

    I have no idea if any of this is going to help, and my hopes are low, it's the first time HPPD has got worse for me after ages, so I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make it despite my changes. Maybe Wellbutrin makes things worse at first and then makes it better.

    I just wanted to vent and mention my medication, I'm quite worried of going back to square one (pre-benzos, benzos have saved me for 4 years)

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